7 month later and every one has forgotten about it

>7 month later and every one has forgotten about it

What happened to it being "one of the best games ever made"

Fuck weapon durability.

The game is barely a 7/10......

>what happened?
>weapon durability

you answered your own question user

That's about the score I'd give it. Good presentation, but under that nothing special, and bad mechanics ruin the enjoyment.

Holy FUCK it has been out for 7 months now? I feel like it just came out last week.

No post-game. Zelda games are notorious for this, Breath of the Wild is no different. I didn't even buy the DLC because I doubt it'll change any of the problems I have with the game. A solid 7/10 game, though. No regrets with finally playing it.

People stopped talking about Super Mario 64 when OoT was about to come out too.

I'm laughing at Eurogamer calling it "Essential"

As if the game industry would somehow be less without yet another generic action adventure game in a long-dead franchise.

This. What exactly is it "essential" to? I played the game and I can tell you, it's not even essential to the Zelda Series, let alone video games as a whole.

I'd say 8 probably. It does a lot of things really well and a lot of things really poorly. I feel like I'm able to overlook the shitty stuff, also I don't really mind weapon durability.

Without weapon durability it might be an 8. As it is, I think most people agree its a low 7.

Everyone already played it. Weapon durability is only a problem of you don't let go of your sentimentality. Another weapon is right around the corner, just use them.

BotW top tier zelda. 10/10

>7 month later and every one has forgotten about it
Is that why we still have daily threads for it? There's at least two up right now.

Also, I personally am waiting for all the DLC to come out and I'm going to replay it.

The game everyone forgot about right after it came out was FFXV. Hell, they forgot about it 7 years before it came out.

Pic related happened

>he's still seething

The weapon durability pleb filter strikes again.

I've been playing it on Wii u. It's pretty tedious. Getting out of the plateau took me 4 hours

Same thing happened to Skyward Sword

>it's been 7 months
Time sure flys by huh

At least for me after putting hours in I hit a wall where I just didn't feel like finishing the game.

Good polish, great open world feel. Everything else hold it back, 8/10 from me

pluralize word

>every one has forgotten about it
Everyone except Sup Forums who can't go five minutes without making a thread calling it "the most overrated game of the new millennium" or "dude it's total shit all the reviews are paid despite the fact that I have no evidence of this" or some other bullshit like that.

>every one has forgotten about it
What is this even basen on? Isn't this game still selling well every month?

The fact that there are still people in this very thread that are butthurt over these review scores proves you wrong m8

>Minutes since Sup Forums whined about BotW: 0.

>every one has forgotten about it
There are threads bitching about it or praising it every goddamn day, what fucking world do you live in?

Weapon durability is literally the one thing they cling on because its the only thing they have to try and smear it.

Would not be surprising if most of the shitposters and complainers haven't even played the game

It was falsely advertised

I too get angry when reveal trailers that have no in-game footage turns out to not be in-game footage. How dare they.

>long-dead franchise
Neofag is here

What need is there for post-game? This isn't fucking Pokemon where the main storyline isn't really all that fleshed out.

BotW is pretty much perfect as it is. It only needs a couple of adjustments to be worthy of a 100/100. Here's to hoping the 2nd DLC is enough to push it to a 98-99.

They've been trying to colonize us since the PS4 dropped. This is nothing new.

Whether you like it or not, this game is going to win GOTY by plenty of outlets. This or Horizon.

I don't think Horizon will even get a nomination. It'll be this, Odyssey, and Wolfenstein II.

On the indie side, it'll be A Hat in Time vs. Hollow Knight

Because it wasn't actually a memorable game, it was just an above average Zelda after years of below average Zeldas. The things that usually stand out the most when people think about Zelda are boss fights, dungeons, items, music and in a few rare cases, story or characters. BotW was below average in these departments. As a game it's not as bad as TP, SS or the DS games but even if those games were worse, they had more lasting value than BotW.

I sometimes wish I could physically hurt Zelda lovers for constantly getting such undeserved praise, but I live in a society that frowns on killing untermensch.

Yeah, but you can surf on your shield. That's pretty fun. Although I wish horses weren't so shitty.

>What happened to it being "one of the best games ever made"

It still is
but its a fucking single player game made over half year ago, how much can you keep beating a dead horse? Everyone who would ever beat it have already beaten it, its a single player game so there are no constant updates changing the game somehow.

>not cup head
You what

Still don't get the point of the horses
>Open majority of towers
>Just travel to them to get to objective

show me where Nintendo touched you user. Let it all out.

Somebody post the smug zelda pic

>racist games
But seriously, they received funding and assistance from Microsoft.

They were okay for getting the towers, but that was it. Not to mention that you couldn't bring them up to many areas.

