This is too hard

This is too hard.

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If youre a faggot that only plays video games to make himself sound edgy in awkward college party conversations then yes, it probably is. Same kinda faggot that thinks modern games are the apex of difficulty and clearly has never played Kid Icarus or G n G.


I'm telling my mom.

Use your legs faggot

Here's a walkthrough.

I remember when making a Steam account, needed a free game

this was the game, that allowed me to add friends

thanks Dark Messiah :)

>ywn play a FUKKEN GRAPHICS Kings Field game with everything Dark Messiah brought to the table taken on board by Fromsoft in 12kVR


no problem ;)

From what i've played the combat is really indirect. You have to play it like a trap extravaganza to actually kill people, regular attacks are all weak as fuck.

It really isn't.
Just keep 2 things in mind
1) you do not gain experience points from killing monsters, so try to kill them efficiently as possible
2) pick up shit and toss it at people to knock them off guard. don't play fair

You do kind of suck at fighting out of the gate, but if you explore and find some good weapons and rush down the skills needed for them you'll start ripping shit up easily.

Or you can get the ice spell and just stab everything when they land on their asses for instant kills. Whatever floats your boat.

Most health pickups are minuscule, they only heal 2hp, that's really mean.

The hardest thing about this game is climbing rope. I found it a decently neat game that overstays its welcome.

Smack the boxes with the dragon symbol on them, it drops food pickups. Also they switch to health potions later.
If it's still an issue, get the healing spell.
If there's one thing I agree on, it's that healing stuff is a little to stringent.

>Smack the boxes with the dragon symbol on them, it drops food pickups
I know that, that's why I said most, though they're still pretty scarce.

Actually my biggest issue is visibility, can't see jack shit half the time, the vision magic spell gives me eye cancer and when you're low on health the whole fucking screen turns red at like 90% alpha.

Then jack up the brightness. You're meant to use the eyesight power a lot (that's why it uses no mana) but if it's too overbearing then just crank the gamma up

I killed everyone almost exclusively melee. It's not hard, you're just not good.

Did you try kicking?

The boot, chosen one.

Ironically the eyesight spell makes things too bright to see.

Literally just kick everyone

Half the reason the game is even difficult is its clunky controls, its like Dark Souls artificial difficulty, you move slower going side to side and practically crawl backwards, every attack locks you in place and takes way too long.

Not as effective when you're fighting more than 1 enemy at a time.

throw cobblestones & kick people

>like 20 mana potions from the last 10 dragon boxes or so

Purposely slow controls isn't artificial difficulty. The game, like Dark Souls, wants you to time your swings so you can't just blitz through the game like a parkisons-addled broom with a sword stuck to it.
You can kick people into other people and stun them.

>You can kick people into other people and stun them.
Enemies don't tend to be behind one another, and you trying to line yourself up to do so is just asking to get hit in the process. Lately all I'm doing is just throwing nearby shit at people, seems to work out just fine.

Arx fatalis>DM>dishonored

>enemies don't tend to be behind one another
Because you're not manuvering around the enviroment right. Force enemies into hallways, jump on them from above, etc. Shit, the orc bridge level is an excellent example of enemies tunneling towards you.


Play on Normal, higher difficulties inflate enemy HP (but instakill traps still instakill, funny enough).

>Because you're not manuvering around the enviroment right
I mean, enemies tend to appear very close to me and they try to stay away from each other to try to flank me, they even tell each other just that. Tight corridors aren't very common so far.

I wish I could keep playing this game but I hate the Source Engine so much, and how badly it has aged, that I quit any time I try to push through

get the damn heal spell
every potion is health when you have that

Shit, guess I better reload that save from a few minutes ago before I spent my latest skill points.

Yeah I have a build mostly focusing on sword strikes but also healing and quieter walking. It's a shame I'm too shit to notice environmental hazards and traps until after I've slain everything in the room.

Thanks user, it really helped.