What went so right?

What went so right?

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I want to brush faces with Buck's beard. Blackbeard is nice as well.



Best worst game ive ever played and i cant stop playing it

It sucks. No campaign like the old games.

Leftist friendless narutard solobabby

>Muh SP campaign
casual faggot

Siege is a fucking mess. It feels and plays amazing when you are a shitter with no clue, ie anything up to plat 1, but once you do get good the game completely breaks. The netcode is terrifyingly bad, the hit detection is rubbish. 3 speed operators and the netcode combined result in peeks where on their screen you are clearly visible yet on your screen you see nothing. Peekers advantage is a common thing in these games but Siege really takes it to another level.
In addition oneshots regardless of armor amplify this mechanic and make certain guns worthless. The best way to play is 3 speeding with a high RoF gun, since the damage is meaningless.
t. Diamond.

Ive noticed just running in a room and spraying the corner full auto works better than actually being tactical

t. diamond

>one shots regardless of armour
Would you suggest that ubi make headshots on 3 armour or even 2 armour ops not be one shot kills?

S.t.a.l.k.e.r. is sp and great

I hate that its only 4 rounds to win. What is that gay shit ? Also i hate all the toys gimmicks and trap things.

That's cool

>Also i hate all the toys gimmicks and trap things
t. gold Ash main

This. The game was crazy fun until I got to Plat1 / Diamond, then the flaws became way too apparent. It also mostly stops being tactical and is more about sprinting everywhere to abuse the netcode prefiring around corners and dropshotting, all hallmarks of cowadoody.

why didn't sledge do his job?

>baby's first Rainbow Six

stop posting Tim Curry it hurts user

It's unique. The gameplay mechanics of destruction and trap setting are pretty entertaining especially early on.

Well yeah? Oneshots should be reserved to powerful weapons or hard to use weapons like shotguns. CSGO does this well, where only certain rifles are able to oneshot, but extremely close ranges work aswell. In PUBG it works very well.

Yup, 3 armors shouldnt go down from a single smg burst through a wall where a stray bullet catches your dome.

I want to agree with you OP, but Operation Health happened.

>shotguns >hard to use

Holy fuck whats it like playing this game with your frontal lobe missing?

Shotguns do feel weird sometimes, but there's not much reason to choose one over an smg or anything else anyway.

Shotguns feel weird due to pellet dispersion not because they're hard to use or anything. They're literally the most basic point and click interface

>It feels and plays amazing when you are a shitter with no clue, ie anything up to plat 1
Do you honestly think all the flaws you mentioned just don't occur to people more than 1 rank below the top? I'm a plat 3, you can say I'm shit if you like, but I agree with everything else in your post

>mfw some unironic retard says that rainbow six, shouldn't have fucking SP

yeah sure feels fucking great to throw away the old trilogy fanbase and instead end up with MUH EE SPAWRTZ xDDD
fucking fag

Yeah, but I wasn't the guy saying they were hard. I use them myself because of how easy shotguns are to use.

even fucking BF3 has better traps and destruction than what siege advertises.

A lot of the times you are basically dead moments before you actually got killed. That's not because you got pre-fired or someone had peeker's advantage. It's most likely because you did something wrong/stupid just before you died or even some time before your actual death.

No it didn't what drugs are you on?

Absolutely nothing Ubisoft did intentionally.

It's a fun game when played with friends, make no mistake, but everything Ubisoft touches turns to shit. Rainbow Six: Siege is a fluke, as far as I'm concerned. Even in the face of Ubisoft's attempts at balance and ongoing "support," I still manage to enjoy the game, if inexplicably so. To say that Ubisoft had any hand in that, however, would be patently false.

It's only a matter of time, though, before they completely manage to scew the pooch. Operation Health (or "Hong Kong still isn't ready so here's four months of no content and dubious "bug-fixes" that don't actually accomplish anything and actually manage introduce more bullshit, and just forget all about that Polish map you were supposed to get": the season) came dangerously close to that.

It'd probably be easier to list the things that went wrong.

I like siege a lot, but I feel like the devs want it to be ESPORTS EXTREEEEEME rather than a tactical shooter. Even with the two new trap-based operators you still have 3 speed adderall-popping shitters owning the map like it's fucking cod. and the fucking netcode issues just encourage this shit.

