>loot boxes
Loot boxes
quit buying them then, dipshit
Dont buy them then?
>be richfag
>spend my hard-earned on some sweet loot crates
>flashing my epic skins for rep
I mean, why would you wanna be NEET in this day and age?
How the actual fuck can you defend lootboxes?
i'm not, i'm telling you not to fucking buy them
how can you be this fucking stupid
argument from apathy is not an argument
There's no other solution tho
>don't rape my daughter
rapist: "dude don't join in then"
Don't put them in the game then?
Spread discontent so the young and impressionable shekel machines of the internet consider a downside.
Calling out corporations on their bullshit is a much more effective solution than pretending that everything is just fine.
>loot box rapes my daughter
loot box: "don't buy me then"
They are not forcing you to buy them
Why would they do it? There are other people that will buy them anyway
>They are not forcing you to buy them
In order to get content I used to get for free in 2002, yes, they are forcing me to buy them.
Please elaborate into fan fiction, as I haven't jerked off today yet
>They are not forcing you to buy them
Tell that to Warner Bros and the extreme grind they put in Shadow of War to make you buy boxes.
Loot boxes are the idiot tax to keep multiplayer updates free.
why are you guys mad? Before Battlefront 2 would have easily seen a season pass, but now future content will be free, because idiots will buy the lootboxes
>Matchmaking handicaps you for not buying any
Yea, totally not optional.
Pussy cats, 250
>thinking they still won't have season passes or paid dlc just because loot boxes and microtransactions rake in a lot of money
re-evaluate your life decisions that lead you continue your existence
>>thinking they still won't have season passes
BF2 doesn't have a season pass
For now
Even if they dont get one, season passes are cheaper way to buy all of the dlc usually and but not having one, have fun paying more for all the dlc
Honestly, smart decision by them because they would already know how much dlc there is gonna be
>buy 60$ in lootboxes
>get 120$ worth of stuff from them
>120$ worth of intangible data
King me
>put $60 bucks in the pokies
>get $120 back
Nah i take it back, gambling and there look alikes are actually fine and we shouldn't regulate them anymore.
>For now
We'll cross that bridge if we come to it.
For now if it means content updates are free because idiots will pay the idiot tax I'm all for it.
>Even if they dont get one, season passes are cheaper way to buy all of the dlc usually and but not having one, have fun paying more for all the dlc
And i don't intend to buy any boxes, so i wont spend a single penny for DLC.
>120$ worth of stuff from them
Devs copy paste data... worth money...
I think you missed my point shill
Have they said DLC wont cost a penny or just they chose not to have a season pass mentioning nothing about DLC pricing
>He grinds out for a month instead of buying lootboxes
who's the idiot here?
>Have they said DLC wont cost a penny or just they chose not to have a season pass mentioning nothing about DLC pricing
They've said content updates will be free, who knows what that exactly means.
>120$ worth of stuff
that's the most delusional thing I've heard
Anyone who actually supports EA by buying their shitty game in the first place.
Patches can be content updates
don't forget that
So look forward to still paid DLC. I will honestly be suprised if EA releases the game with just loot boxes to buy and future updates and dlc is actually free
>don't buy them
>it doesn't matter because an autistic whale with a serious gambling addiction can't stop fucking purchasing hundreds if not thousands of dollars worth in loot boxes which tells Jew Developers to continue this cancerous practice because no matter how bad it gets, there will ALWAYS be someone like that autistic whale who will give them free money for doing it
>Patches can be content updates
No user, not really, and i don't think deep down you believe EA thinks that either.
Patches can easily be content updates
The best example i have is Gran Turismo 5 & 6. Several patches from both games introduced new content to the game or content that wsd originally going to be in there. Polyphony could have easily charged for it. GT Sport is also having free content updates
And i honestly don't think EA would be above charging for patches, same with Activision
You can't stop there. You have to not buy the same PERIOD. Once large numbers of player cease, whales will be less likely in total. This means the practice will have to stop
Not buy the game*
>pay $20 for some chinese food
>forced to draw a number for which food I get
>get Louisianan style fried chicken instead
defend this
I just gave up on gaming outside of random indie stuff or old games. Don't have time to grind and paying feels scummy.
Books and manga for me and it's all for free!
Don't like it, don't buy it. Nothing wrong with them retard
>accepting lootboxes at fucking all
Dumb. You deserve these practices.
I don't have this problem because I have good taste in games.
Stop being children, children.
What the fuck is a lootbox?
>completely cosmetic loot boxes
>only 40$
works for me
>poorfags can't afford lootboxes
>poorfags complain about lootboxes
>reading posts aloud
wat da fug
>bad game uses kikery to make money
What a surprise
>buy game
>game is incomplete
This is what you defend
How about boicoting the game enitirely
or Actiblizzard