Is there any hope for the western industry?
Is there any hope for the western industry?
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What game is that on the right?
Idk you tell me...
You're comparing apples and oranges. Those two were going for a completely different aesthetic. Not to downplay the achievements of 2 random dudes vs a AAA studio, but it's a lot easier to make a woman look good with less facial detail and anime proportions.
I'm not saying ME:A's character models don't fucking suck, only that it is possible to make a more realistically proportioned and textured female face and make it look good.
not everything needs an anime aesthetic
Neogaf just died. Maybe there's a chance.
Something Mitsurugi.
Models are the only things worth playing. Its like a shallow as fuck, souless tech demo
>Cherry picking by fat european weebs
>another indie of the month
user Braid, Fez, Shovel Knight and this will be forgotten before 2020
The indie-pixel garbage trend is dying and while Memehead is not indie-pixel it's a simple boss rush trash
>souless tech demo
No wonder. it was made by two guys for basically no profit.
>cherry picking out the least flattering shot possible where lighting and post processing are at their worst
Every time.
I'm not saying she looks good but holy fuck stop exaggerating this shit.
What makes you think most japanese games won't be forgotten by 2020? Seriously, you're focusing too much on BAD GAMES. I can focus on bad japanese games and make the same thread but reverse. But I don't because I'm not a fucking idiot
>cherry picking
Tell me 1 game with good face that is not Witcher 3 released by any western company after 2013.
I played the game, and I think you have it backwards. That screenshot of yours is the cherrypicked one, where the lighting and effects are ideally positioned to make it look less bad.
The OP situation happens far more often in-game than yours.
One you find attractive or a decently crafted face?
Because if you jerk your little dick off to anime shit I won't be able to help you.
Got make the grills ugly so the hammies don't get triggered.
the bottom girl looks like shes growing a mustache
some of the western industry's favorite games are glorified tech demos, too, though. Consider Portal, or Mirror's Edge, two games that were more tech demo than fully-developed game. Mirror's Edge didn't even have fucking textures for buildings they were just flat white walls.
Tomb Raider? lol
It's barely better than Mass Effect andromeda. Tomb Raider 2013 had better faces than Rise of the Tomb Raider anyway.
>btfo before he even posted
>Everything that is against my views is cherry picking
Neogaf: Not Welcome Here
> Production cost: 0
How? That is impossible. Stolen hardware and pirated programs? Where did the electricity come from? The overhead? Was it done in a shack they constructed? There's just so many things that don't add up.
Literally only Emily looks good in that game.
Not everyone in a steampunk dystopia universe is supposed to be a kawaii anime girl. People are supposed to look ugly and gritty in that game.
I honestly don't understand what you're going for here. You saying Andromeda has well built, aesthetically pleasing faces? That any of the hundreds of screenshots showing otherwise are wrong?
user, please.
The game is not only trying to be extremely unrealistic and ugly but I've seen better faces on PS2
You are trying too hard to be the contrarian redditor
And Maria is from DLC it wasn't even in production for more than 1 year
Please show Maria's face in motion. Or just cherry pick still frame images of her looking like a model
One on the left got that ass though.
She was also the "short hair woman that HAD TO BE GAY" according to tumblr, and they were unhappy when she was revealed as heterosexual. Cora was pretty alright actually, shame her game sucked.
>western games are bad cause they didn't make me virtual fapbait
Wolfenstein and Ready to Be Deady 2, that's it though.
Braid's been around for a decade and yet its the first example you used of a game that'll be forgotten?
>in a world where Overwatch made a billion dollars on waifu appeal alone people will still argue that good looking characters are not a major selling point in entertainment media
Just as good as any Elders Scroll game.
Why do you guys expect anything different from an american company.
Only Japan and Poland can make gorgeous female characters.
Andromeda is especially bad because the women the character models were designed after were literally fucking models.
Bioware is Canadian, nigger, there's a difference.
