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I think the head popping out of the skull is neat for a character design but everything else is just so dumb that it simply feels out of place.
Yeah. It works because it's simple.
Here's hoping BL3 isn't a dumpster fire
i always loved how the bandits have quotes urging you to please stop shooting his helmet/dare you to keep shooting/instantly regret standing next to a Goliath depending on what you're doing
Basically. Goliaths could be unsettling it they weren't an enemy type in a game full of screaming midgets and other silly things.
I hope it crashed and burns, putting Gearbox out of its misery. That fucking company can't die fast enough.
Bandits callouts are my jam.
It reminds me of Blade, when the vampires' skeletons have tiny bat skeletons come out of them.
Just started replaying this game because the humble bundle had my friends pick it up. Never tried Kreig out, and I'm getting my anus handed to me.
I don't remember it being this hard as a Gunzerker, does Kreig just have a weak earlygame or something?
It doesn't pick up until you get to the bottom of the Mania skill tree, after that you can do whatever you want
>Imagine a normal-ish setting
>You're taking pot-shots at dudes out in the wastes
>See this really big dude walking with a caravan a little ways out, but well in range of your sniper-skillz
>A well placed shot blows it clean off, sending him to the ground as the caravan comes to a halt
>All the humans on the caravan scatter in all directions, you look on, puzzled
>The big dude gets up, but his head doesn't come with him
>And then it rises like an erection coming to full mast, throat and tendons stretching gruesomely and flailing about like they're made of rubber
>And the screaming, oh god, he just won't stop screaming
>Before you know it, he's scaled the fucking mountain you're camped in the side of
>And has slapped you to the ground as he flings himself over the top
>And he's quite literally tearing people apart
>You feel something akin to panic as you try to crawl towards the exit, he's goring the animals now, the scream of your wife echoes through the cavern, barely audible over his own howls and screeches
>And finally, it becomes clear he's found you, the last one alive and present
>He's not screaming, just breathing as heavily as a low-endurance track runner hopped up on adrenaline and god-knows-what
>And then with all the rage he can manage, he cries out:
>And two titanic fists crash into your back as everything goes black
6/10, could be better.
DAMN this guy looks BADASS
What would save Borderlands 3, Sup Forums?
And what do you want to see in it?
>no scope aim wander
>no or less exponential scaling
>That fucking voice
It just made me want to kill em faster
Welcome to die!
>Not becoming so angry you glitch out the game's physics.
There's a lot of stories of it.
Looking back at Borderlands 2 made me realize how heavily outdated 90% of the writing became.
Elaborate? I don't follow.
That's the phenomenon of "meme culture." It didn't become quite so prevalent until about 4 or 5 years ago around the time the average human child/teen/tween became enthralled with the Internet and its culture. Image macros and "memes" or "really big in-jokes" began to become outdated within months, weeks, sometimes days. And Borderlands 2 was full of references to this shit, thus it itself became outdated very quickly. Then more dumb shit got piled on top of that and it just kept piling up, leaving Borderlands 2 in the dust, like everything else. The Internet is like a massive dumping ground of ideas, games, jokes, and information. It will continue piling up, so much lost to the rages of time.
Just imagine if Borderlands had a more survival horror bent to it
>you walk into a dark, abandoned facility looking for tech to salvage and sell for one of the major corporations
>there's a literal pile of gore, dismembered torsos, and heads with their skins flayed off in one room
>as you walk past, one of the skull, missing its lower jaw, snaps towards you, its milky white eyes focusing on you as the pile begins to rumble and it slowly rises up atop the pile of gore like a demonic snake, supported by a bloody spine that disappear amidst the blood and carnage below it, a dead tongue dangling uselessly from its underside as it shakes in what you can clearly understand as pure hatred at the sight of you
>suddenly, the body pile explodes, or more accurately, is thrown forward with the strength of a great wave, as the blood skull climbs even higher, towering above you; its bloody spine, now fully visible, protuding from a raw, bloody hole atop a gigantic lower body, a thousand pounds of naked, sickening fat and muscle covered in gore, both from the bodies around it, and from its own grievous wounds
>as the monstrous abomination lunges towards you with outstretched, bloody arms, you can hear a deep, gurgling, wet noise coming from the giant hole in its neck, something akin to a voice, if spoken by something to whom each word caused incredible pain and internal damage
You sat on my swing... NOW I'M GOING TO EAT YOU!
its an interesting idea used in basically the worst setting for it. If shit like that popped up (and does now that I think about it) in something like RE or silent hill it'd work a lot better. Here, it doesn't even make a lot of sense as to why it happens.
I wish this game was made by better devs and with a different writer. Jesus gearbox, you shit everything up.
Okay, you got me, kek.
A competent UI designer. More quest variety. Tighten up the gun system so I'm not spending 99% of the time selling useless guns. Add deeper character customization. Make the character builds a little more intuitive/organized. Less wacky humor and more dry humor. More testing and polish. Use a better physics system, get rid of the floaty jumps. Improve movement mechanics. More vehicle variety.
