>are you looking forward to it?
>did you enjoy the last one?
>do you have any concerns?
>are you getting it day 1?
>are you looking forward to it?
>did you enjoy the last one?
>do you have any concerns?
>are you getting it day 1?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Yeah i did
>That the whole communist priest thing isnt more than just stange times make strange (and temporary) allies
>I guess i am.
Sup Forums is doomed.
Anyway, I hope they bring back those legless dudes from Return.
ill get it when it goes on sale for 20 bucks or something, I'm sure it will be a good game but I'm not in any rush to drop 60 bucks on a game that won't even give me 10 hours of playtime
Nah, looks gay and boring as fuck.
I plan on getting The New Order on the switch.
Is it on par or worse than New Doom?
I honestly hope the gunplay is at least as good or better than the recent one. The story in shooting games never interested me.
How does nu-Wolfenstein better to The Evil Within series?
So it's okay to kill nazis now?
New Doom is fantastic, assuming you like Doom.
New Wolfenstein was really cool, but nothing revelatory.
since TOB was basically a remake of the first levels from RtcW, i wouldn't be surprised if one of the DLCs features the xlabs stuff. would be cool.
TNO is alot more story heavy than Doom is, so expect alot of cutscenes and not constant shooting of nazis.
>The tongue in cheek writing is just plain unfunny, cringe and annoying. Slow gameplay/turret sections
>Not that's dumb
I have new doom on pc and I fucking love it. My work never let's new be home though so that's why I'm interested in wolfenstein on the switch.
If wolfenstein is at least on par with new doom, I want it.
I enjoyed TNO and I'm looking forward to the new one.
My main concern is that a few of the social media ads they're running are just them trying to play on current events rather than actually representative of the game being political. TNO's setting was shockingly well thought out and written, it'd be a shame for that to give way to 2017 politics. It looks promising, though.
0 hype
gonna be a marxist propaganda game thatll lecture you about terrorism being right and full blown punch nazis leftis simulator, no thanks
shit game but I will pirate it.
Why are they putting literal Communist propaganda in the game?
To be clear, I hope that the ads ARE just playing on current events, rather than representative.
That's my fear as well. This could just be massive marketing shitposting and nothing they're spewing accurately represents the game.
Or it could really be a shitfest of a narrative
I just picked up TNO last week and thoroughly enjoyed it. I avoided it like the plague but it was $20, ended up being one of my favorite shooter campaigns of the last few years. Also one of the only games I've ever actually looked forward to cutscenes in. They're really well done.
I am hype, especially since it looks even more over the top and is in burgerland.
Did they actually? I just want to talk about vidya without shitposters or triggered cunts.
Did you play New Doom? Did you like it?
Just preordered
machinegames guy said he wasn't too comfortable with the marketing thing, so i guess it's bethesda's fault. Also, the plot for the trilogy was written in 2014.
>plot for the trilogy was written in 2014
Oh shit nigga, source?
I'm almost positive it's not representative. All of the footage looks just like the last game. This marketing angle didn't come up until pretty damn recently.
Hell the unveil started with straight up faux nazi propaganda. I don't think they would have done that in October 2017.
black people
I don't understand why a game featuring a communist makes it propaganda. The trailer even featured BJ nearly decking the guy.
Given that the game entered production in 2014 or so I'd say that most details were probably set in stone before the US election even registered outside burgerland. But we'll see, I guess.
That is promising.
>it'd be a shame for that to give way to 2017 politics. It looks promising, though.
Realistically speaking, the size of development likely wouldn't allow anything from the current administration or 2017 events to be reflected beyond coincidence.
And no matter what, the bulk of anons will pretend there is even if there isn't. People love to be professional victims around here.
Do you still have to press a key to pick up ammo. I fucking hated that
How do you guys think W2 will stack up against AC:O and B.B.W (bing bing wahoo) on the 26th when embargos break and they all get compared on metacritic?
Oh shit, for real? What is this, 1994?
There's an overabundance of ammo, if you automatically picked up everything, you'd end up with max ammo at the end of every fight without trying
#Resist Blimpf. Can't wait to #punch nazis.
