>dedbydedgame having to resort to whoring out iconic horror IP's to keep their game afloat
>majority of their userbase barely have the hand/eye coordination to do QTE's
>killers being sadfags about everything
>devs balancing everything around this
>this is considered a (((horror))) game
Canadian developers lmao
I barely play the game anymore. F13 is a lot more fun for both sides.
halloween is fine but its a shame that Freddy only gets this and not the full treatment like F13th/
Just more potential with the dream/ dream warrior elements to be more than just a reskin
F13 still frustrates me with incompetent devs but it's the ideal game for a slasher franchise. DBD has good gameplay but it's bogged down by awful balancing and design decisions.
Are F13fags so desperate that they're actually spinning DbD getting iconic horror movie icons as a bad thing now?
>F13 is fun
It's not a horror game. It's an arcadey game of tag with a horror skin. Nobody beyond 3 hours of play thinks it's a horror game.
Yeah, it's a lot of fun surprising Jason and stunning him, or stalking people and setting up cool kills.
>Doctor runs ebony mori
>Runs ruin and overcharge
>Call him a dick for his tryhard perks and add ons
>"lol you mad you got rekt"
YOu fucking faggot I still pipped doesnt mean
you still arent a tunneling faggot spamming shock therapy
Only plus was he didnt face camp.
Why are you fat burgers so obsessed with Canadians?
It's not a bad thing but DBD really doesn't do them justice. Michael Myers doesn't play at all like I would have thought.
Honestly I just hope that them scooping up all these horror ips doesn't fuck over F13 or other games getting them. Having them wasted on such a shit game would suck.
killers talk shit about survivors being op when you have killers like Doctor and Leatherface, perks like bbq&chili, ruin, no end, etc. Oh lets not forget mori's that allow you to take people out of the game after 1 hook. :thinking:
Doctor just isn't fun to play against.
Its so arcadey they should add wall running at this point to avoid killers
F13 was never going to have anything not from F13 anyway. Michael Myers was in fucking Call of Duty multiplayer and still got to be in DbD, it doesn't matter.
Leatherface is one of the weakest killers. Literally all he can do is punish greedy unhooks and basement camp.
If they ever make a Switch version?
Will Freddy be able to have a Powerglove?
It's less an actual exclusivity and moreso other games forgoing adding them because they don't want to directly compare to a competitor.
>every killer complains that survivors are OP
>canadian devs decide to just make broken perks on the next pay to win killer
>very balance guys just be good goy and buy more dlc
the absolute state of daytards
Doctor is legitimately the most annoying character to play against.
>Haven't even heard the heartbeat yet, just working on a Generator
>Suddenly, you scream out in terror because he's relatively close to you and now he's on your ass
He's not even hard to deal with given all the tools a Survivor has, but he's still not fun to face under any circumstance. Not as aggravatingly horrid to face as Jason, but dear god, he still pisses me off on par with an Insidious Huntress running downing hatchets.
Play killer past rank 15 then.
Kek, I meant Myers.
dbd is one of those games where you either have fun games where the killers isn't an asshat, or you get killers that face camp you 1 minute in. People may complain about game balance but I think when they changed it so killers are rewarded for camping is when things really got out of hand.
>canadians make shit games
>call out canadians for making shit games
Neither does Jason though. Telegrabs are a really shitty bandaid and turns the game into telefrag simulator.
I mean you're right that killers are really strong right now, but Leatherface sucks dude.
Top 3 are Myers, Nurse, and Doctor.
>getting caught out 1 minute in
Definitely the killers fault
>Implying I've bought a single DLC
Stay $40.
Hag is worse
I'd put Hillbilly over Myers because of map pressure, but Myers is likely the one of the most balanced killers despite being good.
>$40 for dedbydaytard
But why does it matter that they're Canadian? Don't Americans have bad developers too? I don't get this meme. We just had a major Canadian success in Cuphead but no one goes around parading it as Canadian either.
Doctor isn't even the best killer, but he's infinitely annoying to play against. If you get unlucky and he spawns beside you, you're going to get madness 3 and put on a hook all within the span of two minutes.
Hag is only bad because her kit promotes camping, doesn't help every killer that plays her sits inside terror radius of hooked survivors to guarantee they can't escape.
No, not really. You can bait out her traps easily enough, coupled with being as slow as Nurse without the quick TP, she's annoying, but not as ball-bustingly annoying as Doc.
>Myers is balanced
Myers is straight up the most broken killer if he has his good add-ons. Being able to have infinite TEW3 and kill everyone without a mori is stupid.
Isn't it $20? I thought F13 was $60?
So how will a standalone Freddy Krueger game work out?
One that isn't the nes version.
>le funi anime girl faec xddd
dbd is one of those games where you either have fun games where the surviviors aren't asshats, or you get surviors that swf and run circles around the map all game will loops and purple flashlights
Never ever goy, you must pay
>$40 plus DLC $$$
for your meme killer
DbD is always $20. Maybe around 13 when it's on sale but the extra killers are seven dollars. Except for Leatherface who's four dollars. Cosmetics is three to four dollars.
F13 has always been $40 and the DLCs are two dollars.
Well for one it can't be assymetrical multiplayer PvP shit like F13.
Whole game belongs in the trash
DbD DLC isn't worth it unless you're a killerfag that needs to play with every new killer that comes out. Wait for a sale where they're all like $3 or something.
