Are you ready for him, Sup Forums?

Are you ready for him, Sup Forums?

>drops same gear as o4s


>nothing in notes making mention of fixing the engage thing

wew laddie

Unless its counted under the
>and various other fixes

It will be nice to have something to log in for again.

>tfw haven't cleared o4s
>tfw spent more time in the fucking duty finder than in the fight itself
Who will be streaming Ultimate?

>raid autists streaming their first attempts

Good luck. Don't want people to steal their strats!

didn't jp players stream their attempts?

It's meant for bragging rights not for gearing.

Daily reminder that Garlemald did absolutely nothing wrong
Remove beast savages
Warmongering ala mhiggers need to be kept in check

>they fucked up their presentation of their main antagonists so much early on by accidentally making them seem reasonable as fuck if not entirely correct
>in an effort to get the narrative back on track every new villain from that faction is basically a mass murderer and/or rapist that could never be construed in a positive context

Gaius did nothing wrong.


and it better have more than just the harp to use

>"Might makes right!"
>Gets beaten
Guess he was wrong, huh

Maintenance when?

It's funny because even WoW streamers gave up on "no streaming prog!" exclusivity policy but XIV still lives in the landscape seven years behind. Like, who gives a shit niBBa you ain't getting 100k bux for beating this.

What engage thingy?

>using duty finder
What the fuck, this isn't Japan. Just use PF.

>DFing for any savage/EX/ballad content

sorry i actually meant PF
with these cunts lining them up with advertisements and parties taking hours to fill, it's not going anywhere


>shinryu ex farm party
>duty completion required
>people fucking up in phase 1
>reaching the 4th akh morn

There's a 4th akh morn?

>people say shinryu ex is below O3S in terms of difficulty
>do shinryu ex as healer
>it's fucking harder than O3S

despite healers having a bigger role on ex shin, it's still easier than O3S. The difficulty comes from the fact that there is nothing stopping retards from doing Ex shinryu whereas o3s has the eyeball retard filter

>instead of a lull period between tiers which allows me to get my life on track and do things outside the game
>nope fuck you weekly progression on some bullshit hard fight which will cause stress, drama and hurt friendships in your raid group

If you spam engage your NPC cooldowns are reset, which is very useful if you have 2 Archer dps.

I flatout murder the tonberry king (which many people had problem with due to shitty tank AI) in like 20 seconds just from spamming engage.

don't bother with that place gives shit exp do stone vigil

I just did it for completion's sake. I grinded the 5 remaining dungeon using SV too. Ain't touching that shit no more after I got my emotes.

>have to clear o4s to do it
I love this "only new content is current patch endgame content." What happened to the midcore? Why is Tigole's doing still affecting MMOs?

>"unsub from my game!" - naoki yoshida
>tiny piece of content released
>oops i hope you've been staying subbed and diligently farming for 3 months to get the stats to pass phase 1 on it :^)
thanks, i guess?

I get the opposite but it's just as souring.

>join shin ex farm party
>10+ minutes to fill
>get in, skip shakers and soar, absolutely rape shinryu, super clean run
>"ty for party I gtg now"
>"me too"
>"yeah taking a break"
>party has been disbanded

>patch literally just unlocks this bahamut thing that 99% of players won't even bother with

servers up when

o1s - o4s is laughably easy if you haven't cleared by now what have you been doing for the past two months?

Unless you're not even 70. Then why be angry at content you're not able to access anyway?

try running 3 and 4 with pugs

usually when you get actual farm parties with high dps output the members only stay for one or two runs. not sure why

week 5 pug clearer here
get fucked

game is up, les go boys

>worked on my machine xD
you either lucked out or weren't playing on aether
you'll never taste the feeling of wiping to exfaust until lockout
fuck the lobotomized amerifats

I'm sure the 5% of the playerbase can't contain their hype anymore.