I'm pre-ordering right now.
>not thinking that the game won't have you betraying the commies
You mean like every other shooter? Having to hit a button is a dumb thing to worry about in a fast pace shooter
>I don't understand why a game featuring a communist makes it propaganda
Because the Communist is portrayed as a hero you mong
If they made a game with a Nazi protagonist would that not be called Nazi propaganda?
Did you ever see a TLOU thread? Even if you didn't like the game, you were still shitposted into oblivion for not just screeching 'movie game move movie' at every mention of it.
It's going to be lower than the new Mario and maybe even AC. I'm genuinely expecting reviewers to rip into it for 'not being inclusive enough despite being about Drumpf's America' or something because it doesn't feature enough biqueer crippled furries in the resistance or something. This game's worst enemy is going to be expectations and marketing. The ads are setting it up as a political thing and people are going to be disappointed if it's anything else.
>"That was definitely not something we anticipated. We started writing the script in 2014 right after we released the first one. Somehow things have gotten strangely topical. Which of course is not something we anticipated or feel especially good about. That's the way it is, I guess."
I think Wolfenstein 2 will sell the least of the 3, but will be the best game of the 3.
You've already played the game? How was it?
I played Wolfenstein TNO on the PS4 and then again on my PC when I upgraded the card. It was ok, the enemies were a bit tedious because they were bullet sponges, overall I thought it was an OK experience. I'd be willing to purchase TNC and play it on my PC if it weren't for
>le sassy angry racist black woman with afro meme character XD
This shit is retarded and devs need to stop doing it.
>their #punchanazi campaign
This got old earlier this year when if you disagree with the mainstream media on ANYTHING, you're automatically a nazi
>the weird shit like the interracial sex scene in the trailer
No, I don't care that they're having sex, it's just boring. This is like people who introduce themselves as gay/trans/whatever. Not only am I not shocked or offended, I'm bored by it.
I'll pass on this or anything else until Wolfenstein ceases to be some crazy libtard fantasy and goes back to being a game where you stop nazis from using occult artifacts to attempt world conquest.
Yeah, I really liked that as well. I liked Dooms gameplay more but TNO's cutscenes made up for what I thought it lacked there.
I also played TNO on console like an idiot and a big part of why I didn't like TNO's gameplay was the unadjustable two-speed aiming.
All we've seen of him is that he's probably crazy/not in touch with reality and BJ nearly throws a chair at his head.
You...do know Communists are the ones that actually captured Berlin and defeated the Nazis, right? You aren't a literal 12 year old with no grasp of history, right?
is Tyler1 really in this game?
what else is there to this game?
The ONLY thing I've heard about this game is the shitposting/controversy
does this game have anything compelling from a gameplay standpoint to make it stand out? Are there any original mechanics or anything special beyond the thematics and media bullshit?
im just curious
Too bad. There's this really dope level where you launch a helicopter by answering a multiple choice quiz about white privilege. Then to unlock the door to the weapon that will beat the boss, you have to break the fourth wall and write write a full confession to your IRL thoughtcrimes against POC/LGBTQIAA+/women and send it to Bethesda along with your photo ID and game serial. Of course if you can prove that you're a member of a group that scores more than 420 points in the Oppression Olympiad, you'll get automatic godmode, everything unlock, and a $15 discount for the DLC. The final boss is really fucking unbalanced though. He throws too many microagressions at you and you can't stop literally shaking for long enough to fight back, although I guess that's a realistic simulation of everyday life.
>Because the Communist is portrayed as a hero you mong
No BJ is portrayed as a hero. And our hero calls said Communist out on his bullshit philosophy like the badass he is. Also he drugs BJ so not really much heroics out of him from what I've seen.
the nazis did nothing wrong. they were only formed to stop the commies from taking over germany
>waaaaa, someone hurt my leftist feefees
I guess thanks for not spamming gay furry like you weirdo marxists usually do when you get BTFO.
