You ARE buying our new console, Xbox One X™, right user?
You ARE buying our new console, Xbox One X™, right user?
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what about the games?
Nope. I just watch game playthroughs on youtube. Don't need to buy any consoles.
>Most powerful console
>Has no games
What could go wrong?
i ll wait for the anthem bundle
Sure. Just as soon as you get an exclusive worth playing.
Pic related.
I'm /ps4pcsnesminiwithaddedgames/ master race.
Of course because I only buy consoles for the sports games EA refuses to port to PC and the Bone X is the best console currently, save your excuses Sony.
Nope. I can get your games I want on my PC and other games on my PS4. Your console is useless.
I am the immortal Iron Fist, enemy of the Hand, defender of K'un L'un
I've masturbated to the thought of her sweaty post-workout gooch. In my dreams they have a pungent musk of sweat and unwiped shit.
I won one from Taco Bell desu. I don't really know what to play on it when I get it.
That's okay user, it's sold out anyway.
xbone is only good for 360 and original xbox games. that says it all about the state of xbone.
It has no games.
>Read it in his voice
End my life
waiting for the X Box One X Box
I wonder how long it will be before Sony releases a new PS. The gap between the new Xbox and the Pro is just too large. I say they announce a new one in 2020 or sooner.
These mid-gen consoles guarantee a longer console cycle than usual. 2020 would be the very earliest imo.
most xbone games go for fucking pennies these days, you can find shit like Sunset Overdrive for like 8 bucks brand new
No, but I'm probably buying an Xbox One S at some point cause they're getting cheap as fuck.
>they're selling them at such a big loss they can't make enough to satisfy even the most retarded faggot
how can other Bluray players even compete
I have close to 100 original xbox games, being able to play them on the xbox one is kind of a compelling selling point for me. Too bad xbox doesn't get all the cool japanese games to satisfy my inner weeb though.
I would buy one if it had literally one game. $190 is nothing, but it needs to have at least one thing to play I can't already play.
name 1 good PS4 exclusive that isn't a port or Bloodborne
Sunset Overdrive
Halo 5/MCC
Rare Replay
Gravity Rush 2.
Yeah but who really wants that? Even with that gap I think game devs are done with these kind of half gaps. I think most games will still default to the PS4 and maybe even Switch as the de facto platform and then everything else on XBX will just be higher rez versions of those games
everything posted you can find for like 10 bucks these days
wow way to ruin a fun meme
>Rare Replay
>OG Xbox/360 BC
I'm good to go.
Yakuza 0
Funny thing is that MS will release a new iteration a year after sony
No, Microsoft is cancer.
He's more forehead than man.
Literally none of that is appealing. And Titanfall is on 360.
>not learning moon and saving 300 bucks
>fuck you if you aren't a sonyslave
lmao. do you shove Sony labeled dildos up your ass?
I really tried to get one through destroying my ass by means of Taco Bell and got nothing. I really wanted one, but I cannot afford it. What ethical, non-cock related things can a wageslave do to get this system?
Gears of War and Forza are better than anything on the Playstation so yea I will be buying a One X when it drops to like $300. Multiplats will also be the best performing and looking on the bone X so there is absolutely no reason for me to ever purchase a Sony product. I'd like a Switch as well but will hold out until that drops in price too.
>when it drops to like $300.
See you in 2020.
But of course. It is the most powerful console out there and can play games even better than a high end pc.
But create more exclusives pls
It is a good price considering it cost, what, $650 for a decent PC? BC doesn't hurt either since you can't play most of those games on a PC.
Purchasing consoles on launch is always stupid because you can always get good deals if you wait a few months. I'll buy when they start selling bundles.
Get a ps4 if you are a weeb, get an xbox if your friends play on it, and get a PC if you are a real gamer
Most of the games seem to hit high-end PC graphic settings, only the frame-rate is gimped at 30fps in most cases. Not bad for a tiny $500 box that fits under your tv.
Of course with Halo 1-5 getting enhancements and Halo 6 being made with the Xbox One X in mind, there is no reason for me not to buy a Xbox One X.
>le real gamer
Jesus Christ are you ever a huge faggot.
I'm hoping that 343 will design Halo 6 so that the only difference between Xbox One X versions and Xbox One versions is resolution, however, this means that the base Xbox One will have a low-res version. I'm kinda fine with that.
Whats up with the guy in the glass reflection
>salty console faggot who slings shit in their shit war for our entertainment
Nah, Xbox doesn't get my weebshit or fightan.
