Why don't you like Shantae games?

Why don't you like Shantae games?

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Because they aren't any good.

I do though.

Whoa, whoa whoa. I like Shantae games, in fact I play half-genie hero when I'm on lunch in my car.



Cause half genie hero was so lackluster and boring compared with the previous title of the franchise

There, end of the thread. Go ahead and post lewds since that's the only point of these threads anyways

I tried one and I was stuck inside a city and had to talk to people. I thought these games were mostly gameplay.

They're mediocre as fuck and Half-Genie Hero is one of the worst yet. I really don't understand how you take a platformer and fuck it up so hard that you force your players to retread the exact same levels for fetch quests. The whole series is just wankbait, which isn't bad per se, but it's not how the game is marketed and the gameplay is not very good.

pirates curse was fun

can do without the other games

Not enough games.

Pirate's Curse was really the only game with good gameplay.

Serious WayForward needs to step their shit up and stop making licensed crap.

I'm in the process of finishing Pirate's Curse. I found it fun.

but what makes them not good?

>played the GBC game first, got up to the monkey dungeon or so until i got to lazy
>finished Pirate's Curse and HGH
>too lazy to play Risky's Revenge because apparently it's not that good
Hopefully the next game has actually good gameplay desu

Pointless backtracking. Like i wouldn't mind if it made sense. Usually it's just some arbitrary quest to some character that has vague plot relevance in order to advance the game. Shit you wouldn't have guessed without walking into every door or using a guide.

Also the combat is unintuitive. I play a lot of megaman, but shantae attacks just don't feel like they hit.

They're extremely boring. Levels are filled with dull puzzles and backtracking through large barren spaces.

Been playing the series since the first game. Not since launch, but before RR was even announced.

>Serious WayForward needs to step their shit up and stop making licensed crap.
They really had it rough. The entire company has been structured around the 80s dynamic of "indie" game development.
They can't simply deflate the company and expect to come in, kicking the door of the indie scene, expecting to produce the next FTL, specialy considering how crowded the indie market is nowdays.

Having to suck publisher cock and working overnight to maybe be able to squeeze something original once in a while... Little by little I hope they're able to become more independent.

I can't play it with one hand.

They're fine for an afternoon diversion. Too simplistic overall though.

RR is fine. It's like HGH in gameplay and PC in graphics. The main issue is how short it is, but that might not be a bad thing for some people.

Even if it is the weakest, it's still very similar to the others imo.

Because I never played them

The first one was fucking hard.

I liked pirate's curse and felt HGH was okay, the first game gameplay wise hasn't aged well in the worst of ways and RR feels like an extended demo. However I do really like the characters and settings and the music is great, surprised there still isn't a comic yet honestly

I haven't played one, so I can't formulate an opinion. I still feel compelled to defend them because the prevailing shitposter contrarian attitude is that it has waifus so it's bad by default, because devs only use cute girls to get players to ignore bad game design.

Are they like Fallout new vegas?, I'd play them if they are like Fallout New Vegas

I have only played GBC game

Because they're mediocre as hell, slathered in a paint of waifuism that does absolutely nothing to hold the fucking game up.

I say this with absolutely zero irony as someone who buys every Senran and Neptune game, and before you get your fucking panties in a knot I donated $75 to Half Baked Hero.

>Shantae 1 was the only thing actually even remotely resembling a Metroidvania
>All kinds of cool moves you could buy like the kicks and stuff

>Risky's Revenge
>Just awful

>Pirate's Curse

>Half Genie Hero
>7/10 It alright

Since this is the closest thing to a Wayforward thread, who's getting Mummy Demastered tomorrow? I'm absolutely fucking terrified it's going to be the usual Wayforward curse of by the time it's good... It's over. That and that it might only be an hour or two at best.

Shantae is perfect for a cartoon series because the games can't do their world justice, but it's understandable that WW would want to play safe with their most popular franchise.

the kick in the first game was the most useless piece of shit ever

Never played one but Shantae is great fap material

i'm really tired of shantae herself
i want to know more about risky

I like how Shantae got BTFO by Cuphead Giant Mermaid.

Fapping to fanart and animated flashes is more satisfying than playing the games, but i do like pirates curse and half genie hero.

>no fanart of them together
Fucking piece of shit fanartists.

I know right GiantessBro

No she didn't.
Considering how much more popular and potentialy memetic Cuphead has become, I'd say that relatively speaking the Mega Mermaid is much more noteworthy.

Know your porn, newfrieds.

I dislike Metroidvanias.

I do. Pirate's Curse is great and HGH and the original are good. Risky's Revenge is mediocre but 3 out of 4 is a solid record.

