Is there a plausible explanation for why the Courier is such a fucking noob at the beginning of NV?

I'm trying to figure out why a seasoned wastelander with years of navigating inhospitable lands is a Level 1 loser with no applicable skills? You'd think he'd have a pretty high Survival rating at least, but not even that.
>inb4 amnesia
One of the devs explicitly refutes amnesia. So what the fuck? Am I just to accept the Courier was a happy-go-lucky buffoon who stumbled through countless dangers?
Your dialogue options suggest you have no clue who the NCR (despite living in New California for years) or Caesar's Legion even are, or basically anything about New Vegas or the surrounding land, despite it being your fucking job as a COURIER to be familiar with the area. How is that not amnesia, then? Is Josh Sawyer just a fucking faggot, that I shouldn't listen to?
Maybe I'm late to the party, but I'm here at Goodsprings, asking some girl to teach me how to survive in the desert, and it's pissing me off. At least the Lone Wanderer was a sheltered teenager; I can't come up with a good excuse for the Courier.

You had a fucking bullet removed from your head. You're lucky to even be alive.

You had a 9mm in your noggin, did you skip the intro?

But you can do pretty much everything completely fine. Seems like a bit of a fuck up to me desu

Didn't he just got shot in the head?
I haven't played it that much but come on.


Go look up head injuries and what they do to people.

You are just incredibly lucky.

Nobody wants to play as a retard, and nobody wants to start off a fallout game with all skills maxed.

You decide which skills your courier had prior to being shot at character creation when you tag them after doing the SPECIAL. If you really started off as a blank slate they would throw your ass out there at level 1 with no tagged skills, perks, traits or SPECIAL stats.

>Nobody wants to play as a retard
Low int runs have been in fallout since the first game...


Debate me

Alright let's see how good you are at combat, engineering, medical or whatever after getting shot in the head.

Don't people who survive shots to the head usually have complete personality changes rather than just being retarded?


I agree.

Remember what happened to Gabrielle Giffords?
It's literally that, except less extreme

It's a crapshoot, some folks become vegetables, others get away unscathed, others still forget how to drive.

It's a perfectly reasonable conceit as to why your character is a clueless noob.

If you take an object or a bullet to the frontal lobe and somehow live, its possible yeah.

Best companions of their respective games:

the personally changes from being an npc to having you as the personality

really jogs the noggin

It's a videogame

It's because it's a better arpaygay than 3 becoz Bethbabby normies ruined muh franchise and muh good writing

Is this concept art from EEnEO?

It's Myron baby, My-ron!

>bethnigger STILL mad they got outplayed by a kickstarter dev

Headshot aside, a huge part of the narrative is that your literal who mailman becomes the most important person in the region because, instead of counting his blessings and walking away, he hunted Benny down to either get even or finish the job.

Honestly I wish more games had you go from a nobody to a walking legend. I have a special spot in my heart for Saint's Row, since the series-wide protagonist is introduced as some asshole walking down the street.

pretty good desu

wuh? the vast majority of WRPGs have you going from zero to deciding the fate of the realm

Fallout 1 is a boring slog through generic shit, and 2 isn't all that much better.
Please note, I am not saying 3 is good here. At all.

>Agents of Mayhem makes no mention of where the Boss is in the new timeline
I can't decide if I'm sad or relieved

>obsidiot still bumblasted that his spin-off of a game hasn't won the accolades or made the shekels that those normalfag games in the main series have

A lot of the time you have established backstory and muh destiny tier shit.

NV is just wrong place wrong time mailman

>bethnigger STILL MAD
top kek

Not him, but a lot of RPG's end up pulling some chosen one bullshit, or some weird ass family ties, which, yeah, Lonesome Road did a bit, but even then it was just wrong place wrong time.

Not trying to sound like a condescending asshole, but what kinda games did you grow up with? I could totally understand not being able to get into 1-2 if you've been brought up on faster more modern games.

Nah, just an edit of Eddy from Ed, Edd and Eddy

>a seasoned wastelander with years of navigating inhospitable lands

Lonesome Road

You forgot
>ancient, primitive CRPGs from 1997-99
>it's the Current Year
>people still praising them because muh nostalgia and muh hardcore gayming.

It's bad enough that the Courier has a forced backstory at all, it hinders roleplaying even if only slightly. If they were to give him all these 'seasoned wastelander' skills and stats from the beginning of the game, it would take an enormous amount of cognitive dissonance to imagine it away if you wanted to roleplay a character who isn't like that.