Well first of all BF3's traps (claymores and recon's motion sensor) actually fucking WORK instead of having them with a bright fucking laser or a completely visible big black pad that everybody with eyes could see.
Trappers are worthless in siege

and destruction too, in BF3 you can take out pretty much any building except for it's bare pillars, and smaller buildings are completely destructible and needless to say that it's even more realistic than siege (mind you that siege advertises itself as ""realistic"")

>actually playing the game

Had the same bright fucking laser as in Siege you mongoloid
>in BF3 you can take out pretty much any building except for it's bare pillars
Yeah, because you can only blow out huge chunks of a wall at a time, no small holes like in Siege
>Trappers are worthless
And that's why they are the current meta, right?

You are arguing with a brainlet

>and destruction too, in BF3 you can take out pretty much any building except for it's bare pillars, and smaller buildings are completely destructible and needless to say that it's even more realistic than siege (mind you that siege advertises itself as ""realistic"")
It's called balancing

More like Ive met plat 3 players who still think Siege is slow and tactical and none of the issues exist

BF3 had garbage "destruction" and the much touted "levolution" was literally a set piece. Where as with siege you can actually go through pretty much anywhere if you're clever enough. As for traps both kapkans and frosts are incredibly effective so I don't know what you're even trying to make a comparison to? Pulse works a bit like the recon drone and we have literal claymores in the game. Kapkan's traps are even having their laser removed because casuals don't know where to place them to be effective and theres a ton more traps and devices that are perfectly fine. So fuck off?

Alright nerds post your favorite operators. For me its valk, making sick corner shots with well hidden cameras and getting called a hacker just feels too good.

Ash and Jaeger :^)

Rook. You really can do no wrong with him. Also he's the most comfy.

the thing that makes this game so addicting is the god tier fucking maps

the fact that a map is just a mansion, or a small clubhouse, or a simple building with floors is so fucking god tier. House is literally just a fucking house, but it is the best map ever

By the way the boat map, did they remove that or something? I never get it

Enjoy your lesion traps and glaz fucko :^)

Thoughts on the P90 vs MP5? Generally I take the P90 cause that thing feels like it hits headshots like a laser. Also a lot less reloading needs to happen.

Yeah yacht and favela were removed for balancing issues. Which is a shame I really enjoyed the absolute clusterfuck of favela.

Will they ever return or..? I really fucking loved Yacht.

>P90 vs MP5
P90 sucks, mp5 is way better
Only because of the recoil

Probably not, another reason it was removed was game size limits. They will just keep rotating out old maps

Yeah, they're rebalancing them and then putting them back, although I believe later on down the road there was going to be permanent map removal but thats mostly speculation at this point. Game size is starting to become a factor especially for consoles. Yacht was pretty fun but without decent teammates it could be a shit show

>know your enemy is gonna peak
>blow his head off
>not relevant

I mean, you do fire your P90 in bursts right?

one thing I hate about siege, which I wish wish was added

Was like a testing shooting range map, where you could test all the attachments on guns, which I've -no- fucking clue how they work, still. Muzzle break, flash hider, they sort of all feel the same and I always feel as if I'm using a "worse" one

wish there was a shooting range to swap out guns and the such, just so its nice and quick instead of having to load up an entire custom game/real game, test all the combinations

I wish you could put Mira mirrors where ever you wanted on the wall instead of a one way line.

>>blow his head off
You can do this with every op
Glaz is only good with smokes and on plane
>you do fire your P90 in bursts right?
Why do that when you can just hold down the trigger with mp5 and have laser accuracy?

There is nothing more satisfying then using a Twitch drone to shoot out the Mira mirrors, leaving a giant fucking hole into the room which was her mirror

What other games do that?
The only one I can think of that does it well is CoD Advanced Warfare, where the shooting range loads instantly from the create a class screen.





I love shooting ranges in general, the only games that regularly have anymore tend to be milsims and their shooting ranges are always realistic and awkward. Just put me in a shooting range and let me pick my guns and attachments from a menu or whatever.


Day of Infamy added a shooting range, which is basically a map you can explore and pick up weapons from. No choosing attachments tho

levolution was bf4's trash gimmick

>I treat the game as fps
>disappointment and rage
>I treat the game as tactical hide and seek
>have so much fun i'm playing it every single day

I fucking hate playing this game but I cant stop, send help

Who /blitz/ here?