>5% of the playerbase
>15000 people
a couple digits too many

>wiping to exfaust until lockout
Why would anyone put themselves through this? If it's not working for the first 60 minutes it's not gonna work for another 60, unless it's first time party or something.

>they actually fixed the text for Hydro Push/Pull
remember when some mongoloid was running around calling people retards for not """"getting the lore""""?
good times

holy fuck I thought that was part of his mechanics, fucking square

>HARDEST VIDEO GAME BOSS EVER gets patched into the game
>dead as FUCK thread
>some 3k dps healer i met in dungeon tells me they're not interested in ultimate
Nice efforts, square.

Endgame design is really unhealthy.
Unless you have a static waiting in the wings it's basically impossible to clear anything harder than the latest storymode primal. Or if not "impossible" then "inordinately frustrating and a colossal waste of time you could be playing other video games actually having fun". Because people can and will get into your learning/clear parties and fuck everything up because there's no barrier for entry, unless it's something like the new Bahamut raid, but getting to Bahamut without a static would mean torturing yourself trying to clear O1-O4S, in which case you're doing the exact same thing: blowing huge amounts of free time and making yourself suicidal trying to complete a simple task while strangers handicap your progression.
>just get a static then bro
If only it were that easy. You need to be on top of gear, which means months of grinding braindead dungeons in isolation, to merely have the chance at recruitment just before the next raid tier is announced. Then you have to submit yourself to the aforementioned torture and clear the midcore fights and do so while the rest of the team is holding you back, to get a parse good enough for recruitment. Then you need to deal with dedicated login times and minmaxing bullshit, like swapping to whatever job in your niche (heals, tank, caster, etc.) is meta at the time or you can lose your place.

I just want to be able to queue up for a learning party, and expect to be partnered with people actually capable of learning. I want to learn the fight in ~one lockout, then clear it comfortably in the next. If I can't do that, and I'm forever going to be held back by other people's incompetence or to groom myself for getting hired in a second job, fuck all that noise I'll play a different game. I'd have to be literally insane to raid.

play on jp servers then

Just another one of Koji's fuck ups. If that were really the point it would have been that way in every other language but English was the only one that was backwards.

I don't think that's the devs' fault.

That's the playerbase's fault for being completely retarded.

I find the same is true in damn near every multiplayer game I play. You need to find a group or a clique of people who aren't colossal retards, because the pugging/playing with randoms world is a chaotic place filled with the lowest IQ motherfuckers on the planet.

We'll see how it works for them long term.

Hard core endgame people complained for years about not having super hard content and not having any content for them in odd numbered patches so this is what they get.

The vast majority of players will likely never even set foot in Unending Bahamut much less beat it. That O4S completion barrier to getting in already cleaves off most of the player base.

Hopefully all ten of those people will be satisfied.

They won't be.

I do. Doesn't help.
Even when I queue for raid-finder completion/completed and I get an all-Jap party of people that have all definitely cleared it before, and we outline all mechanics via a macro at the start, we still wipe to stupid bullshit.
We're talking about stuff like stepping on the buttons accidentally during A10S or not killing the EDD's armor plate in 11S, or double-stacking the lapis pools in 11S, or fucking up limit cut and cleaving people in 11S, tanks eating so many Laser Swords it's literally impossible to heal them through the vulnerability stacks in 11S, or the other healer moving/casting when the floor is lava and he's targeted for photon in 11S, getting hit by propellor wind in 11S. Stupid little things that snowball into wipes, are entirely not my fault, shouldn't happen, eat up time, and make me want to cry.

It's as much the developer's fault as the players for letting these idiots survive until Level 70, as well as for the complete lack of player education. Tooltips alone aren't enough to tell someone how their job mechanics work, you need to make that dude levelling BLM juggle Enochian for 3+ rotations without it dropping (while doing enough damage to break a training dummy) before their next job quest unlocks. Don't let people overgear it, or clear things with echo, if they're incapable then they shouldn't be allowed to poison the well of players at endgame. I don't want someone that can't kill the SSS dummy for an EX trial in my party, because they're a liability even before the boss starts its mechanical ballet dance.

