Hold the phone, if you moderators don't want us to talk about VIDEO GAME websites, then there should be a rule here that disallows talking about e-celebrities. those threads are definitely less about video games than threads about video game websites.
Hold the phone, if you moderators don't want us to talk about VIDEO GAME websites...
>videogame culture is allowed
>as long as it's the culture the mods particularly like
Almost as if mods are faggots and keep non-vydia shitposting shit around all the time
nobody cares you faggots
gamergate was a mistake
how is GG even remotely relevant?
>4 cuck mods allow garbage threads
keep squawking ya queer.
GG is what brought all the redditor nu-Sup Forums autists that ruined this board with their >"le industry drama" faggotry.
don't call them cucks, you might hurt their feeewings
Extremely reddit post.
e-celeb threads already aren't allowed
There's a thread already fucktard. Go and use it instead of feeling you have carteblanche to shitpost.
>throw a tantrum because you can't talk about something
>decision is reversed and you're allowed to talk about it
>keep throwing even more tantrums and spamming shitty threads like this
i feel like I'm surrounded by 8 year olds
neogaf is never coming back
Welcome to nu-Sup Forums.
looks like a significant though overall irrelevant bump combined with the explosion in smartphone usage.
The fappening was what brought everything down
Agreed. Enuff EZ allies shit, youtube shit, twitter shit, Giantbomb shit. Just VIDEO GAME SOFTWARE, HARDWARE, and the people who MAKE video games should be allowed.
This. Hiromoot also just made the same fucking mistake moot made several times. Giving in to shitposter. Enjoy even more shitposting from Sup Forums as they now feel they have permission to shit the board up
>implying neogaf threads aren't all just people whining about sjws and liberals
I see we are already getting gafugees
Sounds like you enjoy your SHITTED games
Hiro is the boss
if he said is fine then it's fine
I don't even understand what Sup Forumss point is. Hiro reversed the decision but explicitly stated that neogaf implosion is not video games. Besides, the only reason Hiro DID reverse the decision is because he only cares about money and Sup Forums is the largest and most visited board board.
They literally are just thhat. It's a circlejerk safespace for Sup Forumstards to discuss how the mean liburalz hurt dem
it's video game culture cuckboi
dude hiro has spoken one thread about neogaf until all this neogaf scandal stuff is over
dude hiro said one thread only
>gook specifically wants cross traffic to come to this board
Worst fucking move, the thread on Sup Forums was fucking fine. It's not even about video games, it's just a circle jerk against SJWs and Neogaf.
our Mods actually understand that this shit is not good for the board.
I mean look at that 'report in' post in the threads, people that aren't even native to the board are the audience.
>it's a chad pretending to be a feminist to score pussy episode
>implying there is something wrong with it
>the only reason Hiro DID reverse the decision is because he only cares about money and Sup Forums is the largest and most visited board board.
>Complains about eceleb threads
>There are no eceleb threads in the catalog
They were forced to allow them, money knows no principles so neither Hiro.
Yeah, we don't really care about your culture war bullshit since you're just as annoying as the SJWs
btw mods are deleting this image
>b-but it's not fair if Sup Forums wins
Truth to be told mods were acting like hysterical leftists. They deserved it
When is this rules going to be legit?
Not sure if you're shitposting, but this is exactly how things should be.
>No mass shootings occurred today that means theyre not an issue
really activates the almonds
Back to r*ddit, nigger.
>everyone who doesn't like my non-stop autistic r*ddit shitposting over the past 3 years is clearly from [literally where]
They're definitely not a constant, whenever a notable E-Celeb makes a video people tend to make stupid "it's up" threads.
I'm a hypocrite though, I enjoy Accursed Farms threads.
Yeah, it's not really fair when hiro gives another board permission to raid our board because they're popular. moot never gave Sup Forums permission to raid us because Sup Forums was popular.
Political garbage of any kind isn't videogames.
Pretty funny how the mods actually do their job and the board becomes more enjoyable again.
>getting angry over a literal pedophile thread getting deleted
Stopped reading. Kill yourself you autistic faggot.
Have you seen many eceleb threads since two days ago when the mods actually started doing something? They're doing their job now
>a rule here that disallows talking about e-celebrities
e-celeb threads are considered off-topic and are indeed deleted. Just because they're deleted inconsistently doesn't mean they're allowed. The mods can't be 100% proactive about enforcing any rule.
>don't want us to talk about VIDEO GAME websites
Politics are not video games. No one on Sup Forums wants to discuss gaming sites, they want to discuss the politics and ideologies of people involved with gaming sites.
