Why do SJWs force women in games to be so fucking ugly...

Why do SJWs force women in games to be so fucking ugly? Is it because they're so fuck ugly in real life that they get triggered by cute sexy girls in vidya

I dont think serah is ugly, but as soon as she opens her mouth and that disgusting brit accent shows its ugly face, it's all downhill

How to they even make devs do their bidding ? And why are girls even involved in video games all girls suck at games

>I dont think serah is ugly
She's potato tier. Her only redeeming feature is her dick sucking lips.

>she's a lesbian
who cares about dsl when she won't suck a dick?

is she fisty the elf from that comic?

How many conventionally attractive women are in Inquisiton, out of curiosity? Or, lacking that, how many of the female characters were INTENDED to be conventionally attractive.

Yes, that is literally the reason.

Morrigan and that's all. Lelianna is okay. Everything else is garbage tier

Mentally ill tranny freaks want everyone to look like themselves.

If there was an ugly man in a video game you wouldn't take issue. It would just be him looking "rugged" or "badass". You think women should only exist in video games to look pretty regardless of whatever else the character may contribute. I will say this without one ounce of irony: This is exactly why feminism is still needed.

Okay, but how many were intended to be attractive and how many suffer from being made by Bioware

also i'm only talking main characters

why do they have to be attractive

they see video game women as a threat, so rather than work on making themselves more desirable they would rather destroy things men enjoy

I would give you that if not for a fact that not even the ugly males want to play as ugly male characters , can you name any ugly male in modern vidya that people like to play as?

Because why not?
Unless it is serving a particular narrative purpose, why shouldn't every video game character be attractive?

Literally the only thing that women offer men is beauty and sex.

That fat guy from Street Fighter? Yangus?

I think only Cassandra was meant to be attractive. They failed.

Because ugly women have literally nothing to offer and no purpose

A woman's only value is her physical beauty and appearance, and deep down you know this to be true.

No man ever marries a woman for her personality.

>because why not

that doesn't answer my question, why do they need to be attractive? why does them being ugly have to serve a narrative purpose, while being attractive doesnt?

Rufus whole thing is that him being fat yet still kicking so much asses is a funny joke. I never got around to play DQ8 so I'm can't judge him. Both of the characters you mentioned though well liked is never regarded as handsome individual while OP is a suppose to be a hot elf chick.

And those 2 were from the first game, also seems like the devs crammed in allot of diversity quotas: faggots, lesbians, niggers.

lmao only virgins care about stupid shit like this

I think its moreso shitty artists than SJW.

Roadhog in Overwatch. Sniper in TF2. Wario in Smash 4 (since he's from a big roster). It's subjective but there is a wide range of looks for males in video games that some would consider "ugly".

>Literally the only thing that women offer men is beauty and sex.
>A woman's only value is her physical beauty and appearance, and deep down you know this to be true.

Do you see why a self-respecting woman would take issue with this attitude and be feminist? If you interact with women in real life you'll see they'll act differently than males, but it's not like they don't have hobbies, interests, families, preferences beyond just what their looks are. Workplaces don't just hire someone because they are pretty (unless it's a model then sure). They obviously contribute something.

Because people like looking at attractive things.
The only reason to deviate from what people generally want is if it serves a particular purpose. If you need an ugly character, and it is an important part of their story, by all means roll with it.
If you don't, then it literally doesn't matter, and if it doesn't matter, why not just give people what they generally want?

oh god I want his cock
can we have a cock thread instead?
what vidya guy has the best cock

>They obviously contribute something.
False sexual harassment cases?

Because it's science.

People simply prefer looking at attractive characters/actors in games/movies.

Yes, they're hired and paid by large companies so they can file false sexual harassment cases against the same company.

i think the women being desirable or not is indicative of the quality of a game. not all the time, but usually. it has certainly been helpful in judging western games in the last year or two

i think if devs are being honest with themselves then they'd make every important female character attractive in their eyes. if the ugliness is there for no better reason than guilt or offensery (rather than holistic inclusion) you can safely bet that that sort of ugliness has seeped into other aspects of the game.

itt: sexually frustrated virgins

>They obviously contribute something
Diversity quotas

No woman should ever be out of the home. It only makes both men and women themselves unhappy. It's why modern women are the most unhappy, and housewives have the greatest level of happiness among women. Feminism was a mistake.

Is this copy pasta?