When I was growing up tabletop games were the shit. Video games were weird, gimped versions for people with no friends or imagination. I did skip over that period of games as a result though.

t. got killed by a rat 60 seconds in and threw a tantrum because the game didn't let him win

The original "how the fuck are you even alive" brain injury guy(railroad spike through the dome) had some pretty severe personality changes but then I guess it kind of sorted itself out because he wasn't the irresponsible asshat he was immediately after the accident later in life. No clue if he was the same as before, but there was more than just the initial changes.

I'd swap NV and 1 and that's about it. 1 is closer to a point and click adventure game, where you're expected to rub objects against the scenario to obtain the solution. Granted, it's not that obtuse and it is quite endearing.

I'd also but Tactics before 2 as well.

really gets the ol' turnip runnin'

>never seen the meme

Why was Tactics declared non-canon? Like what exactly happens/is said in it that contradicts the rest of the games?

Don't forget the ones that suddenly understand how to play the piano or start seeing the whole world in math

>have shotgun, point blank
>miss 3 times
>Raider has brass knuckles
>3 tiles away
>One-hit kill

Well, excuse me for not putting up with bullshit dice roll combat.

Thats not Raul


Those dialogue choices are meant for people who dont know. The courier is a blank slate for the player meant to suit whatever player is playing the playable game meant to be played.

>For years I hear about the brilliant, deep storytelling of the original Fallout games
>I finally decide to give them a go
>Now it's time to see the unparalleled writing, the delicately crafted and intricate story threads
>Get to New Reno
>Prostitutes say 'burp' and 'I gotta pee'
>Uh, that's kind of dumb
>'Opinions are like assholes, they stink and everyone's got one!' says another NPC
>Okay this is like something Jeff Foxworthy or Larry The Cable Guy might consider sage advice
>Hear about a random encounter area called Cafe Of Broken Dreams
>It's probably going to be some mysterious diner out in the wasteland that is home to the spirits of travelers or the mysterious ghosts of yesteryear.
>The name entices me as I imagine a forlorn, forgotten place somewhere out there, and what mysteries it may hold
>I finally stumble upon it
>It's just a bunch of NPCs that were cut from the game bitching about it in a self aware way that broke both my immersion and the 4th way
>'I was replaced! I was supposed to be in the game!'
>Drop it after I finish my playthrough and never play it again

It's not a horrible game, but it is nowhere near the masterpiece of storytelling I was led to believe, and the mechanics and graphics are VERY dated now.

How bad is your LCK for that even to happen?

Epic response. I bet you also think it's cool that the dice roll combat is in Morrowind as well

>Hmm, I see my sword actually touching the mudcrab, but it's missing.
>I bet in the game world, it actually deftly evaded my strike and continued its onslaught!

The mental gymnastics required to play with that kind of combat can only be achieved by weapons grade autism.

That's Fallout 2, a step down in terms of writing but a step up in overall moment to moment gameplay.

Fallout 1 is the one with the best writing.

Yes yes, we understand. You have no imagination and prefer dull fps. Move on.

I feel you dude. To be honest, I really adore that era of gaming which might make me more than a little bit bias. Ironically, I grew up with Morrowind/Oblivion.

>yfw right now

i love it when people complain about crpg combat because you can instantly know they're retarded and don't understand how rpgs work. let me break it down to you, the game's combat system isn't measuring your ability, it's measuring your character's ability. if your character fucking sucks with small guns and has shit luck, of course he's going to miss you dolt

You reminded me of a time a person just started D&D and placed most of his points into strength for his mage.

I started playing tactics today and the game stutters every 10 seconds, is there a fix for this?


Nothing, really. It's set in center-west US with a completely separate chapter of the BoS. There's some AIs that you discover by the end, but it's nothing out of the ordinary for a Fallout game.

People just didn't like the game as it was a combat focused Fallout game with little to no roleplaying.

some non standard builds can be fun / done extremely well if the person who is making it understands how the system works fundamentally

In Fallout 1 you have to level up your weapon skills to 100+ to hit stuff consistently, after that the game is a cake walk where you have 99% hit chances even with a shit luck stat.

Your sheltered vault faggot doesn't instantaneously know how to use every gun in the game the second he picks it up, he has to be knowledgeable about the weapon to use it properly.

It's a roleplaying game, fucking roleplay, you don't get to have an easy time using guns until your character knows how to use fucking guns.