Who the fuck brought up GG? Fucking SJW nigger.
fucking goobergate 2.0 cancer
i don't give a fuck about some fag rapist and his shitty website for queers and anyone who does is a fag too
Hey fuck you man there are threads with a Grown Man in womens clothing popping up once a hour because he happens to be a video game character
Just cuz the mods are gay as fuck doesnt mean we have to be
And as always, the admin comes in to tell the mods to stop doing their job and allow shitposting. And every fucking time it was a massive mistake
>Early 2012 when /vg/ was made
This is like the third time I've been here that I remember the mods finally doing their job and then the shitposters cried until moot/hiromoot gave in. I suppose in that way this place never changes.
Garbage, disgusting, vile, smelly
I still don't understand what this image is supposed to imply. The lines have almost the same trend, it's just more people getting phones that don't suck so they can browse Sup Forums on their desktop and then bring their phone with them to continue browsing while taking a shit.
So does this comfirm that the mods are neofag refugees?
wouldn't surprise me.
When did this fucking board get so strict.
That shit should either just be banned entirely or quarantined to a crappy new board. This "only one thread for x" stuff is stupid.
welcome to the internet. when it rains it pours
GG discussion was banned here dumbass.
What you said makes no sense.
Literally the only reason people care about gaf is because they were seen as the "left" side of GG to Sup Forums's right side. Prior to that they were just hated because they were sonyfags. We didn't obsess over them to this degree until Sup Forums made it a political fight.
>btw mods are secretly sabotaging my totally epic le Wojak and le Pepe Frog threads :(((((((
i was with you until this part
fucking kill yourself you redditor lol
Who said something about fair? I said principles, Sup Forums threads appeal to the lowest common demographic, thats a fact, who cares about quality when you can make a generic racebait or e-celeb thread which will never fail atract the masses regardless of quality, peple like Hiro only speaks in money so all he cares about is what generates more traffic.
>to permit one thread about the board
>there's a stickied thread at the top of this board about the board
This is the 2nd thread, dingu dongu bannu
No, it confirms hiromoot is a greedy faggot who cares nothing about this site.
It also never works as now they'll use hiro as evidence they're allowed to shitpost about poliitics forever and ever.
>When did this fucking board get so strict.
>reeeeeeee stop talking about video games on my shitposting board!
I bet you're one of the people who's admitted to only coming here to shitpost
Complaining about the staff is a global rule violation, you mong. Exactly what about Hiro's post implies we've been given immunity to talk shit about the mods?
>ruined this board
Please stop acting like you've been here for years. Sup Forums has been shit well before GG
You were a mistake faggot
Its one thread and one sticky where you cant post.
You are clearly new if you think GG stuff wasn't all over this place.
t. new as fuck. You would have had a fucking meltdown back in 2012 and 2013 when people got banned for saying nigger.
Blacked and MOMMY threads are banned as well yet you still see them
Epic thread op
>neogaf dies
>people try to talk about it
>GO BACK TO Sup Forums!
>they come back
>THIS IS Sup Forums's FAULT!
>When did this fucking board get so strict.
what the fuck? pretty much anything thats not explicitly porn or banned goes on Sup Forums. neogaf is literally the only thing thats been consitently banned by mods.
Sup Forums's always been shit, but when did the steep downward descent start? I'd say 2012
Over-moderation is always the case for great websites failing. You can't give virgins power to censor discussion.
It ends now, mods. IT ENDS NOW!
Oh shut the fuck up. Nobody is being raided.
Fuck off with your strawman.
>people who use shitty strawman images without realizing that's what they are
how quickly "individualist" microbourgeois bootlickers cast aside any pretense of individual freedom in favor of an authoritarian to make their decisions for them
unable or unwilling?
Hey, you took the time to color your strawman image! We're proud of you champ.
Theres lots of other websites out there with a heavy handed moderation style that you would probably prefer.
I have been here for way longer than that and I'm telling you that you should kill yourself, I can't believe how babies like you still have PTSD over the GG boogeyman and can't stop shoving it in completely unrelated discussions because you can't get over your victim complex, it's worse than "everyone I don't like is a nazi" shit.
Go back to neog- I mean reddit.
>throw a tantrum because people are talking about something
Why lie? No, really. Just shut the fuck up if you're that uninformed.
There's a lot of edgy alt right politics sites with lax moderation that you would probably prefer. Since you guys always go on about how this place is cucked, why not go there?
Why pretend?
Not him but it got to a point where it was specifically banned, with a pinned post and everything.
everything post 2010 has been a god damn nightmare that gets worse with each passing year
>i don't like the thing so it must be banned
There is nothing wrong with prisma illya. It shows up in Fate/ threads here sometimes and isn't deleted even though it's only tangentially related to Sup Forums
You're proving my point.
>explicitly stated that neogaf implosion is not video games
quite the opposite, sweetie
Why did Sup Forums become alt-right central in the first place?
>There's a lot of edgy alt right politics sites with lax moderation that you would probably prefer.
Link me?
everything post 1945 has been a god damn nightmare that gets worse with each passing year