Plus my PC is already stronger.
>here's a bunch of trash games, not even worth 1 dollar, buy the console now!
>be leaf
>only got Xbone for christmas as a teen because I wanted to play Killer Instinct and DR3 and PS4 had nothing good at the time and honestly still really doesn't
>thing mostly collects dust aside from when I played Gears 4 and Halo 5 once or twice
>get 4K TV to replace shitty hand me down I've had for years
>cheapest 4K Blu-Ray player is about $300 leaf bucks
>sell old Xbone to friend and pretty much make up the difference and preorder an Xbone X
>most games on the enhanced list are like 10 to 20 bucks at most
I'm excited desu, PS4's really only good for a weebshit machine at this point now
what games are good to you then? trash like ?
>Crouching Henwick, Hidden Nigger
Nah, looks garbage.
I like:
It all reverts back to form then. Xbox for power, Nintendo for exclusives and Sony for some Japanese games. Makes sense, really.
only if my uncle doesn't give me his old i3 machine
Uncharted 4
Ratchet and Clank
Horizon Zero dawn
Yakuzo 0
The Xbox One X will out sell the PS4 Pro.
And the SNES Classic will out sell them both.
You could probably get enough credit (even from GameStop) for it to get a PS4..
>The gap between the new Xbox and the Pro is just too large
>every game on xbox one x is still 30fps
>still has no first party games unless you're into gears of forza
yeah, nah. 4k minecraft isn't ringing anyone's bell.
>world's most powerful console ever EVER made but all its games run the same as they do on xbone vanilla to maintain parity because half wits will cry about hardware advantages being unfair in a competitive environent (even though this has been the case on pc since the beginning of videogames)
what is the fucking point?
Name 1 generation where most powerful hardware won aside from the one where PS4 won.
>$100 more than Pro
>Can only achieve actual 4K on few titles, multiplats are still gonna be upscaled 4K like Pro
>Same for 60FPS, 30FPS multiplats are gonna be the same on both
I cancelled my Scorpio Edition because I don't want to buy a special edition day one and have it fuck up on day one.
>e-everythings going to be f-fine!!
Play all your 360 games in true 4k
Did it sell out like the switch sold out?
>select resolution
>get lower resolution
>supply 10 consoles
It's sold out guys look at the success.
anyways, the resolution prefers a higher gen res for lower quality - quality the opposite
which literally means you're getting a higher res
>30FPS with drops
Wow you sure proved me wrong
>still trying to rationalize the pro purchase
damn son
I am waiting for Xbox One X Box
Nigger I'm being realistic here, where the fuck does the BoneX stand in the market? The people who want the absolute best will play on PC and people who want a 4K console will just go with Pro being the cheaper alternative since the power difference isn't enough to push people to pay $100 more
Please keep your racism on Sup Forums sony shill.
The Xbone is the only console I can't justify having. Every single worthwhile game that comes out as "EXCLUSIVELY ON XBOX" comes with the asterisk of "and also on Windows 10".
The Windows store might be a tad annoying but that's about the worst of it.
Wow I didn't know that, Holy shit that sucks. but I'm usually never without internet for more than an hour or two and I have Hundreds of games to play on steam and books to read in the mean time.
Is being a Microsoft fan the ultimate torture?
no being an atari fan is
Fuck off nigger
Why would he do that? It's literally 100 more than the pro
Why would I buy a console with less exclusives than the fucking SNES Classic?
>Sunset Overdrive
on PC. also, being mainly an online multiplayer game, fucking obsolete over Titanfall 2 which is also on PC
>Halo 5/MCC
5, sure. MCC, not gonna tell them they did a good job there by buying the game, so no. Plus i've played the older games enough by this point.
>Rare Replay
>N64, OG xbox & 360 still in working condition
>PC also capable of emulating most of those games
so just 2 games for a ~$200 console on sale? I think i'll wait till i can find it $50, used, next gen
For the 2nd best Multiplats at 4K/60 with the best price and ease of use factor.
I already have a PC that can do all that.
What if you don't have a PC?
All Xbone has confirmed for that is Forza 7 and Super Lucky's Tale
Not after my Xbox One died 6 months after the warranty expired. Good thing I have six months of Xbox live left that can't be refunded on top of it. I no longer have any trust in Microsoft console quality.
Being overweight doesn’t make you a real gamer. Now go squeal to your mom for hamburger helper.
if only it has games