What did he mean by this?
Capcom to be potentially bought out
Weekly Shounen Jump?
Probably WallStreet Journal
Nintendo would be a good company to pick them up, Capcom has some really beloved properties that they've badly mismanaged and has a lot of ties to Nintendo.
Would also be interesting if a company like Valve were to buy them out. That would go a long way towards launching their SteamOS platform since it would give them a foothold in the japanese arcade market where a Linux based gaming OS could gain some ground.
figuratively who
>street fighter and devil may cry becomes Nintendo exclusive
>monhun might never leave Nintendo after world releases
I can only imagine the asshurt that would cause
wallstreet journal is fake news.
I don't see Microsoft buying them out, and doesn't Sony have more money then Nintendo? Why would they let that happen? It's probably just going to be another Atlus case where Sega just buys them.
literally who
what are his credentials?
I'm okay with Nintendo buying Capcom. They gave a lot of respect to Megaman in the Smash crossover.
Also they can outsource IP to different companies.
My hope is PW v PL 2.
Who I am kidding, this has to be fake as fuck.
>source: random fag on twitter
What did OP mean by this?
nintendo should buy the megaman ip and team up with inti creates to make a good and new megaman game
>and doesn't Sony have more money then Nintendo?
Eh, as it is Nintendo is worth more than Sony at the moment.
Any company but Microsoft buying Capcom would be fine because maybe they'd get smacked back into fucking shape
As long as those game get the attention and budget they need, I wouldn't care too much.
Imagine making a thread to promote your shitty twitter.
fuck you dont ruin my thread
Why should I trust a skeleton?
>You can have MHW Sonyfags you'll just be literally paying for more games for Nintendo!
>Hey, remember how you were laughing that the Switch didn't get World? That's the last Monhun game you're ever getting
>What if they get someone to do BoF?
>What about Mahvel!
I'd imagine it'd be like this
>source is Wall Street Journal
>random fag on twitter
Nintendo has let more beloved properties die than probably even EA
>disney buys and guts them
This post reeks of the essence of manchild.
Capcom's market cap is like a billion dollars, Nintendo could have brought them out a while ago, but Capcom execs don't care about the brand or the company, they will sell it's IPs piecemeal to make as much money as they can, the reason why they would do that is because they know that any company that buys Capcom will fire all of them, no other company has been mismanaged as hard as Capcom.
Microsoft can't be them if they wanted to. I think it's because some laws in japan that doesn't allow that. So maybe Bandai Namco?
>source is Wall Street Journal
>doesn't link the actual article
I can only count one.
i dislike nu-nintendo but if them buying out capscum would bring back the breath of fire series for real, I'd buy a switch, but something tells me nintendo would only milk street fighter even harder than capcom has
>disney will make a shiity megaman cartoon/live action film
Any large 3rd party would be a fucking fool not to get all the capcom owned ips.
They are sitting on gold but mismanagement has doomed them.
Also, even though Nintendo could both absolutely afford to buy Capcom and have showed interest in them multiple times in the past they will more than likely just let them go, even if it means Capcom move exclusively to one of their competitors platforms, they could have brought a lot of companies, I'm surprised they never made a bid on Atlus, they could have easily outbid Sega Sammy, but decided not to, for some reason.
Without a link to an actual article WSJ could be anything.
>Source: Waffle Stitched Jerkin
>>disney will make a shiity megaman cartoon
You mean like Capcom is already making?
Nu-Capcom is fucking shit and a complete failure at everything they do. Why would Nintendo buy them?
And this of normalfag
Has Nintendo ever bought another publisher ever?
Most likely Microsoft would buy them and then they'll make Dead Rising forever and no one will buy it.
Hey if they fixed MercurySteam they can fix Capcom.
You reek of the essence of a faggot
no one milks harder than capcom. see street fighter 2
>someone buys capcom
>decides to finish and release mega man legends 3
>They ruin it
I heard of this happening last year and nothing came of it
What happens when the IP killer of devs gets bought out by the IP killer of console manufacturers, Sony? 3rd person open world SJW street fighter?
Holy fuck Nintendo really is going to buy Capcom, aren't they?
Not THE boneless skeleton? Well, no room for debate, then.
no they totally fucking would, but I doubt capcom is going to be bought out by nintendo considering how much money they make off monhun and fucking street fighter in japan alone.
3rd person open world SJW Monster Hunter
Oh wait
>Makes twitter post.
>Makes post on Sup Forums about his own twitter post.
>WSJ in reverse is SJW
>Sup Forums believe them
Street fighter v arcade edition is looking great, monster hunter world is looking great and even mvci can make a comeback.
From Street Fighter? Maybe last gen.
MHW will bankrupt them no doubt
30k copies in the west
SF hasn't been making too much lately.
World is kind of up in arms as it is right now, even interest in Japan is kind of low.
Megaman MOBA fps
I think Nintendo tried to buy Bamco at one point.
Yeah and people thought Atlus was a big thing to grab. The amount of well loved IPs that people would kill to get a proper installment in that belongs to Capcom is staggering. Capcom probably wouldn't have money problems if they weren't so retarded with them. I mean you're getting Monster Hunter, Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, Street Fighter, Breath of Fire and a butt fuck ton more just by buying them out.