I can't control the p90 for shit. I just go with safe mp5.

Really its one of the few guns with almost no recoil to start with. I generally go with mp5 for long distance stuff.

Anybody explain exactly how the fuck attachments work? Muzzle Break, compensator, all those?

They don't

I can't find the bar graph so heres a quick run down


>not playing with four of your closest comrades


One of the best multiplayer games ever

Ty got this user

You know a game is good when people are actually discussing gameplay and characters in the thread

Preach brother. I stopped playing 2 seasons ago because of this.
I played the beta, bought the game day one; I wanted to like the game for many reasons, but there were too many flaws.
Netcode, hit detection, and Ubi's constant meddling to try and fix these problems and their incessant attempt to compete in an Esport environment.

Every time I try to explain to a twat like yourself why the game is bad, it's "git gud" or some other gay defense.
Accept that the game is bad and you're wasting your time.

It's a gimmick that hides the combat and netcode issues.

>is god tier
>so fucking god tier
What are you, 12?

I dont want to say this but maybe something similar to Pubg's damage model
where headshot do a lot of damage but not instant delet depending on what gun/caliber you use and their armor

atm people just pick a gun with highest rof and biggest clip to just spray for head shot

>P90 sucks
I don't know if that's still the case, but a few months ago you could just get random headshots because of the rate of fire and using bursts with an ACOG.

it's a magazine, you dip.

Also, it's not the guns that are the issue, it's the netcode and hit detection.
I don't want to be mean, but you kids don't understand how games work, and you just assume something is intentionally part of the game, and not a flaw in Ubisoft's design.
It's the whole reason they released Operation Health, even if it didn't work.

Holy shit I've never seen a brainlet act that condescending, impressive

>Theme Park

Game has a lot of real issues, like 100% first bullet accuracy at any range with any non shotgun weapon. It is hard to detect cheaters in this game. Yet there is a lot of players banned every banwave. No one afraid of being reported. Also whenever I reach plat, game becomes unfun to play. it has the most horrible elo hell of all games I have ever played. You often get to play against players abusing their torrents at attack and you can't do anything about that. It is unreal to get higher than plat if you won't be abusing game mechanics.

shut up faggot

There are a lot of videos on youtube showing that with good pings hit detection works just perfect, literally. But with big differences in ping between players you get some freaky shit, like getting shot in feet results in a headshot. Sometimes people headshot me and it is clear that I am behind them on killcam, never happened in any other game. Peaking issue also exists.

Bartlett University

I'll let you know when I stop getting disconnected.

>No one afraid of being reported
Used to say and do whatever I wanted.
Now there's a bunch of faggots that report me every time I say nigger.

The lack of concurrence.

>The game was fun until I started playing like a tryhard with other tryhards
This seems to be a consistent trend with ANY game that features ranked play, not just Siege. It's almost as if the moment you start trying to climb the ranks and "be the best" you realize that "the best" are only there because they're capable of spending every hour of the day abusing literally any and all flaws to the absolute maximum.

Are you getting muted? I just call people mongoloids if they refuse to use english. Never got banned or muted. I was talking about grefieng anyway. Some one who becomes upset just goes full REEE mode, TK's everyone and cries in chat trying to justify him being a total faggot. It happens so often I am assuming that no one actually gets banned for griefing.

>Some one who becomes upset just goes full REEE mode, TK's everyone

I haven't played this game in over a year probably, but I saw this post while scrolling and am incredibly disappointed that this is still happening. It was one of the main reasons I quit.

>ANY game that features ranked play
SC2 community isn't bad for example.

me too
i get so fucking angry that i stop but then the next day i play 4 hours straight or until i get mad again

It happens almost every match above plat. There is often even no reason to be upset, but people just do it. I don't get this mindset.

>above plat
Below plat, I mean.

No, even before the skill-based matching on casual, the game was a fucking wreck.
Still is.

I haven't played since Operation Health was implemented, but I was banned for a couple of weeks at one point for "hate speech" or some shit.

>came for the shooting
>came from looking at IQ's butt

No, they fixed that shit a year ago.
You kill 2 teammates and you're kicked out and banned for a certain amount of time, and it adds up consecutively if you keep doing it.