Neogaf Implosion (qty: 1 thread)

What happened?:

Other urls found in this thread:

Neogaf... Sup Forums... I can't tell who's worse. Both need to fuck off from here.

Shut the fuck up NIGGER

>mods keep deleting the threads despite mook's orders

mods keep deleting the new threads

Fuck off. Neofag and/or Sup Forumstard.

Sup Forums only became an issue when people made it out to be. Saying nigger and being 'edgy' has been apart of this site for years now. It's just reactionary people who are ruining the quality of the board as a whole. It's even worse that people resort to scapegoating and complain about the fact when usually Sup Forums users stay in their own space and there are a ton of falseflaggers looking to get under the skin of a bunch of newfags who want to feel apart of something by complaining about them.

No doubt, Sup Forums has always been shit, but it has always molded to the times. It's more accessible than ever and cross-posters from other sites want to feel apart of the club. It's even worse when you have people who pretend to be from Sup Forums just looking to amass (you)'s and you fags constantly fall for the bait. Trolling used to be an artform and now all you have to do is parrot, mock, or insinuate politics. You've all become soft and I'm ashamed to share the same board with you type of faggots.

This is Bashar al-Assad's bastard son, say something nice about him

The other thread is literally on autosage. Mods are dumb

It's coming back online shortly

>listening to faggot who started adding ads with malware.


Butthurt mods gonna nuke new threads

this is at least your second time posting this verbatim that I've seen.

Kill yourself.

>mooks orders
what orders?

Fuck off back to Sup Forums.

Old thread isn't dead yet dummy

They're incredibly bootyblasted about being publically humiliated by Hiroshima, so are rabidly deleting anything they can whilst still following his ruling.


based gookmoot

Eventually they'll be pruned to one, though I cant blame anons trying to make the OP. Reminds me of better days where "FIRST" was the only thing that annoyed me.

>Mods right now

I can't tell which is which. Both are false flagging the other harder than a black cock surrounded by 5 thicc white bitches

Reminder that NeoGAF was plotting to kill Obsidian moments before the site imploded.

Fuck off back to neogaf

lol no



You said this last thread.
boo hoo. Least Sup Forums isn't in our modding staff.
So I heard Evilore is fixing up NeoGAF, and there's some resturae site being made by former mods.
How long do you think it will last?
Any bets?

oldfag here(2004), Sup Forums has ruined this site irreversibly, there was never anything like the election.

FUCK HIRO for siding with those faggots.

Rules say 1 and only 1 thread. The other thread still hasn't 404'd. You can circlejerk in it until it's finally 404'd.

Reminder that the guy could've had 10 mil for the site and now everything is gone thanks to a single roastie.

You should go back to Sup Forums

Here's the hideous piece of shit that brought NeoGaf down, maybe we owe her a thank you. You can always tell a mindless libtard zombie from the idiotic facial piercings, moronic brain cell killing unnatural hair dye color, "problem" glasses, and Salvation Army hand-me-down clothes.

It speaks volumes that the cuck from NeoGaf was desperate enough to want sex with this ugly thing, but it's not surprising that status signaling male feminists are all pathetic virgin creeps desperate for low-tier pussy.

Thanks for the laughs, political left, it's fun watching these peoples' political party, entertainment industry, and now game sites crash and burn.

Who do you think you're fooling? Where's that screencap with the Sup Forumstards trying to raid Sup Forums when you need it? Autist-kun, please.

>tfw all Sup Forums janitors and mods will be perma banned by hiro

good night sweet prince

Guy makes a move on a girl but backs off and literally nothing happens. Who gives a fuck?

Sup Forums == FAT WHITE GIRL

Sup Forums will win this war

It hit bump limit ages ago

I thought you liked diversity?

>saying nigger and being edggy has always been a part of Sup Forums

Chin up Malka, you can always slay some rebel pussy.

Reminder that they want people to PAY to use ResetERA

Sup Forums here

So Sup Forums , Why you want a civil war?
What do you gain with this?
Do you really want to be the most hated board in all Sup Forums?
Do you want to surpass /soc/?

This. Gook moot fucked them in the arse good.

he's white



Rather gagf over Sup Forums.

technically there were still 2 threads, assblasted mods have itchy trigger fingers



You guys do realize the site isn't even dead and will be back up soon?

Sup Forums BTFO yet again


Sup Forums here

can you guys get an actual high from shitposting because jesus christ

Hope they wipe out the current batch of mods and start fresh.

They don't have our or the site intrest in mind.
they need to go.

Look here, fag

post those classic neogaf moments:

>Sup Forums users stay in their own space


Yeah I remember that sticky too

I forgot what posting on a fast board feels like. Thank you nip moot.

/u/ reporting in.

oh man this is great

But /soc/ is irrelevant and they are for the most part contained.

Taking bets that neogaf was a cp ring behind the scenes and Sup Forums mods banned the topic because they're pedo buddies with the neogaf pedos. PLACE YA BETS! TRIPS WINS IT!

They're already the most hated board.

/vp/ here, I want to die.

Nice fantasy, the janitors mostly care about anything that hurts their democrat feefees while they let porn dumps, gore, e-celeb trash, and pokemon furfaggotry stay up for hours, I'd be ok with them getting booted. The mods are global though, they don't pertain to specific boards.

Get the shower faggots

neogaf was the same way

Even Something Awful told gaf refugees to fuck off.

bugs...easy on the edge


If you people didn't get so much and fall for obvious trolling there would be no issue. You all talk about the sanctity of preserving video game discussion but let Sup Forums threads get tons and tons of replies. Just don't fucking respond or involve yourself if you actually don't care.

NeoGAF was 99% politics and 1% vidya. It won't survive the new rules.

inb4 mods throw have an aneurysm and delete the thread

>There are really anons who think only Sup Forums thinks being trans is a mental illness
Are they really so naive? Lurk more cry babies or fuck off to whatever "safe space" you crawled out

So does this mean game devs will stop pandering to that shithole?

I also think the influx of people that has been going on has helped destroyed this whole site.

Sup Forums

Sup Forums has ruined a lot, but this was actually Hiroshimoot doing something great for a change.
It's clear that the mods need moderation.

I'm pretty sure I just saw this in Sup Forums. Stop posting the same thing over and over again you fag.

>he thinks it isn't dead

And they say rape accusations don't ruin lives.

This jerk apologized when he didn't do anything wrong and damaged the cause. Fuck him.

> Sup Forums is a board for games. Not for game sites.

You played yourself

i thought he was skinny
at least he looked skinny in his PoE portrait

Is this the new "moot allowed us 1 meta thread" threads, where people are just shitposting in?


/d/ here

>Man personally witnessed what happened to the GG schmuck
>Fuck it, what is the worst that could happen


>be Sup Forums
>love cops
>hate mods
explain this

What he did is basically fucking nothing but thanks to their own absurd definitions of rape he is now a rapist. What a time to be alive.

/x/phile here

Give up, Neogaf, you got outed hard today. Time to pack your bags.

"NeoGAF will be back online shortly"

Uh oh

Well yeah that'd work. Racists aren't going to pay money just to shitpost on their forums and it'll severely cut their userbase to only the most loyal, fervent of dumbfucks and hopefully keep them out of the rest of the gaming thinktank in their own little safe space where they can bitch about shit for all eternity.

Now if only there was a place like that for people obsessed with SJW's and jews....