Just got this in the mail Sup Forums. Ley's open this shit!
Unbox thread
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Well, faggot?
Nothing special, It's probably just a shitty game that nobody cares about or useless tat.
>using knife
use your hands to open it or a pen
I hope it's a good game
so exited
Here we go!
Last season was shit
Oh sweet.
Then it'll fit right in alongside every other season.
Still better than everything else from western animation in years.
>No purple wrapper
The dream is dead
Jk, what is it?
And the backside.
How can someone dislike Gurren Jack
The Dark Knight Returns blew it out of the water. Last jack season started out so strong, but went to shit after three episodes.
Now lets see what is in here.
What kind of hentai is this?
Possibly gay.
Is that a far comparison? It's a film, larger budget/timeframe.
I had no real conflicts with S5 till the finale, but I was never in favor of a past-ending. (Glad that Ep2 and 4 won some awards too.)
Lastly the contents. The game, OST on 2 discs, art book, and a cloth poster(the one in the bag). Not to mention I got this in the mail today while the game comes out tomorrow so yeah got it a day early. Will be playing it.
You fucked up.
So Nisa always uses those cute stickers?
I got one on my Touhou Kobuto Switch and It struck me as something a doujin circle would do.
>Is that a far comparison? It's a film, larger budget/timeframe.
As a piece of western animation, yes. Especially considering DC animated movies are often complete trash save for a few titles and Samurai Jack is all but a beloved classic series.
I wish it hadn't focused so much on Ashi (or whatever her name was) and didn't rely on so many callbacks for the sake of them. It got a point where it was a little patronizing. The first three episodes were absolutely top notch, but it just seemed to falter for me, and by the end I didn't care. One callback I would have liked see come to fruition was the guardian of the time portal that shows Jack in the future. Also Aku's VA seemed to dip into a shit Mexican accent at times, I thought he was a terrible replacement. I know he's voiced Mako's character in Avatar, but still. I would have preferred re-used audio with minimal new acting.
So, are you going to post your hand, OP?
I'm conflicted about the Guardian. On the one hand I like the episode it's from and the idea of Jack conquering this land before he's worthy. But on the other, it's prophetic bullshit. We know what's going to happen in that scenario so any and all tension/drama is diffused.
Ashi was the key to that last season and likely why it's so divisive. If you didn't like her then it fails completely.
First couple episodes where god tier
Last few felt really rushed and shit tho
This. Season 5 peaked with the tomb scene.
Well deserved.
>implying episode 3 wasn't GOAT
2 and 3 are a tossup for me desu
No, that's Sonic Boom.
I feel like I'd get nailed to a cross for saying 2 and 8 were my favorites. (I liked how all over the place the season was, tonally.)