That being said I like the elemental damage stuff. The main game needs freeze weapons like Pre-Sequel.Maybe integrate more airless areas but get rid of the rebreather drops. Make it a permanent item that can be upgraded using currency or eridium or something. Could also be used for swimming/underwater exploration.
I also like the badass rank stuff. It feels grindy but does help when replaying the game. Boss farming needs to be an officially supported mechanic as well. Remove the high enemy respawn rate to compensate. Make bosses respawn and either get rid of common enemy respawns or reduce them. It's so annoying trying to do challenges and having to fight the same guys a few times in an area.
>elemental damage stuff
Slag is a neat idea, but good GOD, I don't ever want to see it again cause I know it'll be mandatory in end-game.
BL1 had a more serious yet boring tone and a simple backstory that BL2 completely tossed out the window.
Psychos and bandits were originally convicts sentenced to work hard labor for a big intergalactic company that later abandoned the project, leaving them to rot/rule the planet. Then when they found the alien artifacts and vault clues which also awoke the dangerous life forms on Pandora, I forget if the seismic activity or the emissions from the ancient alien technology turned the convicts all crazy.
>Slag is a neat idea
no it wasn't
Hahahahah ecks dee toddposting, so epic my dude
I said neat, not good. A weapon you want to pop and swap isn't very common in any shooter. I didn't say the implementation was good either. And as mentioned, the fact it's mandatory at high-end makes it a fucking terrible thing.
From what I recall, although I could be mistaken, the problem with the wildlife wasn't that it was awakened by the vault or anything of the sort, but simply the result of Pandora having an exceptionally long orbit around its sun with winters which lasted decades, during which most of the wildlife would go into hibernation and be rendered harmless. The planet was then colonized during one of said cold seasons, only for a few decades later its "summer" start, the environment thaw out, and the wildlife start eating everything and everyone on sight.
Is that Katie? How old is she here?
I agree with this. Slag was an all right concept, but it was executed really poorly. It also kind of threw the whole elemental weakness thing that BL had going for it out of the window.
Why bother exploiting weaknesses to specific elements when you can just slag a guy and blow them away with explosives?
Headstone Mine used to be a successful mine controlled by the Dahl corporation. In the course of the mining operation something was discovered and hastily covered up. While it has never been fully revealed what was found there, it is known that a Vault key fragment came into the possession of Sledge, a grossly muscled behemoth of a man who later amassed a small army of bandits at the mine. The discovery had a surprising effect on many of the convict workers there. Most went crazy and many were physically mutated as well, growing into huge, muscular parodies of humanity, or stunted to dwarf proportions. Unable to control the convict population any longer, Dahl were forced to withdraw, and the mine that had once been a hive of productivity became a headquarters for the many bandits plaguing the Arid Badlands.
I think it could be a good idea to make it so that your character not only specializes in a certain build (damage, speed, defense, offense, tank, self-healing, etc) but can also specialize in an element. So if you want to be a robot hunter, you could specilize your character in corrosive. Perhaps there would be cross-class stats that control immunity to a single element, and increased dmg with that element. Or maybe it would unlock some abilities you couldn't normally access without upgrading in that area. Like maybe within corrosive weapons you could get an ability to bleed acid and dmg melee enemies or you could set up corrosive traps.
IDK. I've put in a shit load of time in BL2 and it's one of those games where you're like "this is kind of cool but could have been done so much better." It feels like a lot of missed opportunities. The gameplay could be so much more interesting than "go here, shoot bad guy, collect item, defeat boss, new area"
Surely the weaknesses stack?
The problem with specializing in a single element in the majority of RPGs is that on higher difficulties you'll get brick walled by enemies that're highly resistant or outright immune to your chosen element. Which means you'll need a way to reduce the enemy's resistance in some way, and everyone knows that passives like "reduces the enemy's resistance to x element" just aren't fun.
>Which means you'll need a way to reduce the enemy's resistance in some way
That's what slag is for.
Which defeats the purpose of specializing in a single type of damage.
So grab a support-slut who, in a game balanced with this in mind, has the ability to reduce enemy Res to a specific element heavily on top of whatever Res reductions you have. Or skip the content that is impossible for your build. Not all builds NEED to do everything in a Role-player Game. That's one of the biggest draws of build variety.
>Inb4 "but you can't finish the main story because 'area full of fuck you, your damage is shit'"
Bad game design to put enemy Resists so high in content that is required to reach "end-game."
Is there a mod to fix how legendary/uniques are given out in Borderlands 2 to be closer to how 1 did/the level curve for loot stats?
2 seemed better then 1 in every other way but the loot system, but it dropped the ball on the loot system so hard I could never get into it
How about a grenade type that doesn't do a lot of damage, but strips enemy elemental resistances in a large area?
That said though, I can't think of a single instance where enemy-specific elemental damage immunities have added to my enjoyment of a game. At best it's a non-factor, at worst an inconvenience.
>Bad game design to put enemy Resists so high in content that is required to reach "end-game."