>Please show Maria's face in motion
It's still 100x better than Dishonored
it made that much because its a blizzard made shooter with a multi-million dollar marketing budget
>Everything I disagree with is cherry picked
Guys we fucked up by letting neogaf die they were a containment site
Yes but theres not much hope, really the only person working in western AAA I trust is Vince Zampella, but he's sold his so to EA so I don't think it will go anywhere
also something I'd really hope but also doubt will happen, is if Respawn Ent. made Dead Space 4, they are really the only branch of EA I could see not fucking it up
>We can't make good looking character models in the current year with millions of dollars so we have to take out our anger on anime fans
I can cherry pick cutscene as well
This whole thread is cherrypicking you retard
The secret is marketing.
PUGB had more than 50 million on marketing, GTA has over 120 million on marketing, COD too. I've read Blizzard spent over 80 million marketing Overwatch
>facecap a model
>blue-haired landwhale in your team complains that it looks too good and is a male sexual fantasy
>tweak it so it looks like an autistic inbred mutant
Working as intended.
And yes, I played Nioh and all the dlcs of Nioh. That is a cherrypicked image. She doesn't look that good throughout the cutscenes she's in
You are an idiot if you really think that 2 second animation during Dishonored 2 intro looks better than Maria close up
Your 2 second tumblr gif only show eyes moving
You are either bating or you should go back to neogaf as soon as it goes back online
Wow, it's almost as if someone already said that Emily is pretty and the sole exception to the "everyone is ugly" rule that Arkane follows for whatever reason.
And before you bring up Corvo, who does look handsome as well, this is not a thread about men.
Pretty much, marketing unsurprisingly works, who cares about quality when you can just shove another million or ten.
>Emily Kaldwin will never look good in a video game
Thanks Bethesda
You still need to be good for people to care
>One on the left got that ass though
Yeah, her face looks like ass
For someone who hates neogaf you sure are obsessed with it. I saved it from Google images, the tumblr filename came with it. And the whole cutscene looks good. Maria close ups have been in cutscenes so I should be allowed to show cutscenes.
Oh yeah, so western games are dead because a few of them make ugly girls? Wow, thanks for proving this thread is fucking stupid.
ME:A is like $15 atm. I liked the first 3 sans the ending, should I pick this up or is it complete shite?
>Maria close ups have been in cutscenes so I should be allowed to show cutscenes
And the best thing you could find was a 2 second gif that doesn't show Dishonored face close
Because you and I know Dishonored 1 and 2 have horrible faces because mostly it was done to intentionally look bad and because they couldn't make any better even if they wanted
>that Widowmaker
>but they cover up Sylvanas' midriff in WoW
For what purpose blizz?
I Googled dishonored cutscene, clicked images then gif, then saved the only one I could find that was a dishonored cutscene. And besides, are we really going to say western games are dying because they can't make waifus?
I dunno man, if you can overlook obviously amateurish and incomplete animations, bugs that range from annoying to game breaking, characters with no appeal whatsoever, bad voice acting unworthy of even being compared to the other ME titles, an unoptimized engine the devs obviously didn't really know how to use, bad writing even by Bioware standards, literal babby difficulty even at Insanity setting and the worst character creator in the entire history of vidya, then at least the game has some nice gunplay when you're not clipping through the floor or trying to shoot an enemy standing like 15 feet off the ground for no reason.
There are more expression in a cartoon made by slave gooks living with 2 ramens per day than in any 50 million dollar game made by western companies
You are the one bringing up the waifu ''argument'' here mate
overwatch characters just look like anime abortions, any fan art that doesn't look like shit is invariably closer to anime style than overwatch style
Not that guy, but drawing expressions is much, MUCH easier than emulating them in a photorealistic 3D model.
Conservation of detail and all that.
I complained about Dragon Quest Heroes voice acting until I heard Mass Effect professional actors
The britbongs doing voice for Dragon Quest Heroes were hired for like 200 dollars since they had basically no budget to publish it and they made a better job at voice recording
are those numbers on the left REAL, did they really spend more than 1/3 of their entire budget on fucking marketing? jesus fuck no wonder the game is utter shit.
>MUCH easier than emulating them in a photorealistic 3D model.
Then why Koei Tecmo games have better 3D facial expression than Dishonored, Mass Effect, Overwatch, Prey, etc?