Nice to see you again, faggots.

>twister into stack
Hahaha, real funny Yoshi.

Beast tribes aren't the only ones who can summon primals though, so genociding them is kind of worthless to do.

Do you rike it?

Meme game

Literally sacrifice one player to red ball at the moment, good fucking job yoshi.

I'd love there to be strict skill checks before you get to even fucking interact with players at MMO endgames.

Sadly, I don't think any developer would ever go through with something as ableist as making sure people are good at videogames before they can affect other people's enjoyment of hard content.

Would you see it as something like the hall of the novice but at max/near-max level and hard as nails?

the dps checks makes it not work
besides ultwintan mechanics aren't that hard, the only hard part about him is the dps check

Why not just steal and seal away the catalysts and crystals that are used to summon said primals then?

I know, but my pug team is still stuck at twister placement at the moment.

>Would you see it as something like the hall of the novice but at max/near-max level and hard as nails?
Yes, but with the trials fine-tuned for every Job in the game. I'm talking about fixing your stats so the game knows exactly what every player performing the trial has at their disposal, and making damn sure they can't luck or brute-force through it.

So now that [Ultimate] is overtuned garbage what does 99.9% of the actual playerbase have to look forward to this patch?

Whatever they had yesterday. This maintenance and patch was solely for this fight.

>tfw still getting rekt by twister 2 : electric boogaloo

do you need to clear o4s to unlock ultimate bahamut?


that means no shitters in pugs

Stop lying

who do i trust

Nobody, not even yourself.

There will always be shitters that got carried.

I told you this shit wouldn't be fun

This is true
>that one healer who fucked up every time if he got the other omega debuff not the one he cleared with

Let me spoonfeed you the patch notes because you clearly can't read.

What to do with ball after neurolink dropped? ST eats it? What about AoE after that?

That would be awesome though, especially how you're pretty much told how to play your job as you leveled your character.

>alliance abandons Rabanastre because someone keeps turning off the markers
Fuck off
You can do Savage without that shit

But think of the retards who wouldn't know where to go after adds spawn, user.

let it hit you while you're in a neuro
keep your group away from the neuro and bait the ball so it hits you in the neuro

So the guy with triangle marker stays in neuro and not ST right?

So many retards don't know to stack with their alliance or to kill adds.

1) The planet is made up from those crystals, you see all those crystal formations around mor dhona? Yeah good luck getting rid of all the naturally growing stuff.
2) Sealing them all together in one place, what could go wrong?!

not sure what you mean by ST
but yeah triangle marker in neuro, watch out for double triangle and twisters while doing it, it really fucked my group up

Oh that's just how japs called OT, Side Tank.
>i heard you like twister so we put even more twister in for you
Thank you Yoshi.

These PFs take a century to fill up after the last one disbands.

Minutes of your life ticking away waiting for other people, when you could be playing something fun right now.
Unsub and don't look back brother.

I don't give a fuck about performance, which job is more fun at 70? NIN vs MCH?

King's honor, friend.



I find it funny that all the people complaining about it were basically whining that something in a fucking expert dungeon was too hard.

Why are all of the weapons so damn ugly for this? Is this how far theyre willing to mock the playerbase?

>things in the game are usually delivered at the end of the cast
>except Lv150 Death and Mortal Gaze which are applied 3 seconds after the end of the cast
>except White Hole which is applied 3 seconds before the end of the cast
What the fuck is consistency

who do I trust

Yeah some of that craps are pretty retarded.


The weapons look like shit
I have to be the only one that thinks so

Are weekly rewards still a thing?
I'm not coming back until that shit is gone.

Of course
They just patched in a boss that requires you to get your weekly rewards for 12 weeks without skipping a week to have a chance.