
Protip: If you're the kind of faggot that doesn't understand Sup Forums is a staunchly right wing anti-leftist board and starts autistically screeching "muh pol" over any post made by a right-leaning White FUCKING male (99% of Sup Forums's userbase) you are unwanted neofaggot subhuman trash and should get the FUCK out of Sup Forums.

Whining about Sup Forums should be a 30 day ban ON SIGHT. Cut out GAFugee cancer at its source.

Bans flying everywhere

How much activity will be left in the end?

Reminder to help reinstate /l/ so all loli-related subjects can be contained on one board.

ban and castrate all pedophiles

>tfw these threads have like 2% of actual neogaf related discussions

H-hello is this the men's bathroom?

I remember thinking about how dumb it was to not allow this shit on Sup Forums. Now I wish that the mods continued with their ban


>literally 2 out of 3 people browsing this thread RIGHT NOW is a post 2016 election newfag from T_D or twitter

Shill detected

Kill yourself, pedo.

Yotsuba got banned you fag. All mods deserve lynching.

>Whining about Sup Forums should be a 30 day ban ON SIGHT. Cut out GAFugee cancer at its source.
>this is what leddit , sorry Sup Forums actually believe

Are we about to see brighter days in the western industry?

I agree.

Dumb neofag refugees

What is this account suicide? :DDD

Who is the guy in the pic?

mods btfo never forget



We already have enough jews, muslims and christians without pedo boards.
Fuck off
Make /hat/ board instead

can we finally treat women like sex toys in video games again?

Can I get more cute nazi girls?

>against pedophilia


leftists dont deserve a place on my board

is this the new "go back to pol"?

Anyone who comes here looking to impose content rules should be terminated with extreme prejudice.

cry more neofags

Kill yourself


When newfags complain about pedophiles there is a 20% chance they are moralfag newfags and 80% chance they are from Sup Forums and just hate "degeneracy".

The most unfortunate thing about this is Sup Forums will be flooded with more Neofaggot leftists than it already is. The worthless newfags that have turned Sup Forums into the worst board on Sup Forums will make NeoFAG feel very welcome.

we won bros

slutty waifus are here to stay in vidya games. With the rise of Asian game developers it will only accelerate.

Just noticed the announcements got updated. What does this mean?


When most of the people on your board would be right at home on neogaf what discussion could you possibly have?

You simply need to import more Sup Forums. It will repel them.


>99% of Sup Forums's userbase
hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhaha you cant seriously be this delusional can you?

Here you go.

Yes. Sup Forums should ally with NeoNeoGAF if they actually reform themselves.

ResetEra is our new primary enemy.

>left leaning nonsense gets replaced with loot boxes
It’s dead.

We must start anew. The SJWs must fail as their ranks are depleted after constant Triple A failures and the banishment of loot crates. From this fertile soil can true peace flourish

Please go to reddit you mobile the donald poster

I went and checked out neogaf's OT section for the first time

I actually can't comprehend the degree of delusion and being offended on someone elses behalf. It's unreal.

go back to leftypol

>Sup Forums circlejerk thread
Reminder: Every time Sup Forums jumps out of this designated containment thread people suddeny stop sucking their dick and going "LE POOL IS Sup Forums"

There's like 5 threads up right now full of people insulting Sup Forums for being stupid. Really makes me think.

>Posts in neogaf thread
>Doesn't know neogaf mods were staunchly against lolicon
>Doesn't know the most vocal ones against loli always end up being the biggest pedos

Go back to neofag you dumb pedo

Mods are under fire so they want to contain all discussion about them in the shitpost board.

Mods will no longer tolerate dissent

>implying only staunch moralfags are against pedophilia
Holy shit, go outside.

>tfw can't tell if the sudden influx of sjw tier posting is gaffugees or just other anons baiting

Reminder, this is what you get if you defend Sup Forums

Best gun cummin thru

Mod niggers are on suicide watch and about to get BTFO again by /ourguy/ Hiro

One of the few insiders left gone!

Protip: if you're a faggot that copypastes shit into every new thread you need to off yourself.

>Sup Forums is a staunchly right wing anti-leftist board
You're a funny guy

Moralfag oldfag here
Sup Forums is fucking retarded and more degenerate than Sup Forums, /mlp/ or /lgbt/. Not as much as /soc/ or /cgl/, but closing up fast.

Pedos should seek help from psychiatrists, not be allowed to indulge their sick urges.

Mostly the latter with a tiny sprinkling of the former.

we'd rather have them than pol whiner neofaggots like you

Sup Forumstard or falseflag? The truth is that it doesn't matter. People like these need to be exterminated.

>The most unfortunate thing about this is Sup Forums will be flooded with more Neofaggot leftists than it already is

I don't see how leftist scum from Neofag forcing their political agenda into unrelated video games is any different than Sup Forums forcing their political agenda into unrelated video games, like you do almost every thread, including this one and every past neofag thread.

You got to disillusion with all the (You)s yo see that you are the retard here

>shitting on others for their safe spaces
>not realizing he's the biggest whiny bitch who advocates banning people for disagreeing with him

Fuck off back to your t_d shithole or wherever you came from you contrarian dipshit.

I find it hard to believe that a fucking gaming forum had any clout to begin with
this is almost like 'Sup Forums got trump elected' levels of delusion

How can you hate this?

Obviously, that's why the mods banned it in the first place.

ok thats pretty cute

Sup Forums hates loli and porn in general

>what is false flagging

how new r u


Sup Forums and /r9k/ are where everyone tries to justify that shit so you don't get outside Sup Forums much I see

also this


holy shit, attention whore snowflakes to the bitter end

Neogaf is liberal, not leftist, my dear Sup Forumstard.

>MFW I'm a leftist who browses Sup Forums and tells Sup Forumstards to fuck off when they get overly political

>open catalog
>control f: neogaf
>7 fucking results
Mods, please rid the board of the 6 surplus Sup Forums threads (this one included if possible)

Who is ((We)) Ponyfucker?


On what basis do you doubt either?


that anti loli mod Abid was pro Sup Forums

Because it's a Sup Forums containment thread to circlejerk about how awesome and right Sup Forums is. There's not much to discuss.


Seven more years.

Asia has the best art taste in video girls.

I remember when you couldn't discuss e-celeb shit here and everyone disliked slut female cosplayers

those were the years...

now we allowed to talk about this shit?

fucking faggote mods

>capitalism works

Is this image still accurate?

>I-i-i was only p-p-pretending

Fuck off. When you pretend to be retarded all the time, guess what, you just look retarded.

I think people really need to pay attention to the nuance of the situations that are affecting gaming (and now politics) at large. Folks have gotten fed up with people who aren't actually any morally superior getting a smug satisfaction out of using their platforms for finger wagging.

That hasn't been a meaningful distinction since the 70's.

>this is what cross boarding Sup Forumstards who have been here since the elections actually believe

I am not politically affiliated to either side. I hate SJWs injecting their political agenda into video games. YOU DO THE SAME THING AS THEM. YOU ARE JUST AS BAD AS THEM. FUCK. OFF.


You're telling me this whole shitstorm started because he got in the shower naked with her and then after that incident the two still supposedly fucked?

I fucking hope Sup Forumstards only exist for seven more years, but I find it very doubtful. I suspect it's something this site will have to deal with for a way longer time to come.
Also, I'm not American and your shit politics don't affect me.

Sweet Sup Forums tears

I only have nazi ponies :\