I remember BJ mentions the XLabs during the sewer levels
Old Blood really kind of makes the whole Wolfenstein continuity really confusing now. New Order was really interesting in that how in terms of writing and tone, it was practically a reboot, but also casually name-dropped events and characters from the previous games indicating they were all indeed canon. We still still also don't know where the original games fit in, as there are conflicting supplementary material as to just how canon they might be.
I wonder if the new game might even drop some references to Silas Warner games.
does he kill all the commies?
Did you play TNO? Because it looks like it's going to be more of that, which is a good thing.
damn nigga, you just laid all my worries to rest. thanks
>This got old earlier this year when if you disagree with the mainstream media on ANYTHING, you're automatically a nazi
When this game and entire franchise has literally been about killing nazis, this is a really moot point.
You're clearly projecting, friend.
That's why it's so hard to moderate threads like this. When the game touches on a lot of politically hot topics it's difficult to separate that from the gameplay in the discussion. Especially since the gameplay itself is not especially groundbreaking. It's got some good moments, but the driving force behind the game itself is the developer's reputation and the story.
Faggot mods.
Fighting for communism
are you okay my man
>Communists portrayed as hero
Like many stories from WW2 when the Nazis were an actual threat?
I'm looking forward to it but will not buy it on release. Gonna wait for it to go on sale at about $20. Didn't take long for DOOM 4 so I don't think it'll be more than a year.
TNO was good but there were too many scripted scenes. TOB was much better solely because the lower budget meant they simply couldn't waste as much of my time with that bullshit. Unfortunately, I think TNC will be at least as bad as TNO.
Also, Supersoldaten are fucking horseshit garbage enemies and I never want to see them again.
>what if we took this enemy with a shitload of health and gave it the fastest-firing weapon in the game (which is also hitscan)
Fuck you, Machine Games. Bullet sponges aren't fun.
It's called "The New Colossus", not The New Homunculus"
not really
don't have the money
As someone thats indifferent to FPSes, I thought TNO was a really fun game. It didn't do anything new or revolutionary, it just did things really competently and kills were satisfying.
2 looks like they've refined it more, so I'm looking forward to it.
I haven't played the game as its not out yet so I can't say. He's trying to get them as allies to help fight the Nazi's, much like we did in WWII. If I had to venture a guess I'd say no, BJ doesn't kill them but I wouldn't be surprised if they end up biting it at some point.
People who complain about that shit are a lot louder than people who play video games.
And yeah, the gameplay is pretty fun and the story is basically roided-up Inglorious Bastards and really well-delivered if you're into that sort of shit. Like I usually dread sitting through cutscenes and dealing with story in games but it was fun to watch in TNO.
I'm curious, I did like the last one and I really liked Old Blood
I don't really want any political bullshit, I want a sci-fi horror game. Wilhelm Strauss was a great fucking villain. Also, the idea of BJ getting his head chopped off disturbs me, I hope it doesn't happen but also kind of want it to at the same time. The Jap stigma against decapitation is totally reasonable. It really does degrade the victim.
I might get it day 1, I might not. I'll see how it is at release, optimization wise.
The game isn't out yet, we don't know. Given that the very idea of killing an entire group purely for their political beliefs is futile at best, I'm going to say no, in the same way that BJ doesn't kill all the Nazi either.
That's what I find most interesting about this 'outrage'. It's the oldest, longest-running shooter franchise out there. Literally every entry has been built around the idea of shooting nazis. But only now is it triggering people.
I wouldn't mind if it was at least actual discussion. But it's just shitposting.
That's how I felt about New Doom. And it's been so long since we've gotten really solid single player FPSs
Bullshit. Alan Wake was supposed to be a launch title for the Xbox 360, and when they were a few years into the 6th gen, they scrapped the whole project and started over because they felt it was going to be complete shit.
Rainbow Six: Siege was also halfway into development when Ubisoft quietly got rid of the director and put a gag order on the studio and had them start over from scratch. Given the highly political nature of the "REEEEE THE 1% IS EVIL, REEEEEEE! PATRIOTIC AMERICANS ARE DOMESTIC TERRORISTS, REEEEEE!" plot, Ubisoft clearly felt that they were going to step on the toes of their largest clients, the American audience.
