FFXIV is shit

tried out FFXIV and it is shit

>clunky controls
>slow combat System
>simple and horrible looping Soundtrack which aims to be catchy
>no ambient Soundtrack
>No npc speech outside of sequences.
>worst lighting system ever
>everything is flickering, even on 4k (negative lod bias it seems)
>There is no RP on 'RP' servers like Balmung or Omega.
>tiny maps with loading screens
>everyone is ass blasted over hunt mobs
Why it is so shit?

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>Kings honor friend


As someone who's played both, I can understand why someone new to ffxiv would feel this way.
>slow combat System
Combat feels incredibly slow until you begin getting your GCD skills to weave between GCD times.
>No npc speech outside of sequences.
No speech outside of sequences doesnt really mean much as a majority of wow doesnt have voice acting.
>worst lighting system ever
>everything is flickering, even on 4k (negative lod bias it seems)
That doesnt sound normal at all. Id recommend checking for driver updates, or verifying files.
>There is no RP on 'RP' servers like Balmung or Omega.
There is rp on balmung, you just need to join an fc of some kind. I cant give much help on this, as I dont engage in that shit.
>tiny maps with loading screens
All of ARR has tiny zones, a good number of heavensward to. This was done so the ps3 wouldnt explode. Stormblood greatly increased the size of zones since they dropped ps3 support.
>everyone is ass blasted over hunt mobs
Ass blasted in what way? Mad people are killing shit without waiting?

The game is definitely not for everyone. It gets better the further you go into it.

>Combat feels incredibly slow until you begin getting your GCD skills to weave between GCD times.


>That doesnt sound normal at all. Id recommend checking for driver updates, or verifying files.

It is an engine problem and confirmed

>tormblood greatly increased the size of zones since they dropped ps3 support.

Wrong, same size as heavensward. Still tiny.

>There is rp on balmung, you just need to join an fc of some kind. I cant give much help on this, as I dont engage in that shit.

There is NO RP in FFXIV. Just anime like RP or ERP.

All MMO are shit, stop being a faggot and go play something else

humans look like shit in nu-wow compared to the vanilla artstyle

With goatee, definitely

Are you just gonna shitpost or do you want a discussion, user?

OGCD skills greatly speed up combat, as well the fact that many classes have abilities that reduce the GCD timers, bard as an example.

I havent heard about this engine problem, do you have a link?

Stormblood absolutely did increase the size of zones up from heavensward. This was one of the MAIN reasons ps3 support was dropped.

maybe there isnt rp on balmung, I wouldn't know from personal experience, all I know is that it usually has a fairly large amount of FC's.
>just anime like rp
The fuck you expect? its a weeb game


just in general
they did a good job on a lot of races
but humans are just ugly and the entire artstyle went to shit
fitting for a shit game

whats up with the wow shills the last few days? new exp coming up or wut?

Rekt him, nice.

Yes Blizzcon happening in a week

>>clunky controls
What? You move with WASD and cast abilities from your action bar. 2.5s GCD is because the game is supposed to be more tactical. It's not like you're doing Fireball -> Fireball -> Fireball like in WoW. And it goes ~2s GCD for some classes with Skill Speed and Spell Speed.
>>slow combat System
Oh so this isn't what you were talking about before? The fuck are "clunky controls" then? The game behaves as expected I assume you think it's clunky because you're a 500 lbs neckbeard who has 20000 hours in another game that uses the same controls thereby making it "clunky"
>>simple and horrible looping Soundtrack which aims to be catchy
Lmao okay I'm pretty sure this is bait at this point each zone has unique and fitting music events have good music fights have amazing music literally one of the best parts of the game is the music you're retarded I bet you listen to "ACTUALLY CATCHY 8 BIT TUNES FOR GAMERS"
>>no ambient Soundtrack
The ambient is actually ambient noises and if you don't like the music turn it off and make the ambient as loud as possible.
>>No npc speech outside of sequences.
NPCs have unique speech sometimes depending on certain variables IE after doing something being a specific race or class or etc. After you finish a dungeon and go back to them inside the speech changes sometimes not many people know about this.
>>worst lighting system ever
>>everything is flickering, even on 4k (negative lod bias it seems)
The fuck are you on about? The "flickering" on foliage? Did you start in Limsa? Use SweetFX you retard.
>>There is no RP on 'RP' servers like Balmung or Omega.
>Lying on the fucking internet
>>tiny maps with loading screens
>>everyone is ass blasted over hunt mobs
Better go back to getting ganked then while you spam Fireball all day

By the way how are you playing on Balmung when it's been locked for so long?

Fuck off Blizzard shill

After 13 years WoW still has the best feeling combat, how is that even fucking possible?

All the spells cast when you press them and you don't have to wait until the shit servers decide to catch up

>0 new IPs
blizzcucks at it again

It actually bothers me that they fucked up many of the things WoW always did so right even though FF14 came like eight years later.