It's Gearbox, you need to idiot-proof your ideas for the devs as much as for the players.
I never said all builds need to do everything. I just wish the game was deeper and I was trying to come up with a way to add more strategy into it. You could just carry one or two of every kind of weapon and never sweat it. That's easy for the devs to implement and easy for casuals to carry out. In that case, having a bajillion guns is pretty useless and the game should just let you change the element of your gun at will (or for the cost of some points or something).
My point isn't that I have good ideas to specifically solve these problems, just that they need to be solved for my enjoyment to increase. You may not even consider it a problem.
>it's mandatory at high-end
Yeah, you touch upon one of the worst elements on Borderlands. Playthrough 1 is never even remotely challenging, and I don't feel like going through P2/2.5 just to get some enemies that don't immedately melt.
I played through both 1 and 2 pretty recently, and both times I got a specific gun that worked with my character build and never needed another from mid-game all the way past the final boss. Thats incredibly boring.
I liked the more slightly grounded BL1 setting, but Goliaths could've worked well in it.
Too bad they are incredibly cartoonish when they are berserk. Fucking flying around when they jump and running like they're on ice.
I doubt the games easy to mod at all, or ever been modded. It's a fucking spaghetti code nightmare. I do agree though, and the reason why is because they wanted to cull the curve of progression to sell their DLC, in which it's easier to get the legendary's/things you're hunting. It was intentionally fucked with for monetary reasons, and people bit the bait.
I've never bought their DLC's and never will regardless because I'm done with that shitfest. If they do the same with BL3 I simply wont ever play it.
>better in every other way
wrong on that one
they did fix loot drops to have better rates a couple years ago but its still a grind
user, they doubled loot drop rates. From 1% or less to 2% or less.
Gearbox sort of took the one thing they had worth something and smashed it against a wall as Borderlands 2 progressed. Pre-sequel did no favors.
They had this world they built. They had this whole archetype that they had built. Characters people liked. A basic setup to build off of out of the first game. They had successfully established something.
And then Borderlands 2 happened. And it advanced nothing while taking everything away and pushing agendas for some reason. It broke down the core foundation Gearbox had managed to walk away from BL1 with. It burned everything to the ground for the sake of a story that fed everything to the machine.
hi mr satan.
>Pre-sequel did no favors.
I feel I need to expand on this. I haven't played the pre-sequel. But the pre-sequel was fucked from inception because everything about it can be summed up to making more of the core erode away while presenting characters that are canonically dead and never really mattered in the first place.
thats why you dont make a story based on memes.
I mean, mechanically I went into Borderlands 2 hoping for the ability to build my own gun and customize it and personalize it and come away with a battle buddy. But that's not what happened. Fucking trash loot bonanza. A BAJILLIONGAZILLION pieces of shit.
Then they killed off Angel and Roland and left Lilith despite Lilith being an unlikable bitch. And then shit just kept stretching on into a slough with no purpose behind it with the token memetastic bus driver of a villain trying to force the plot along.
It all came down to self-destruction. Gearbox self-destructed. They took everything they had built by stealing and lying and cheating and burned it. And if there's one thing that's worst than stealing, lying, and cheating it's doing it and having nothing to show for it at the end of the day.
Gearbox has ashes.
>And if there's one thing that's worst
Worse, even. Too tired for this shit.
About 75 pounds ago.
And fuck, that rant I did doesn't even go into the Aliens fiasco. Gearbox totally fucked over SEGA and then tried to throw them under the bus. So what? Randy just going to go to publishers with propositions and say "Yeah, I know we totally fucked over this other publisher we worked with, but we'd NEVER fuck over YOU."? Is that really what it comes down to? Is that why Gearbox is desperate to serve as a publisher and force Duke in everything? Because nobody trusts them anymore because they fucked themselves that hard thinking they could be sly?
I mean, Jesus Tapdancing Christ. Do you realize how hard you have to work at fucking yourself over to fuck yourself over to the degree Randy has? Do you even fathom it? It's like fucking himself over became his full time job for a good period of time.
no but that would be BadAss™
i never got it, is it some sort of parasite?
according to the wiki their heads come off and that's it
They're mutants.
what caused the mutations?
what's stopping the other characters from mutating?
See The Vault key fragment mutated them andor drove them insane. Compound that with their steroid use then you got a planet of musclebound maniacs.
STRIP THE _____ SALT THE _____
This is the ideal make body. You may not like it, but you're gonna scream before we cook ya!
Every character is the same early game.
Which tree are focusing?
If Hellborn, get the skill that heals you from DoT asap, it's the real gamechanger.
Kreig is by far my most favorite character in all of borderlands, make sure you go for the middle tree.
Be warned he kinda sucks at fighting bosses though.
eridium mutated the shit out of everything. iirc when these games actually had some semblance of lore, goliaths were sort of like bruisers only they were mutated so badly it got into their adrenal system and it affects them in such a way when they get hit in the head the rush is so insane their head literally can't stay on their body and pops off and they just go into a blind rage and attack everything.