It's not unheard of for studios to restart a project, especially over concerns that they may alienate the majority of their clients. The fact that Bethesda went full steam ahead with this says they're trying to appeal to a group of people who don't even play video games because they're too busy screeching autistically for "free" shit. The fact that Bethesda's ad campaign is almost indistinguishable from typical ANTIFA nonsense backs that up.
Not to mention they're Marxist Communists.
D44m is better, but that's more a mark for d44m than it is a mark against new order. Still, I wouldn't recommend a shooter on a controller.
One is a medium-story FPS, one is a story heavy third person action/horror game. They're not really that similar, why would you compare them?
Every now and then, people are willing to actually discuss, but then you get the Political Nihilists and the Social Darwinist and the Misanthropes, and things turn to shit.
Meant to say Rainbow Six: Patriots, which was later scrapped and renamed Rainbow Six: Siege.
I'm really hoping they wise up and put motion controls in wolfenstein 1 and 2 for the switch. It's the only way to play a shooter on a console properly
>are you looking forward to it?
>did you enjoy the last one?
No, it was just clunky railroaded, setpiece cutscene heavy CoD shit and the sequel looks exactly the same
>do you have any concerns?
that retards will praise it for not being called CoD and it will set a precedent for future fps games to follow this garbage design.
>are you getting it day 1?
I'm never buying another id or machine games product again, they've killed both Doom and wolfenstein as far as i'm concerned.
FUCK n*zis
Can't wait to play the part where you shoot nazis while eating your bull's cum out of your wife's cunt. Hope it's not a QTE.
oh shit I forgot about Rainbow Six Patriots. I really miss single player Rainbow Six games. Siege is great but Multiplayer is only so fun for so long.
Yeah I dont play games either.
>The fact that Bethesda went full steam ahead with this says they're trying to appeal to a group of people who don't even play video games because they're too busy screeching autistically for "free" shit.
Or maybe because it's a sequel in an established continuity and the only "poltiical" content is shooting goddamn Nazis, which was never controversial until a bunch of spergs from Sup Forums decided to get triggered over Wolfenstein.
sorry m8 I just don't play shit games
Hard kek
i think the sane alternative is wait and see how it is, right?
You're delusional if you think Stalin-era Soviet Union is portrayed in popular culture as anything but an alliance of necessity with a terrible regime
In this game the Communists are full on flawless heros who din do nothin
>BJ fucking Blazkowicz being a cuck
How retarded are you?
Everybody is not a Sup Forums boogeyman. Grow up, the internet is not your safe space.
The best part, easily, was BJ. I have no idea how they made him so human without tarnishing the character.
>R6 Patriots gets canned because it's fucking shit
>Years later, what's left turns into Siege
>Clearly this is proof that TNC was entirely rewritten and reworked in late 2016
What the fuck dude?
I wouldn't mind it if they returned to actually tactical gameplay. Patriots looked like it was just going to be linear action like Vegas. RS3 was the peak of the IP and Siege is actually a decent step back towards it.
pretty sure shooting nazis didn't become political until liberals starting calling everyone who disagrees with them nazis
What is wrong with BJ at the start of the game?
>Implying that the game's story won't actually be about BJ as the archetypal all-American Nazi-killing action hero coming to face with the disturbing realisation of just how willing his beloved country was to embrace the German occupiers due to the residual fascist elements hiding just under its veneer of respectability, that there actually was no atom bombing of New York, and that they willingly collaborated with the Nazis occupiers. BJ must now decide whether the old America he left is even worth fighting for anymore or whether he must grow and fight for a new and better America.
No, I saw a stream. It begins with a flashback revealing that, no joke, BJ's half-Jewish, dated a black girl, and was forced by his dad to kill his pet dog. Then you flash forward and see that boring mentor figure, Caroline Becker, get decapitated and whatever sidekick/timeline you chose getting harmed during a scuffle with Nazis. It seemed like a retread of the weak opening of the first game. I'll wait and pick it up in a Steam sale in a couple of months because Bethesda games lose their value super fast!