Is up extra extra
Is up extra extra
$50 for a digital game are you fucking kidding me
required 16 gb of ram...for what purpose.
Can you say ass load of DLC's?
it's got to be a typo. the new guilty gears which run on the same engine don't even require 4gb.
>Pre-Purchase DRAGON BALL FighterZ - Ultimate Edition
Autistic transaction achieve
If Xenoverse is anything to go by i will not be surprised but i guess all the dlc will come in the form of characters instead of costumes because the engine doesn't allow that.
What the fuck are those specs.
Isn't this a 24fps 2D fighting game?
>60 yoorup shekel for base game
>NINETY FIVE for base game+season pass
The fuck? Xenoverse 2 cost less than this.
Autistic transaction
It's okay when Arcjew does it
W-what are you poor goy?
it's $60
it's animated in 24fps but the game runs at 60fps
Anything over $50 sorry
An arcsys game
Which will be irrelevant due to a version/ title update in 6 months. And then again. And again. And again.
>want this game
>see the $110 pack comes with jpn anime music
>want this game even more
Fuck me.. It's a digital only thing too.. Fuck, me..
You need 16 GB of ram to play, wtf.
just download more ram
>The game releases on my birthday
Game looks like ass anyways. Why would you play a 2d dragon ball z when budokai tenkaichi 3 was released 10 years ago and looks better on an emulator?
>fighting games on pc
oh i am laffin