Yangus' main schtick is that a fatass bandit can be a good guy, even if he pegs literally every stereotype for dumb criminal. It also had a bit of maybe he was only a dickass bandit because people didn't like him. And something about underpants.

And that putting a cockney accent on anyone makes them more likable.
Seriously. The game had a cockney dog that said "Wimpa". That was the best shit.

>Sniper in TF2

Piss off mate.

Are they white? I need to make sure I only lust after white guys but I can't tell.

It's realistic to have a mix though. I understand most games/movies are generally fictional, but at some point realistic attributes help suspension of disbelief. And not everyone has the same definitely of "attractive" as well.

Same reason the comic-book retards burned their industry, they trusted the voice of the vocal minority. A minority that usually doesen't buy anything.

Why does Sup Forums allow confirmation bias to trick them into thinking that the majority of women in western games are ugly?

Well it is a money making business for them.
>Claim rape
>Get paid
Remember faggot "listen and believe" don't make me call the neogaf mods.

Yes. And it is more """"realistic"""" if the girls are ugly.
Of course, the guys can still be 10/10 chads. No problem.

Because they are deeply insecure about their own appearance compared to these 'perfect' women. Even if they don't make the characters outright ugly to compensate, they at least make sure that they aren't allowed to have large breasts, even if it's a character who is previously established to be busty.

>Why do SJWs force women in games to be so fucking ugly?
Why is OP such a fucking faggot?

Games need more ghoul girls desu

Morrigan? She was pretty flat on her concept art. I thought the usual DA:O tits looked a bit too big on her thin body but in DA:I they kinda "underdid" it on the other hand. Although her sideboobs look bigger, maybe they just fucked up the texturing on the front? They were bad at all kinds of cleavage in DA:I, vivienne's tits look like plastic.

Frank West in Dead Rising was specifically designed to be ugly.

There’s also Nier, famously very ugly.

>allowed to have large breasts, even if it's a character who is previously established to be busty.
No. They're just lazy and use the same body meshe for every female characters.

I wasn't referring to Dragon Age, just a general statement. Morrigan's tits did look weird as fuck in Inquisition though, like they'd been sucked dry by her kid.

A man looks at a good looking man and says i want to be like him.
A woman looks a good looking woman loses their shit at them. Pic related.

It's just that her tits are just a mere texture on her model. Who thought this was a good idea?They could at least have tried to use optical illusions to make it look 3d.


They probably still sucked too much at making models look normal in frostbite.

White women are just reeling from the reality that asian women are superior in every way.
It's the way white guys react to BLACKED porn.
Except Asian girls are superior in intellect too.

It's probably less that they thought it was a good idea and more that they were being lazy and didn't care. This was Nu-Bioware after all, the same people who brought us Photoshop Tali. We're lucky they changed her face after the fanbase drew the line at making Morrigan a tranny.

Sup Forums btfo again. No use arguing with these autists. To them every game needs to be about pure escapism, they don't care about immersion or literally anything else. These are the people STILL buying doa games. Absolute embarrassments.

Naw man you cant just draw an ugly character because you are lazy. you have to purposely do it.

Yeah but was the trailer even made by them= Afaik they let other people do these. No one looked like themselves in the Sacred Ashes trailer for DA:O either because they outsourced that

>And not everyone has the same definitely of "attractive" as well.
greasy goblinoid elves fit such a narrow definition of attractive that it scares me, and are we seriously debating the realism of elves, aliens, and supersoldiers?.

I didn't say she was ugly, just that her breasts were fucked up. And I could see that being due to laziness from them, though I have no proof.

If I recall, even in the early screenshots she looked a bit different though. The fanbase was pretty pissed about it since Morrigan was very popular.

BLACKED is annoying because fags spam that shit on all boards.

All Iwanted was some sweet elf pussy in inquisition and they had to ruin it with this dyke when I hit on her. FUCK YOU BIOWARE YOU RUIN WAIFUS

Thing is that in many ways it isn't really even a mix anymore. A mix would imply that there are both conventionally attractive and either unconventional or outright ugly characters. DA:I and ME:A were almost all "unconventional" females and no "conventional" females.

Speaking of BLACKED I recently realized that most white guy don't care that much about it, instead I've seen the one that get really booty blasted about it is the Asian male, not Asian American though but
the South East Asian and Korean are really triggered when BLACKED is posted.