Movement, combat, menus and chat are the most important parts. All of those things are so inferior in 14.

Think you're blind lad

blizzad have no new IPs?

overwatch is making more money than wow ever did you obese weeb

No he's insane and checks the IP counter with every post to check for "shills", and he's too stupid to even read that right.

>There is no RP on 'RP' servers like Balmung or Omega.
This is the single most hilarious part of the post

All the stuff you listed is even worse on fucking WoW, stop shilling your shit game by your shit company.
XIV has many problems but you didn't list any of them, besides the slow combat, which I agree.

I've never made it past the trial limit. The characters look pretty, but the world itself is dull as shit and the soundtrack puts me to sleep. Not that WoW is any better in the latter department. I want an MMO with JRPG levels of hype music and I figured Final Fantasy of all things would give it to me, but I was wrong.

But that's actually incorrect. I'm not entirely convinced you played the game at all. That, or you played until about level 20.

i just want wow to go back to what it used to be instead of the shit we have now
you might want to check out PSO or something


Despite its flaws, it's probably the best MMO on the market.

I played WoW for several years, Playing FFXIV for a couple of weeks made me quit WoW for good and I don't regret it one bit.

>horrible soundtrack

Bait would be wise to remove this line. FFXIV has the best OST out of every MMO Ive played. As someone who raided from Vanilla to Cata, none of the boss music in WoW was remotely hype


they don't even look like people in the fucking vanilla models.

Cool thread you retards, let's engage in discussion with the most obvious bait of all time.

They need to do something about the early game. It's pure dog shit and probably drives away tons of potential subscribers. I managed to push through it but came so closing to just closing the game and uninstalling during those first 20 levels.

I couldnt get over the lack of ui responsiveness, which can fall under movement/combat I suppose.

I feel like I have actual control of my guy in wow, xiv feels like hes slogging through molasses.

The base game is fucking tiny with load screens, this is true. the expansions DO make it a bit better, but its not a very good excuse.

You might be right, but I've been enjoying gathering as of late. I never mean to get engrossed in it either, I just start and then hours go by.

Apparently it gets super gay past level 50 but for now it's maximum comfy

Hmmm. There are actual good tracks and you posted mostly meme trash. Everything related to Alexander is trash.

FFXIV's ost is the best of any game I have ever experienced. They just keep most of the great songs locked to specific bosses. Hell the dungeon themes are sometimes downright amazing as well.

in the same boat as you, except have played both in the last year
enjoying xiv more than wow, but there's stuff i'm missing from wow and is badly designed which brings the game down
>no world pvp
>bad dungeons
>instanced world
>bad servers
>terrible early game and leveling
>cursed level 50 quests
even if is smaller, the raid scene in ffxiv is a lot more fun despite this tier being extremely easy, and the classes are a lot more interesting than the specs in wow, i also like that xiv has extreme levels of synergy and due to the nature of the game it's easier to keep balanced.

When is it going to go F2P?

Patch 4.11 added new music, didn't it? Does anybody have the added tracks?

the music deffinelty is hit or miss

shit like this ruins otherwise great themed and ff inspired music

wow has better music but not really by a large margin
t.somebody that played both

>There is no RP on 'RP' servers like Balmung
There are more RPers on Balmung than not, and you can't even make a character on there anymore so you didn't play on Balmung.

Solid bait though.

>wow used to have better music


0 taste


unending coils theme?

shit taste

I gave the trial a shot. It was OK. I dislike how movement feels, too.

Wish FFXIV had TERA combat desu.

>not liking ironic edge


it is pretty much some of the worst music I have heard in vidya

Everyone that plays agrees. However the starting levels have always been bad even with more abilities. IMO they need to make the story and atmosphere great early since ability depth doesn't matter much. That or make the quests more interesting. I still have fond memories of leveling my first Arcanist in Limsa as it was very cozy. Even WoW during the first 20 levels is mostly the same abilities. I think the issue is mostly with all of the abilities being combat only, we really need "fun" ones like Ghost Wolf. NIN has increased movement speed and reduced fall damage but that's about it. I think Arcanist is probably the most fun class to start as as SMN and SCH are both great and the Carbuncle is cute and interesting.

Never, they make money with subs and cash shop. Half of their servers are full so they had to close them down. Theres zero insentive to go f2p.

I guess I should clarify, does anybody have a link to the datamined tracks?

The only bad themes are where theyre too lazy to do lyrics (Ifrit and Garuda) or just port old music (Omega) Omega is such a slog to do compared to alexander's catchy songs

>dude let's make a MMO with literally zero customization and a pointless class change system because the playerbase requires insta-gratification
Great MMO guys.

>people who haven't realized that FF14 is just WoW for weebs
FF14 fags will try to claim their game is the better mmo but the sad truth is there are no good mmos anymore

You pick your poison and drink

give me vanilla/TBC/wrath servers and i'll go back to wow

>getting a little burnt on XIV cause there isn't much to really do at this point as a middle of the road kind of endgame player who can't autistically commit to raiding despite wanting to because real life
>end up resubbing to wow and just leveling a blood DK
>probably end up in a similar situation if I actually ended up gearing to the point where I could raid
It's cyclical isn't it?