>survivors that can't hit me or kill me are too OP
>pls nerf
Friendly reminder bahroo went from rank 20 to rank 1 killer without perks.
Literally git gud.
You feeling alright?
And this is not counting the sale it regularly goes on. Or the fact the DLC Killers can be played as if you get a special Offering from your Blood Web and burn it. Or the fact you can use Shards to buy their unique Perks from the Shrine at no additional cost.
It's a bit on the steep side for the "full package," but it provides orders of magnitude more content as compared to Friday. Some people will prefer one over the other and that's fine, but outright lying about prices is just rude. No (You) for you.
Red lines are cosmetics and sountracks and shit for other games that are irrelevant.
>best thing about the game is it's animation
>4 of it's 5 animators are from the United States
Good argument
Whoops. Just realized I miscounted.
Was talking about a new hypothetical game there faglord, I even low balled the price to
and not the
>muh $60 for iconic IP
Have they fixed the rank reset glitch yet? I know it resets every 13th.
>Survivors are OP, we can't kill them, help us!
Gets Mori perk
>Survivors get away, help us!
Gets Barbeque/Chili to see across map
>Survivors get out, help us!
New Freddy supposed to stop exit gates from opening
Fuckin DbD faggots see no problem with this
For some reason, I thought that response was to this chain of shit: my bad.
You mean the
Nono, they haven't. Data is all saved on your computer and verified through cloud.
And you can disable cloud and still play the game.
Very clever way to do it, but I see right through you.
Stop shilling yourself, eat a bullet
>Just throw the Perks in the Shrine a month later
I mean, you're welcome to beta test the perks for the smart shoppers, thanks.
>Survivors keep hook diving!
>Get Leatherface
I feel like the devs listen to the playerbase too much for their own good.
>bought dedbydayturd
Koreans get hired to animate almost the entirety of Japanese media nowadays, are your Japanese games Korean now?
Shame, I started to enjoy it more when I reached around rank 16 when people actually started working together and the killer didn't just stare at a survivor on a hook. I don't mind the monthly reset but it constantly taking me back to rank twenty whenever I close the game is one of the reasons I barely play it anymore.
>not taiwanese
Do you even know where your chinese cartoons come from??
It's both.
Japan is outsourcing fucking everything these days.
Well, kinda yes and no.
Yes the IP horroring is to keep the game fresh and keep an income.
No in that getting these famous IPs takes alot of work and planning. Further, the studio said when they released the game they would keep releasing new content every few months. They planned this from the beginning.
Don't worry about pips, just play to have fun user
>this is now considered high quality animation in gookland
no killer is worse to play against than a nurse at high ranks
it doesn't help now with bbq/chili she can zip right over to the next person after she gets a hook
When it comes down to it, I'm just glad the old slasher horror movie characters are getting an homage even if it's kinda a shit game.
Where is my boat level?
>hag is good
lmao just run over her shit and she'll never be able to get a gen on the other side of the map
Annoying =/= difficult, user.
A good Nurse is genuinely one of the scariest things in the whole game cause she can rip you to shreds from any range.
Never ever, same with no NYC level
Im sorry you are so butthurt op. Must be a shame to not be able to enjoy anything.
Is F13 dead? 800 players seems fine for 8 player matches, should I get it?
Hey, don't fret, the Dead By Daylight team is slowly expanding their map variety. We have an indoor map now and sooner or later, we'll probably have a proper level taking place on a dock/bunch of boats.
Hopefully with a Creature From the Black Lagoon Killer.
>bait nurse at hill or stairs
>falls under map and insta-win for survivors
Nice game dayturds
>((( )))
Game looks like shit, but also neck yourself
>hag starts chasing a survivor
>start running over where all her traps usually are
>she has to choose between abandoning her first kill and getting set back 2 gens to set up more traps to chase you (which might not even result in a kill) or losing all her traps and being set back for the rest of the game
>all threats she poses are eliminated by pressing one button on keyboard
hag is weak, she needs to start with at least 5 traps pre-placed on the map, she takes so long putting them down normally for how easy they are removed.
When THE FUCK is Freddy dropping
>the Dead By Daylight team
>more IP shilling
Be less obvious with your marketing there McMarketer
I was actually referring to we as a community, but I like your tinfoil hat cause it was a fucking joke, all the DBD maps suck.
>>killers being sadfags about everything
>>devs balancing everything around this
Spotted the SFW survivor babby
It's quite fun and you can always find a game fast. It's not dead, just not super popular.
Been waiting for a way to not have SWF in my games since the first day they implemented it so I'm pretty sure youre just a faggot.
When you give more fucking money
The number of smug faces with "I saved this from other Sup Forums threads in the past 6 months" filenames in this thread is staggering. Are you that desperate for (You)s?
Dayturd on suicide alert
Yeah sounds like a steal for $10 I just want to actually find games
I guess so. Perhaps you'd have better luck in a console war thread.
Really hoping they find a way to replace that.
>dedbydayturd is ded on both consoles as well
No luck there either senpai
Still, in-game content (not counting the dumb cosmetics) is locked until you pay up.
the bug has something to do with quitting games while in progress (alt f4ing) I had it quite a fair bit until i stopped quitting
>bbq & chili isn't worth it
>What is Shrine
>what is rng gambling
>Checking back weekly until the Developers decided a good Perk has been exclusive to buy-fags for long enough is gambling