Women get hired cause of quotas or because they're hot. That's pretty much it. Women having careers is a meme.

No guy who looks for a woman to marry ever gives a shit about her career. No boy at school brags about his mom's career, he brags about his dad's career.

Face it, a career is not a naturally womanly quality. Natural womanly qualities that a woman is supposed to have is being beautiful, motherly, soft, and caring. No guy on earth ever gives a shit about a woman's "career".

Because I'm spending 60 bucks to NOT look at ugly women.

The men are quite attractive.
They fucked up Alistair again though.

SJWs don't force it, shitty useless Bioware modellers force it.

attractive women are a threat t

Your words have zero weight here, GAFfer. And you will come to realize this very quickly, after which you will an hero knowing the strong now own the weak such as yourself.


Yeah that's right, get laid and all the shit go away. Thinking is overrated anyway.

All women do it. It's a recent thing. Girls used to like Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. Now they like Monkey Minaj and crazy eyes perry. They think they're being tolerant when in reality they're just endulging in their jealousy.

Not fair for overwatch. You can't compete with blizzdrones and they will buy anything.

Yes, they are Candlejack's worst e

>I can't play Sonic 2 because I'm not sexually attracted to the protagonist
go whine somewhere else you furry

So irrlevant because the game itself was p. shit. Why did they just dump an actual good tab targeting combat system for that half asses neverwinter mmo bet version copy cat combat shitstain of a system we got in cisquisi

>This is exactly why feminism is still needed.
Women weren't magically oppressed from sexy video game girls existing before. I'd doubt they would be oppressed now. But, hey. We have to censor fiction otherwise dumbasses who can't think for themselves will feel sad.

>I can't play Sonic 2 because I'm not sexually attracted to the protagonist
Nobody has ever said that.

>peabrain can't understand parallelism

This a thousand times. Women lack the self-improvement men often carry along because they were treated like goddess since birth with no intent to ever having to 'man up'.
This makes them think they are perfect and the world must change for them.

>claims to like girls
>makes the mc a shota not a loli

He's a dissapointment to all the japanese people.


>trying to score points in an anonymous board


Women are ugly.

Honestly I just think this is artist incompetence rather than an agenda here. It may have been marketed later as "inclusive" but bioware has never been able to animate or make character models this gen or last gen.

Which is why women often appear to be less capable. They are less encouraged to and way less expected to actually try. If everything were just stuck up your ass without anything you needed to do for it, you'd be stupid too. Or maybe you are idk

>implying a little android boy isn't the self-insert for the average robotic and emotionally stunted japanese male

The man is a genius

You say that but my wife's income accounts for 50% of our household income. You can bet that I care about my wife's career, we need that money.

the ugly in power want to make genetically injured fictional characters to look as something normal or healthy.
It's not - not every beauty model is a good person, but every ugly fuck is ugly inside as well (because society shuns them for looking odd and rightfully so - it's unhealthy for humanity to have faulty copies in its genepool so it's only a naturally coded reaction of any living being)

Your wife is unhappy and wishes she could be a housewife.
I'm sad for her.

this is a 10/10 in britbong land

she kinda resembles female ryder

not every woman wishes that - some might feel sick of doing only housejob 24/7

Because only Japan can make attractive vidya characters. 2B, Futaba, Zelda, Inklings, and Peach are all just this year in 9/10+ Nip games. Japs are the best at making vidya.

Who cares about how the characters look when the games themselves are awful, lazy pieces of shit?

You're ugly

If we skip the discussion on how intentional the ugliness it self is, the answer is that the portrait of ugliness isn't inherently less valuable than the portrait of beauty.
Historically there has been a observed long standing connection between beauty and goodness in art and public perception, subverting this expectation is interesting.
Another legitimate reason to make ugly characters is realism, if your setting and story is grounded you will want to also have realistically looking characters.

I think Overwatch is on the 'sexy girls sell' side. Yeah Blackedtivision talks a big game about equality and made Tracer a lesbian, but at the end of the day all of the female overwatch characters can be described as "attractive X ethnicity/bodytype-fetish". So you've got a musclechick for guys into that, a chubby parkagirl for guys into that, an old lady for guys into that, then 6 or 7 standard attractive women of x-y-and-z ethnicities.

The key to making big money is to talk a big game about diversity to get the press coverage, then deliver the goods (hot ladies) to your paying customers.