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fuck off to with your not vidya trash
I upvoted this so quick when I saw it on Reddit 2 weeks ago.
If you actually wanna talk about vidya you go to /vg/
This makes me sad.
Because you're growing old?
Don't you have a NeoGAF thread to be bumping?
Yes, but I'll sleep it off.
needs a filename
The fuck happened?
did he die?
did he ded
Overacting, mostly.
wtf pls explain
he coated his hand in some shit that bloats out when it hits the liquid.
his hand is fine
Is that the crystal pepsi guy
It makes me sad because that kid is tracked into the mindset of touch screen everything.
No, because that worthless CUNTS shitty parents haven't beaten some sense into her.
Youtube LA Beast "Hot Ice"
That's because it's essentially the standard nowadays. Back then touch screens were novelty and expensive, but everything from laptops to phones to tablets to gaming systems have touch screens and touch pads now.
You're literally being left behind by the generation.
I miss Sym-Bionic Titan
imagine being this assblasted that a child is ignorant at how certain things work
The world now is touch screen everything
There's nothing wrong with this kid assuming a gaming device should have a touch screen if that's all they ever grew up with
What am I supposed to be seeing here?
What a great show. Fuck CN for cancelling because
>muh toys
all the players in white start to move at the same time
this whole video is fucking hilarious, and it's animated by the guy who did Doubleking
top kek
imagine being retarded enough to reply to entry-level bait
wow, this dude really took all this beating for so long
>tfw have a Surface Pro 4
>use it almost exclusively as a laptop
>almost never use the touch screen
I sometimes forget my Switch has a touch screen as well. Only ever really use it on my smartphone, but I'm not a big fan of touch screens.
fug this got me
Which game is this?
this, should be more like CON vs. AGI
Dragons Dogma
Yeah, Felix Colgrave is awesome. The song for that video isn't too bad either.
When people play a game because of THAT ONE PERSON. Also, threads start like...
>Are you gonna buy her game, Sup Forums?
You just sold me on that game, never knew Mystic Knight was a thing, I love it.
This made me lol
My feet feel funny
Needs a name
Yo i recently watched this movie too. Im glad it held up imo. I liked the bit where they put the jews in the oven
The only reason this is upsetting is because she can't figure out how buttons work. I had no issues figuring out shit I couldn't even read as a kid. She knows how to work a smart phone, but two buttons and a D Pad is too much for her?
Just like one of my Japanese anime's
Oh no, it's retarded.
this makes me angry
The Animatrix was harsh shit.
>Double combo vid
moron. /vg/ is the fucking circlejerk board. Click on any thread and within the first few posts you'll see "hey guys what's up?" "not much, hbu?", ect.
/vr/ is the place to talk about video games
I've had it downloaded for a few years now but still haven't watched it all the way through in at least a decade. Just came on Freeform this week and seeing that scene always gives me a chuckle. I guess I just thought of Lootboxes because I'm a loser with no life and video games are the only things I know how to reference.
>Click on any thread
I could name a thread or two that aren't like this.
The capacity at which she has probably ever used a smart phone has probably only ever been the touch screen. She has been trained that the screen is all you need to interact with a device.
Except now the little shits have yet another reason to rub their filthy disgusting fingers all over screens now.
Not our fault you play dudebro games, queer. Nep threads and vitagen were always cozy as fuck.
Relax, this is normal functions of the female side of your species.