>We get more megaman as capcom is absorbed by nintendo
No need to compliment me user
>even mvci can make a comeback.
look at this post
look at this post and laugh
This is probably bullshit, but then again Capcom's so retarded that I can see it happening
>nintenbro buys cumrag
well they couldn't have gotten worse anyway
I'm not an SJW, but you do not make fun of the mentally handicapped. They already have a hard time.
America can't buy a Japanese company?
Sounds like something EA would do.
f-zero, advance war, wave race, 1080 snowboarding, any more?
>Some literally who wrote some bullshit and Sup Forums is taking it as a fact
This board is doomed
Wishful thinking
Capcom have too many contracts with Sony & too many "games as a service" on Non Nintendo platforms
Nintendo can't buy them, at least not anytime soon
Seems like a stupid decision. The only bright side I can think is that Nintendo managed to turn Monolith Soft from a joke of a company that couldn't ever finish a game into the greatest JRPG studio of the modern era, so maybe they can work some magic on the trainwreck that is modern Capcom.
>Street fighter v arcade edition is looking great
It has 0 interest by the average gamer and will flop as hard as the original.
>even mvci can make a comeback.
Financially? No, no it can't.
>Eh, as it is Nintendo is worth more than Sony at the moment.
That's not how it works and you know it.
Apple is worth more than Samsung, but Samsung has more capital to shift and make major acquisitions.
As it stands none of the Console manufacturers are in the market for more studios/IP.
And contrary to what Sup Forumsirgins think, a change in business strategy or tailoring games to Sup Forums tastes aren't going to make Capcom's games sell megamillions.
Still my most painful unresolved cliffhanger.
Crapcom has fought off investor trying to sell their company before, but I doubt they can after all of the fucking absolutely retarded decisions they've made for the past couple of years.
They can, it's just more difficult, Nintendo wanted to get brought out by Microsoft but the CEO thought it over & said no
Smart move
Deals don't matter if they can't keep themselves afloat user.
If it's true, I'd worry that Microsoft would do it to gain a foothold in Japan and make a lot of those titles Xbone/PC only. We're talking about the company that bought Minecraft for $2B.
Can you name a company Nintendo EA'd?
>Retro are loved by the gaming world for high quality games
>Intelligent Systems makes MORE money than Nintendo with Mobile games and their last two mainline games have been huge successes
>HAL is still great
Every year we get a "Nintendo buying Capcom" thread
>Nintendo buys Capcom
>hires Platinum to make new Viewtiful Joe and Okami games
>all those new candidates for Smash
Can someone explain why Nintendo buying Capcom would be super bad?
I could see Nintendo keeping many of Capcom's core IP around and using them better than Capcom itself. Its not like they would just be buying the IPs, but also all of Capcom's stuff, their engine, and keeping many of the employees.
The absolute worst case scenario is we get the same type and amount of Capcom games that'd we'd normally get from the same IPs (SF, MH, AA, RE, etc) except they'd all be Switch exclusive. We'd probably get new Megaman games for once.
A Nintendo-run Capcom would probably put out a few more games than an independent Capcom and they'd put more effort into them. We wouldn't get half finished games like SFV and MvC:I under Nintendo. I love Capcom, they were a huge part of me growing up on my brother's old SNES and my PS2/GC/GBA. I do think Nintendo buying them would ultimately be the best outcome for Capcom and the games/series we have come to love.
It's when they got Monolith Soft out of them IIRC.
Japanese based companies can only be bought out by other Japanese based companies
Sony is great faggot, kys
Nintendo are incredibly stubborn, they won't buy Capcom if Capcom are contracted to keep making PS4 games
This is why they rushed Star Fox Adventures out the door, they didn't want Microsoft involved
Nintendo has pulled eternal darkness from silicon knights, metroid prime from retro, and samus return from mercury steam. they've whipped companies into shape so many times
Maybe one year it will become true.
Nintendo are unsung experts in the field of DISTRIBUTED development, always having studios developing and keeping skills hired and in use.
Fake ass shit.
But no lie, Sony picking it up would be better than Capcom existing and Nintendo picking it up would be the best situation in every single kind of timeline.
>Resident Evil game about accidentally manufactured bio nightmares again with emphasis on puzzles, regulated ammo care, more than four bosses, cheesy memorable scenes without concentrating on a half baked attempt to pull on your heartstrings or creating unnecessary drama with Nintendo overlooking the devs quality wise and nothing else a la Bayonetta
>Bayonetta and Dante crossup
>Okami 2
>Street Fighter X Smash
>Nintendo finishes the Mega Man Legends series
Sony Corp is leaking money from everywhere, they are not going to get involved in a major investment like that one.
>Eh, as it is Nintendo is worth more than Sony at the moment.
I doubt that, probably in the gaming department and probably Sony entertainment too but Sony is massive and involved in everything while Nintendo is exclusively a game company.
>According to industry-tracking firm The NPD Group, Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle outsold Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite in September.
>Nintendo wanted to get brought out by Microsoft
No they didn't.
>Dragon's Dogma 2 on Switch
Not even mad.
Just enjoy the ride.
>people actually honestly believe this shit can't happen
>Nintendo buys Capcom
>MH World cancelled
Let's not forget Next Level Games, Luigi's Mansion 2 was a massive success and one of the 3DS's best-selling games period. Sure, Federation Force was a misstep, but it had more to do with the terrible timing of its announcement and release than anything else. I hope their next game is another smash hit.
>We are almost at 2018
>in reverse
I think you mean an annagram for wsj is sjw