>bad dungeons
Not really, all of the dungeons remind me of D&D campaigns to an extent, ESPECIALLY the ARR ones. SB dungeons are great IMO especially the final boss music and the more interesting mechanics. First one is spooky.
>instanced world
It will probably change one day desu
>bad servers
Not really

Never, this game is far more premium than WoW ever will be

>mfw wowfags wish they had raids and music like this

>wanted to get into FF14
>can't get into the art style
The races are really dull in FF14
>regular humans
>slightly skinnier humans
>big bulky humans
>humans with cat ears and tails

I really empathize with this post. I have nothing to do despite a patch just dropping.


Doesn't help they all play exactly the same either. Might as well not even have races at all.

nuke gridania

should my fursuit be neon pink or sea green?

Yeah because the game as beastmen vs people lore
Furries will always brush it off

Garuda has lyrics, they're just really soft spoken

>Falling too far from the light
>Deeper into the night
>I'm lost inside my own hell
>I am a broken angel

Cute artwork but the ingame outfit looks like trash

>Pants are called Werewolf tail
>The tails attached to the chestpiece

>tfw my healer just got permabanned a day before unending coil came out


>mfw wowfags wish they had raids and music like this

addons have ruined wow raiding anyway
point still stands overall wow has better music

You either play an mmo that's bland and popular or one that's fun and dead. There is no in between.

>Don't want to raid with a guild because being forced to play a video game on a schedule like a job is fucking stupid.
>Pugging is an absolute nightmare filled with shit players and you end up spending more time finding a group or waiting on replacements than actually fighting bosses

Raiding would be perfect if I could just clone myself 20 times.

>After 13 years WoW still has the best feeling combat, how is that even fucking possible?
>click target
>mash face against keyboard until ded
Whatever you say my man

i'm interested
how did he get perma'd

rate my mog

>overall wow has better music

lookin good, uh, Dave.


play xiv like anyone with a brain/10

at least use the old models

Reminder people only dislike XIV because it requires thought. If you think it's clunky, if you don't "get it" then we don't want you. Balmung is literally full and anyone with a brain is there. Basically: We have the perfect MMO, you aren't invited and you will never "get it" and you will NEVER play with us.

>play xiv like anyone with a brain/10
You need to have zero cognitive function to enjoy FFXIV.

Thanks buddy!
I did, but i got bored with it. PvP sucked but the rest was pretty comfy i have to admit, also cats man.

a8s is such an overrated fight
it's good but far from what people make it out to be

but it has
who the fuck is listening to shit like this unironically


I just want to find an mmo that's as fun as wildstar so I can just ditch this fucking game already.

Guild Wars 2 is actually pretty decent with the xpac and living story 3.

terrible bait

tfw never have a balmung alt
Even when it wasn't closed bots would stop me

My fiancee played final Nidhogg for the first time the other day, and it made me appreciate how well done all of the bosses that end the story are. Thordan normal is arguably a weak link, but Shinryu stands as my favourite normal fight of FFXIV so far, and ultima was pretty sick too. It's probably down to a lack of "lol, you didn't activate these 4 chains, instalose" mechanics, in favour of just pure high damage aoes.

>music without the other sounds
>no buildup (phase 2)


not bait

Please post memorable raid music from wow.

I don't understand why people enjoy Guild Wars 2 at all. When I bought the game there was zero endgame progression. Weapons and armor didn't do anything and the combat is more sluggish than FFXIV. It feels like a chore to do anything in that game. Even gathering and crafting is so brain dead that there is no enjoyment, cut a tree and deposit all the logs into you bank 1000 miles away. The game feels like shit.

there's a lot of good pre WoD stuff, legion had a few good tracks but it's fallen so low compared to what it used to be

No it isn't. Gw2 is the only game where they can release expac without content.

Everything you listed is fucking bullshit. If you really want to complain about FFXIV then you should point out the lack of content or just the wrong content in general.
Who thought ultra savage is a good idea when not even half of the population got the Omega clear?
The game was designed to take it nice and easy with dailies roulettes and yet if you want to do savage you have to get together with other 7 asswipes who can be a real pain in the ass. Not even considering the hours wasted on retarded wipes because doing mechanics is somehow rocket science.
Patch 4.1 is the best example of Squeenix not getting it togther by releasing all the important content some minor patches later.
PvE is a fucking chore, raid is a huge time investment with minimal reward and PvP is dead.
The only thing you can do is RP but that shit is for degenerates.

Fuck this game

I said post good raid music from wow come on I'm waiting.

There is none, but the only great one from FF was Moogle Mog. I fucking love moogles.

>ultra savage was a bad idea
Where's your o4s clear

>This reverse bait