>people still complaining about weapon durability

It was never a problem in the first place, but after a while you're tripping over weapons.

>shitposting threads everyday pathetically trying to go against the consensus about the game being a masterpiece
>everyone forgot about it reeeeeee
autism is a tragedy

Because it's a shallow but fun game. It tries to be nothing other than a streamlined open world game, it's more like a one and done linear game due to how simplistic the game is in general. You can't talk about skills, NPC dialogue, NPCs outside of waifuism, weapon choice, ways you approached a quest, dialogue choices, combat progression/skills, item progression, rare items, etc. There's pretty much one way to approach pretty much everything in the game.

>There's pretty much one way to approach pretty much everything in the game.
l swear these faggots actually played an inverted version of the game in some parallel universe

Thats not the only thing to smear it with:
- Terrible voice acting
- Pointless voice acting
- bad sound ballancing
- generic story about blue lasers and ancient evils
- no feeling of plot urgency
- Boring bosses
- Entire game is easy as hell

About all it has going for it is art direction.

>Last good game was in the 90's
>not a dead franchise

I love how you fanboys will just call it "perfect" but you cant list a single reason, whereas I can list a dozen flaws with it.

Keep on echoing, parrot

To keep playing it? I like when you get more to do in a game after beating it, a new area, new things happening in the world. No Zelda game does that. After the underwhelming boss fight, I was more or less finished with the game, having seen everything there is to see, and there's not a lot to see.

>Everyone who would ever beat it have already beaten it

And yet people are still going back and playing OOT for the first time nowadays. It's almost as if that was a good game, and this isn't.

OP this is Breath of The Wild, not Horizon Zero Dawn. People still talk about and play BOTW, if you had a Switch and had friends on your friends list, you would see this. Everybody on my friends list has a minimum 120 hous in the game. Stop being an assblasted sony fan.

It's just another heavily marketed nintendo game that faggots ate up and quickly forgot about.
Happens a lot, honestly.
Splatoon 2, smash 4, Pokemon Sun/Moon, Mario Party, Mario Kart 8...
I won't claim that BoTW wasn't interesting, but I will say that it doesn't deserve 10/10 reviews. Anyone that played the game for more than 2 hours would understand what I'm talking about when I say "Why is 1/4th of this game completely fucking empty, did they even play test this?"

My game didn't die quicker than Bioshock Infinite and MGS5.

>every one has forgotten about it
You fucking wish. Just yesterday there was like 4 threads up about it. You faggots just can't shut your mouths about this game.

>Months before the game comes out, furfags only talk about wanting to fuck Kass
>Game comes out
>People talk about it
>Furfags come back to talk about Kass
>Interest dies

Furfags really do ruin everything.

Most threads die before 200 posts. It's just BotW superfans forcing discussion through falseflagging.

It's already won GOTY in Japan. Sup Forums is still as salty as ever.

so many sony ponies in this thread its hilarious

can switch the language

Zelda sounds like a cute tsundere

literal what

The story was light to fulfill their idea of what a true open world quest game should be. Allowing the player to embrace a world exactly the way they wanted.

literal what? a moon isn't crashing in 72 hours, you have to save Zelda.

they were casualized, cool. go pick up the first DLC then.

what Zelda game is ever hard?

the fuck. nitpick somewhere else. many people enjoyed the game, move on with your life.

>not being an idiort
>being """loyal""" to one company
>out of all of them to choose, you choose modern nintendo

Good list.
You forgot about the game dropping to 10 fps if there's too many enemies on the screen.

>Only four dungeons, each can be completed in 20 minutes, they took me 35 minutes each.
>Dungeons have no unique design or enemies, aside from the boss at the end. All bosses have similar design.
>Dungeons consist of a few rooms haphazardly stuck together, all have the same gimmick, rotation.
>Only four tools to beat shrines, you come to understand how to solve them after doing a few, most use very similar puzzles, very few exceptions.
>Only 15 enemy types, all others are recolors with, maybe, one extra move.
>Of those fifteen, 80% of the enemies you are going to be fighting are Bokoblins, Lizalfos, and Moblins.
>Another 10 percent are Keese and Chu Chu that die in one hit and the occasional Wizrobe.
>Damage sponge enemies, particularly the highest tier recolors and Lynels, which have more HP than Guardians.
>No directional input attacks, just one standard combo for each weapon type.
>No unique weapon movesets, weapons are just reskins of other weapon types.
>There's no incentive to fight enemies after you have decent or good weapons, you break your weapons for worse weapons.
>Any difficulty the game could have had is removed by a heal system that can instantly heal all of your HP from the pause menu.
>Story told through flashbacks, very little going on in the world you are in, little incentive narrative wise to keep playing. Compare to past Zelda's.
>There is nothing in the world but Shrines, enemy camps, mandatory towns, and a few minor secrets that give you korok seeds.
>McFlurry Rush is bugged and shitty and makes the game way to easy
>Most shrines are too fucking easy or just bad.
>Armor can be used to easily break the game.

