knight of the long knives edition
Neogaf thread cont'd
Other urls found in this thread:
I saw EvilLore at a bar in Spain yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my clubbing, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to buy a drink up at the bar I saw him trying to walk on the dance floor with like fifteen asses in his hands without getting consent.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to get consent for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be drunk and not be in the right state of mind, but eventually turned back around and brought them consent forms.
When one girl took one of the forms and started signing it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to sign them each individually once “to prevent any sexual infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she signed each form once and got him to pay for a drink and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by trying to climb into the shower.
Posting based gremlin
I give them about two days before they go back to fucking up the place
Will NeoGAF actually be usable as a video game forum now?
I don't get why they couldn't keep the sticky.
If the lesbian cultist story isnt true why would he make that unbelievable excuse when he could make so many others that are much more believable?
>Retards unironically thinking Neogaf will improve after all the SJWs leave
>This is their first ban for having a "wrong think" opinion
New anti-politicalGaf, same as the ol' GAF
I think I'm just a big contrarian loser, now I'm starting to believe diversity is a good thing.
Sup Forums here
Quick rundown request filed
SJWs literally eating each other alive
Why are their insults so awful?
Vice Waypoint Forum
Giantbomb forums
OpenCritic forums
These are the main sites Gafags are evacuating to. We will destroy them all. Deus vult.
why Sup Forums leaks
Anyone want to ERP?
Short answer, no.
Surely you people have something better to be doing.
I came here expecting some massive drama and incredible occurance, and got some forum I have never visited having a drama with no consequences for things I care about involving people I have never heard of doing things that don't matter to me, Sup Forums, or Sup Forums.
Please enlighten me; what the fuck is the big deal?
Not videogames. Fuck off.
>hiro steps in one day a year to put mods in their place
only after embracing them for years and only when it just inconvenienced him.
I remember talking to Abib years ago and he was a nice and reasonable person, it's a shame that he's turned into a self righteous retard now. Socjus disease takes friends and family.
mods are leftist faggots and wanted to undermine Hiro's public shellacking of them.
I don't follow. How does this explain Sup Forums leaking?
Nothing inherently wrong with it unless it's being used to push an agenda.
Another one
Mods WILL keep deleting threads about criticizing western developers shoehorning political agendas into video games.
They just make an exception with NeoGAF threads because you guys kept spamming.
Sup Forums is cucked.
Yeah, we need to force Evilore to outright start supporting us so we can allocate more resources elsewhere.
So what are the ramifications of neogaf going down? Will the video game industry finally stop kowtowing to people who don't even buy their games?
>it took ONE woman to take down an entire website, even though she basically admitted she had sex with him after the incident
how the fuck can people say we live in patriarchy. women literally HAVE all the power
imagine, if some woman accused hiro of the same thing. One day Sup Forums can just disappear because of this. fuck neogaf, but that's some scary shit.
Yes, you are wrong. Sorry.
Damn, he grabs pussies too?
The neogaf shit is irrelevent, the real story is that based Hiro cucked the mods so we can laugh at SJWs melting down.
And Sup Forums will get even worse with all the NeoGAF refugees.
> Sup Forums assblasted that they cant have a safespace to discuss neogaf on Sup Forums
>finally get thread.
>Hardly anyone posts in it and no one cares
Chaos beat Law this time.
hiroshimoot is pretty based.
What I can't understand is what these people get out of their kneejerk "fuck you, you monster" reactions.
Nobody's proved anything. The fact these allegations are coming out years after the fact means nobody CAN prove anything.
This should be on Sup Forums it hurts my feelings.
It's his fault for having sex with a random person.
they only delete threads talking shit about the left make one about shitting on the right and they will probably sticky it
Tell me more about the Scientology spinoff cult.
-NeoFag loses all legitimacy
-This entire sites rebels against its NeoGaf-infiltrated mods, Hiro intervenes.
Good days. Have some NeoGaf-repellant.
>permaban me too
Isn't that against the rules?
have you not been paying attention? check the archive dingus, how many threads have there been now?
>implying neofags didnt infiltrate the mods during GG
Better late than never anyway
We're just holding them to their own listen and believe standards
t. NeoFag refugee
this is like the 10th thread within the past 3 hours
>And Sup Forums will get even worse with all the NeoGAF refugees.
What refugees? NeoGAF is back, and anybody who wouldn't want to go back here there would never set foot in this place
t. Elliot Rodger
Doesn't undermining your boss mean you have to commit sudoku in japan?
June this year ex-neogaf admin was arrested for child porn
Now it's like the third time someone accuses Malka of being a sex addict.
toughen up snowflake.
Except Sup Forums wouldn't disappear. Neogaf dkd because tyeyre fags. People here would go "nice" if Hiro got accused.
>video games are not video games
Sup Forums doesn't leak.
Sup Forums is Sup Forums.
Every other board is just a Sup Forums colony.
I think we'd actually make Hiro a medal if something like that happened
It's this BEAM that got hiro'd? Does this mean Sup Forums will finally be moderated correctly?
/r/ing Hiro's face on The God Emperor
So is BEAM gone?
That's only because this site is full of misogynists and frogposters.
>Be (((user)))
>Constantly talk out of my ass >Have my mouth hurt from sucking so much Sup Forumsirgin mod cock
I only swung by because I saw the sticky. So how's it going?
This. Sup Forums is only slightly less cucked than NeoGAF at this point.
I'm surprised nothing like this has happened to SomethingAwful.
It came out a couple years back that one of SA's mods raped a child, and Lowtax banned anyone who talked about it, and it worked
nice ant pic retard
What a fucking night
This is incorrect
>imagine, if some woman accused hiro of the same thing
Nobody here would care since Hiro hasn't been leading a crusade to witch hunt people online for wrongthink.
EviLore has more debts to pay. He better pray his walls are thick because his many victims just saw he can bleed.
>Sup Forums is Sup Forums.
>Every other board is just a Sup Forums colony.
>tfw you're right
I want to go back to 06 where we all just made fun of each other's consoles and posted about Talladega Nights
How long until Sup Forums and Reddit die like Neogaf did?
Forgot pic
Love this song.
mods need to go
t. Someone who only came to Sup Forums for le ebin habnedin
Go back to whatever shit board you came from
>imagine, if some woman accused hiro of the same thing.
Wrong, faggot.
Hiro didn't cultivate a website that panders to SJWs.
If Hiro brutally raped a woman, people here would just post "Nice", or call him a normie for having sex.
Lol , would hi5 Hiro and call him a chad tier stallion gorilla
This is why allowing these threads was a mistake
seems to me like SJW mods tried to force evillore to step down so they can take over and make money , whatever
but he didn't so now they're doing plan B
Alright, enough of these threads now. There is no discussion and all it does is bring out the Sup Forumstards and alt-right manbabies.
Would you people be happy is Sup Forums shut down suddenly one day? no? didn't think so.
fucking amazing.
When do we get video games back permanently though?
>hiro steps in one day a year to put mods in their place
Honestly that's all I want from him
I give it 5, 10 topes
We literally go like 2x over the bump limit if we don't have a bread baked readily.
Sorry it took so long user here it is.
Ya don't say?
>GamerGate Won
I don't think so