Honest question what is the most subversive game...

Honest question what is the most subversive game? A subversive game is a game that has no official propaganda but very subtle messages that will penetrate in your mind without you realizing it

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Sup Forums


kill yourself

that's still not what subversive means, and this thread is still shit

Oh look! A Tumbler convention!

How can you condem rape culture and condem sexualization of women but support sex workers?

Stardew Valley is designed to turn you into a cuck

The same way you can condemn obesity or stealing food, but support chefs.

But I thought feminists hated the objectification of women, which is exactly what the commoditization of sex does

Nah, they're fine with women being objectified. Heck they even support islam that treats women as less than objects. The whole feminism thing is just a way to avoid responsibility and gaining power by playing the victim card.

Counter-culture must embrace everything regular culture doesn't necessarily approve, even if it's tremendously incoherent.


I am so glad hiro said Sup Forums is allowed on Sup Forums now.

literally why we have the alt right

But they aren't the counter culture m8. Alt right is. And it's even more incoherent than they are. It's why I want these politics fags gone, because I don't want to hear about an ideology that doesn't make any sense.

>Heck they even support islam that treats women as less than objects
It's the (((men))) doing that. Women are treated like trash in godless countries like China.

>Honest question what is the most subversive game?

Its the diference between having control of your own sexuality and use it as you please and having others using taking your sexuality to do as you please. If a person owns its sexuality he/she can sell it or do wathever he/she wants. Its not the same that TV telling you you should be naked and hot cause you are a woman

I dont about the rest of the world, but American tv usually goes out of it's away to avoid that

Fallout new vegas makes strong points about the corruptibility of human beings and the institutions they create in a way that makes you feel faintly uneasy about siding with any of the main factions. NCR is riddled with corruption,from troops accepting bribes to look the other way to high-level supply officers involved in nasty illegal things to officers trying to use deception to change the deloyment of troops,and that's just part of what's going on with one faction.

Everyone is treated like trash in China. If you get accidentally ran over and survive the driver will actively try to kill you right afterwards because the legal system will penalize him more than if he had just killed you.
And I'm not so sure China is as godless as you think. But regardless, islam is the most barbaric religion in the world currently and actively does everything that feminism claims to fight, yet is still accepted by all the tumblrettes so my original point still stands.

are you honestly implying the quran isn't misogynistic and sexist? It's a core part of their doctrine