>able to travel to other "worlds"
So, will it have a good post-game this time?
Able to travel to other "worlds"
There is no reason for GF to put in any extra effort or post game because fans complain but still buy the games anyway. And they don't just buy the games, they buy both versions and then the new version. Why the fuck would they waste the time and effort when the games sell anyway?
It was said to have more postgame than Emerald or Platinum, I believe.
Well you can basically do that in the first versions to get the other box legendary. Kinda pointless after that.
>Travel to other worlds!
>It's literally one corridor with a portal at the end that spawns a legendary a la ORAS
Pretty sure that specifically in relation to story content, which USUM is confirmed to have twice as much as the original SM. Though I hope the post game content does rival Emerald, Platinum and Black/White 2.
If it's ruined by cutscenes again I don't care.
I quit this game after the second island challenge, or whatever shit replaced gyms. Does it ever get any better
but ORAS was one of the few games that did post game right
took me a whole month to complete the post game content because some were locked behind specific days or hours
it was fun while it lasted
>timegating is good
honestly kys, ORAS didn't even have battle frontier my dude, shit game.
>but ORAS was one of the few games that did post game right
WHOA there, kiddo.
The amount of legendaries you could catch was good. The way it was done was not.
>battle frontier is good
I guess it's very personal, but the thing I enjoy the most in Pokémon games is catching new stuff and filling the Pokédex, while having a good time travelling new areas to do story segments
battling is just boring, specially when everything depends on who will move first to deal a DoT move/ailment instead actual strategy
Only the darker side of the world
It was stated to be most similar to E vs RS in terms of comparisons to other games in the same region, but yeah nothing in the post game is confirmed except some kind of story content.
Slightly on that topic, I kind of miss when we can get pokemon from events by visiting areas to explore, even if they weren't big and didn't had much purpose outside of the event, like navel rock and new moon island.
>catching new stuff
>in a remake of a game you've probably already caught all of the stuff and spent countless hours in
I mean if you didn't play the original, sure I guess.
But other than that, what's left but battling?
>go through portal
>game detects sun/moon save data
>fight your old team from sun/moon
would be absolutely kino but gamefreak is retarded
>we could hide the legendaries around the world similar to the regi's that would require people to work together and figure it out!
>lol nah force them to use the shitty flying system
They had the perfect opportunity to do this with BW2 but it's as you said.
National Dex, an actual Post-game with stuff from previous generations instead of Tapus and UBs
new stuff doesn't really mean never-seen-before Pokémon, just things you haven't encountered in the game yet. I'd catch the legendary trio from G/S/C 10 times in a row and it would still be fun to do. That's the kind of stuff the first game was missing. I liked how they managed to do it in BW2 and ORAS, because apart from cheap ways to reach them (go to a particular island and press A in front of the Pokémon NPC), there was variety and you felt like accomplishing something.
I... completely disagree, but I guess to each his own then.
Pokefags are worse than MMO cucks. Jesus. Rebuying the same games over and over.
How the fuck would you be able to scan your save data present in ANOTHER cartridge when the system only has 1 slot?
Maybe if the game created an external save file on your SD, but as it is on 3DS currently, it's impossible unless you go digital, which is even more retarded.
and worse, with loot boxes.
Glorious nipponese work ethic is a lot different from Western one, especially in a game house whose key members are near or over 50. Sure, the scene's been going downhill in Japan in the past decade as well, but I find myself able to be a bit optimistic about new releases even though I'm usually a skeptical cunt.
>Have Giratina as a concept - lord of any dimension that isn't time and space
>Introduce non-time and space dimensions
>Giratina isn't lord of it or has anything to do with it
>Have games titled Sun and Moon
>Solrock and Lunatone are completely ignored
>Have Hawaii-like region
>Refuse to utilize an existing hula dancing Pokemon
What are some other fucking stupid designs decisions concerning the newest games?
>That fucking boxart
This is no longer Pokemon, those are basically Digimon. If you disagree you're a bitter nostalgiafag
Is there really any point to spend time on these games knowing that it's the last one for the 3DS and even if you can transfer your Pokemons to the upcoming Switch version GF will make sure you can't use them for online ranked battles?
>Solrock and Lunatone completely ignored
they are exclusives to each game as far as I remember
The most glaring fault is that this QTπ is nowhere to be seen
>"they look like digimon"
people have been saying that since Gen III
"You can't like anything past the original 151 Pokémons, true fans wouldn't accept those Digimon designs"
What are the chances that difficulty keys are reintroduced like in B/W2?
That would make the games more bearable
Isn't she the niece of the granny in Kanto's elite 4?
Anyways, she's cute as fuck and probably underrated.
Game Freak should work on making the main game not a pile of shit before they consider making the post-game better.
Her granny is the one on Mt. Pyre, can't remember other familial relations.
Ah yeah, seems like i mixed that up.