I mean those games had a budget at least(at least!) 5x larger than Koei Tecmo musous
>Braid, a 9 year old game, will be forgotten in 3 years! Fucking FOTM indie shit!!
The price of (((diversity)))
What the fuck? If Braid is so forgettable why did you bring it up? Why not Inside or some recent shit?
You just destroyed your own idiotic point. Fuck off. Indies are some of the best hope we have for creativity and/or fun.
This is so powerful.
Braid is the game that started the indie meme/pixel art fashion
>posts tumblr gif of one of the like 5 characters that dont look retarded because their the main cast
the absolute state of neogaf
It's proven that budget means nothing. If you pay lots of money to shit people they'll do shit work.
Because their facial models have much less detail. That face you posted is hardly meant to be "photorealistic".
Goddamn you're like those people that call everyone nazis
Yeah, Naughty Dogs games cost no less than 100 million dollars and they are exactly praised for the only thing they do it right: facial expression and voice acting
So what game do you consider high in detail?
Destiny 2 had the same Mass Effect face but they added a cheap photoshop scars and everybody screamed ''wow realistic!"
And story, gameplay (inb4 LOL MOVIE GAMES), characters, etc.
Musou games have abysmal animations outside of screenshots
i don't think gooks are japs or nips, user. at least be edgy properly.
This is irrelevant because even if the aesthetics are different the character on the right is poorly rendered and modeled. No amount of appeal to aesthetic difference can fix that.
>it's still objectively bad
So they polished a turd. It's still a turd.
You deserve it for posting a shitty tumblr gif though
Next time I'll change the filename of the gif I saved off of Google images so I don't trigger a sensitive retard like you
>Musou games have abysmal animations outside of screenshots
I find better expressions in them than in any other western game
Tomb Raider isn't realistic, Mass Effect isn't realistic, even Naughty Dog games are far from being realistic
Find me 1 person that looks so hideous and disproportionate faced like that
>what game do you consider high in detail
>The Witcher 3
>Tomb Raider 2
>Batman Arkham Knight (which also has good expressions and character models, by the way)
>Bioware tries to be this, but their models are too bad to achieve the effect
>Deus Ex Mankind Divided
It's not that hard. A game like Nier Automata has good looking characters. I'm not saying games with simpler character models look bad, they look good and the characters can show a wide range of emotion, but photorealistic imitates life as closely as possible and this is clearly not what the modelers were going for with, for example, 2B. It doesn't mean they look bad in comparison, it's a difference of intent.
Because leftist roasties get jealous of fictional characters so they pretend it's a social issue to censor artists.
The gif you posted is completely irrelevant
people are making fun of the filename because your gif shows only 1 eye blinking and completely fails to prove it has better face animation than Maria
unrelated but spelunky predates braid and was the total roguelike , pixel, "nintendo hard", indie meme before anything i can remember. hell it's so old it used to be free
I am so glad this game failed and Cliffy B crashed and burned
I met him at ECGC, he is a fucking faggot and his feminist gf can go fucking kill herself
Why not take issue with Widowmaker, then? Does she get a free pass just because Blizzard fixed that one bug that inflated her ass, so she's obviously not sexualized anymore despite speaking in literal sex whispering, wearing skin tight glossy clothes and having a fucking bikini skin?
It's literally okay when Blizzard does it, isn't it?
NeoGAF is dead so maybe.
>Nu-Gooks make generic japanese girl
>Chadman puts the time and effort to visually replicate a 1930's cartoon
>people are making fun of your filename because your gif shows only 1 eye blinking
That doesn't make sense. But, all that was shown was screenshots of Maria (wow!) And a 5 second webm of her poorly synced lips moving. (Wow!)
it must be shit been called out eh neogaf?
>So they polished a turd.
and from what I've heard, thats supposed to be impossible. Kudos to bioware for doing the impossible.
>Batman Arkham Knight
>Batman Arkham Knight
>Batman Arkham Knight
Add scars and everybody scream: REALISM REALISM
6 seconds and lips, eyes, eyebrows and jaw moving. Find the equivalent for Dishonored
I can't help but find it bizarre how an entire country draws the same way.