Shantae games barely even qualify as Metroidvanias.

Says who?

Mummy Demastered tomorrow. Hope its good.

mediocre platforming and level design


Pirate > Hero > Shantae > Revenge

Shantae needs 4 things to equal Cuphead's Hype
1) New Game on Switch
2) Featuring Multiplayer (Coop)
3) More Cute Girls or whatever
4) Increase Difficulty

I'll laugh so hard if Cuphead's Mermaid ends up being an assist trophy in Smash and not Mega Mermaid

The best part of half finished hero is that they charged almost full price for Risky's campaign when it has very little changes.

Kinda a joke compared to the Shovel Knight free DLCs.

Pirate Hero Shantae Revenge when?

It looks like a game for kids (which is perfectly fine) and neckbeards (not fine).

>tfw no option to play as pajama Shantae for the whole game

(Almost) all are on Steam RIGHT NOW!


>You're a butt.

I played through Risky's Revenge and thought it was pretty good. Nothing spectacular. Haven't played through the rest.

>mediocre as hell
>enjoyed three out of the four

This is accurate.

>Favourite OST/song?

I'd have to go with Pirate's Curse. Some of Kaufman's finest work

That's Sup Forums.

Probably Pirate but my favorite track is from Hero.
WayForward needs the CastleVania license.

There's more 2d women than game.

My fucking potato PC can't run them, and I don't have any consoles.

>Shantae thread
They always start up around the time I go to sleep ffs

>PC toot potato to run fucking Shantae
What the fuck are you using, a computer from the 80's?

pretty much yeah

What does Shantae's bush smell like?

>This is a problem.

Asking for a friend haha

Some stock PC from the mid-to-late 2000s, too cheap to buy a new one

>mediocre platformer that only has a following because of its floozy belly dancer
I guarantee that taking away the fanservice will be the end of these games

>Taking away the game's personality makes it bland and unappealing.
Well there's a shocker.

Because Shantae is a slut! I only like pure waifus!

An earthy scent of salt and spices.

Well what do her pubes smell like?!


Shantae is pure! PURE!

>New Shantae 3D model causes an influx of SFM content
>Find a really good anal webm
>"Sound and HQ version on my Patreon!"

Meant to reply to

Yeah, pure sex

Oh, I do, I really like the series. Didn't stop HGH from being extremely lackluster, considering all the money they got. I don't regret backing but I do lament the finished product.

The jews have won

Eh, most we can hope for is a better game with the new assets.

How would Sup Forums design a new Shantae game?

It's one of my favorite game series. GBC Shantae was amazing. 100% Pirates Curse, my favorite. HGH was pretty fun, but definitely didn't beat Pirates Curse. Only got halfway through Risky's Revenge. It's aight.

Pube attacks


I'd go full autism with worldbuilding and tiny details but forget to make the actual game.

I really hope the lukewarm reception to HGH taught them their lesson not to dabble in kikestarter bullshit anymore.

>considering all the money they got
It actually didn't get that much in the grand scheme of things. They asked for 400k and they made a 400k game. The stretch goals are just that, stretch goals. Not part of the original plan. That's why the extra chapters feel tacked on.

Actually utilize the fact that she's a dancer with a proper moveset that reflects it, instead of lame ass transformations.

Are we ever going to get another MSF?

Make it way more like the very first game. Dances do a buttload of shit, rhythm minigames, giant circling overworld. All the bells and whistles, it was fantastic.

care to elaborate? i did miss the fighter moves from the first game.

Same here man, I worry the thread'll be gone by the time I wake up

Pirate's curse was great but the rest have been meh.
I wouldn't have bought 1/2 genie hero if I had known it would have such jewy dlc.

Pretty sure one of the devs said in an interview when 2 came out that they recognized Patty had a lot of fans and would enjoy doing something else with her, like an action game. I'd love if that's what they end up doing, honestly it would be nice for them to move on from MSF when it comes to puzzle games, none of the other Mighty protagonists got a sequel. MSF was so successful it kind of hijacked the series.

This is the only one I've ever played and it seemed bad desu, dropped it after a few minutes

Seemed like a literal kid's game

Because theyh aren't well designed. Pirate's Curse ended up being pretty good, but that turned out to truly be an outlier. The games are all about selling their cute look over anything else. They are so boring to play and are not even remotely challenging either. Half Genie Hero feels like 30% of a game that was stretched three times over.

make her fighting style be based on dance, like darren's dance grooves
ain't no lie < < < bye bye bye

>there are people here who didn't wait for the complete edition
How does it feel to waste money?

Literally all of the character art in PC is perfect and I want to fuck the living shit out of Shantae

But I do like them though

Because Half Genie Hero was trash