Fanboys wont refute this, they'll just reply with memes


>it's forgotten
>multiple threads a week about the game
which is it?

I don't need to see shit. because you clearly didn't see my 4th point.

You must have been someone who just fought every enemy the same exact way. slash slash flurry slash slash flurry rush. Not everyone plays like you. Move on. game is a 10/10.

People still post this?
>There's no incentive to fight enemies after you have decent or good weapons, you break your weapons for worse weapons
Weapons never break that first, especially better weapons. If you beat 20 enemies you're rewarded with 20 weapons. In other words your entire post is full of bullshit.

Most games that are highly rated tend to disappoint me. Games such as Bioshock Infinite, BotW, The Last of Us, and Overwatch to name a few. BotW started off so good on the Great Plateau but started declining as I progressed. The quests were not exciting and most of the shrines were complete garbage or boring as hell. I had more fun finding the shrines then actually going into them.

Let's see out of the top of my head.
+Climbing makes every place accessible
+Crafting is made just right for this type of game. Adds flavor without taking away fun.
+No hand holding tutorial.
+You can approach encounters in any way you like. Ambush, direct combat, avoid, toy with physics.
+Weapon durability and tons of weapons forces you to cycle.

But I can't say that BOTW would be 10/10 game. I rate OoT higher for example, but the weird thing is that I still like BOTW more.

>Move on. game is a 10/10.

"If I just keep saying it over and over again maybe someday it'll be true!"

You can never discuss the finer details because faggots like yourself get threatened by the idea of a good game on a console you don't own.

And you should be threatened. BOTW is better than whatever game you're currently thinking of.

A couple of manchildren on Sup Forums think their opinion matters. How cute.

Calm down son. I own a switch and I already beat the game. I'm just not a tasteless fanboy like you so I'm able to see it's (glaring) flaws. It's a pretty average game.

>Posting example of paid shills as a point

I'm not sure you actually understand how an argument is supposed to work user. No biggie though, I realize critical thinking isn't a Nintendofag's strong point

The fanboys are the only people who hate BOTW because it's not like OOT.

So not only do you not own a Switch but you don't even know anything about the game you're talking about. In one post you've shattered all credibility.

You're never gonna get over it, are you?


Try harder, kid. Maybe one day you'll be as good as me.

>scoreposting and "you haven't played the game"

It's a BotW thread alright. Waiting for that zelda picture that's been posted 300+ times by a few autists, you know the one. Do it before the thread dies in 50 posts.

I don't constantly say it. LOL i come here to mainly see how people respond to new news about the gaming world. yet you stay here complaining about a game a shit ton of people enjoy. I say move on because clearly you're hurt that people consider it a perfect game and that doesn't seem healthy.

Yup, just ignore everything else you fucking drone

I'll never understand why you come here. Is your life so empty that instead of admiring something for what it is, you have to suck the joy out everything?

>Nintendo faggot calling others manchildren

Your Zelda game is worse reviewed than a brand-advertisement game from the early 2000's.

>admiring something for what it is

A bland, overrated, generic action game? There, I'm admiring it for what it is. Happy?

Get over it.
Refute what? Seriously, you can't even comprehend why the story is told through flashbacks.


Yup, definitely a nintendofag

Those were both you???
Holy shit. Im not gonna argue with you. I can get you a dildo made with a nintendo logo if you want.

For what purpose? It’s not going to change your opinion, is it? You don’t like it, and I think it’s fantastic. What more is there to discuss?

Though to be fair, if my mission in life was to make people miserable then I wouldn't like BOTW either.

What's your favorite, perfect game?

>He's still posting pictures of paid shills as validation

Please stop, I'm dying over here

These are all me. Stop saying mean things about Zelda guys!!!!! Its hurting my fragile feelings. If you say its bad, it makes me feel bad.

It's completely unmemorable. Fucking Skyward Sword had far more highs than this game.


>suddenly critical acclaim means anything
Nintendo fans really need their pacifier to feel everything is alright, I guess

game was average with many design decisions being below average (as are the visualls and audio btw) if it didnt have the name it would be no different than any other ubisoft open world game, hell it would get more criticism cause it looks two console generations behind.

Not forgotten i take it uni everyday and brainwash all the girls to buy it, also its a great pussy magnet

If you guys are this angry over BotW I don't want to see how angry you're going to be over SMO