I didn't understand jack shit about Lonesome Road after playing it. There's all this buildup and cryptic hints and I guess you had to be smarter than me to put it all together.
The courier set off some nukes somewhere once? or something

>Tfw 4 Luck

The jist of it, user.

True, but this guy was a mage that could cast maybe 1 spell before he had to start beating people with his staff.

It was funny to say the least. His second character was a lot better.

>implying the courier isn't just a crazy hard motherfucker that does early game shit as physical therapy after getting capped in the head

I wanted to do an explosives/big gun build for NV, but looking at the perks and everything it doesn't seem too good.

How do I get into Tactics? From the few times I tried it the combat felt awful. Real time top down with multiple characters is some weird ass shit.

Just grab some mods dude.

wish I fucking knew, it feels so odd

I felt the same user. Wandering the old missile silos was more interesting to me than ulysses or EdE.

you know it has a turn-based mode right

literally git gud at multitasking dude

He was the fucking mail man what did you expect?

>Now it's time to see the unparalleled writing, the delicately crafted and intricate story threads
>Get to New Reno
Your first mistake was not realizing people were referring to 1 and not 2 when they talk about amazing writing.
>Prostitutes say 'burp' and 'I gotta pee'
>'Opinions are like assholes, they stink and everyone's got one!' says another NPC
Your second mistake was thinking that the amazing writing people were talking about was the random shit no name NPC's say.

Yeah, I found it. Then it just seems massively slow with giant maps and slow ass movement speed. Does it get better past the first mission? I think I've got half way through and dropped it due to boredom a few times now.

Doing better than me holmes.

>225 hours

How did you play Fallout 1 for so long?
I've done three playthroughs totaling 40 hours combined and I feel like I've done just about everything in the game.

Autisim, basically.

It's my favorite game, I've played it in pretty much every way you can. Longest playthrough was the 2 ap unarmed one.

>2 ap unarmed one
I am disgusted and intrigued

first half of 2>1>nv>second half of 2>3>4

M8, Frank Horrigan bumps the second half of 2 up to at least New Vegas levels.

Nah, the enclave is overrated
Everything before Vault 13 in Fallout 2 is god tier, but after you meet the deathclaws the game goes downhill fast. 1 doesn't have the highs of 2, but it's more consistent throughout.

It was rough. 10 Charisma helped a lot

how long did that playthrough take?

That reminds me of the story of a guy who built his character for a specific strategy later on. Everyone in his group just thought he was a shitty mage but then suddenly he was buffing and enlarging himself and critting shit with a large keen scythe for fuck you damage

100 hours?

>exhausted asshole on the verge of passing out, who has never touched a sword in his life before this moment
>can't hit a crab hard enough to break its shell
Checks out

It doesn't matter if you're saying 3 is good or not, it's an objective fact that Fallout 1 is a better game than 3.

it's because no one likes how fucking long and pointless the intros to FO3 and FO4 are just to make you an inexperienced individual.

Suspending your disbelief so that survivalists start at lvl 1 is far better.

really gets the pumpkin tumblin'

Suspension of disbelief.
Stop being autistic.

Put it turn based and team turns. As in, there aren't individual turns, but Player and Enemy turns. That makes it so that you can actually coordinate better and the turns go by faster for some reason.

But to like Tactics you need to like the combat system in the old fallout games, else it's pointless. Also first mission is the weirdest one because it's strangely open and filled with enemies. Later areas have more structures and you get a fucking car.

yeah and the players *choose* to dump their int, nunbnuts.

>Is there a plausible explanation for why the Courier is such a fucking noob at the beginning of NV?

Yes, it's called not giving the player control of an experienced character right of the bat so that you can have your own proggresion from the start therefore encouraging leveling your character and creating a difficulty curve

does anyone else purposefully avoid putting one in charisma so I don't have to hear doc talk about how bad it is

does anyone else go for special builds based on the description on the machine

Is there any NV lighting mod / ENB that doesn't make night time pitch black? I want better lighting but also want to be able to see clearly at night like in vanilla, it'd be okay if it was a little darker than vanilla but FNV RWL and every ENB I've tried just makes night pitch black.

1 > NV > 2 > Tactics > 3 > 4

For the era of the Isometric Fallouts, it didn't have the best writing, but it inarguably had the most polished game mechanics.

How is it nostalgia if people play it for the first time today (broadly speaking) and enjoy it? Or do you genuinely believe no one played it after its original release date?


real time sucked