Japanese video game industry:

Japanese video game industry:
>no sjws
>no niggers shoehorned in every game
>superior work ethic
>promotes the virtues of honour, tradition and family
>proud of their cultural heritage
>keeps degeneracy like homosexuality and trannies contained instead of promoting it in the mainstream
>spurs gamers and people in general to be their best instead of coddling them with participation trophies
>focus on crafting engaging, quality gameplay over pushing an agenda
>stories are less cringeworthy for the same reason
>not afraid to sexualize cute girls

Western video """""""game""""""" industry
>devs have to walk on eggshells to appease SJW's who don't buy their game anyway
>niggers in every single game
>rewards lazy developers who shit out shitty walking simulators
>catered towards selfish millenials who were never told no in their life
>muh tolerance and diversity
>trannies and faggots every day until you like it
>coddle thin-skinned faggots who get trigger attacks when they see "gg ez" on the screen
>gameplay is hot garbage because all their effort went into making propaganda
>memes and big bang theory tier """"""""humour""""""""
>females are deliberately ugly because >muh objectivication :'(

Other urls found in this thread:


Maria a shit though

Do we really need to have these threads every single hour?

get used to it, cúck

Gotta get those (You)’s

Doesn't bother me, either filter or chill.

Yes, it's still far better than those literally filthy faggot/tranny games thread

Every hour until the industry stops flooding their games with politics.

So is Street fighter SJW because Balrog was in every game?

>when pretty much ever Jap game has a homo or a tranny in it
>when BL is basically mainstream and fujos are pretty much running the industry with their deep wallets

I'd rather fight against corporate greed than muh niggers in video games to be quite honest.

What about MS Saga?

The entire point of SF is to feature fighters around the world, so it makes perfect sense that they have an ethnically diverse cast.
Come on user, think a little.

Good luck with that when the majority of the consumer base in video games are literal children and manchildren who have no taste and will spend thousands on lootboxes.

He live in America

> Marxism base guys vs nazi guys.

Why does everybody complain when the new Overwatch hero isn't a milk white aryan man?

>existence of non white characters is shoe-horning
Wish these fucking japs would stop shoe-horning slopes into their fucking games

It makes sense in Beyond good and evil and Wolfenstien as well yet here we are. Plus we don't even play as the black bitch in BG&E.

Japanese game stories are less cringe worthy?
Are you mentally ill or just fourteen.
Did you find elfen lied to be really deep

One of them has jews and the other doesn't

>He actually thinks the issue is "OMG THERE'S A NIGGER IN THIS GAME"

I'm not saying this to be insulting but you really do need to stop being so fucking sheltered and close-minded. I'm not saying you need to agree with people whose opinions you don't like but at least understand what their issue is.

>No niggers

Black guy on yakuza kiwami and nioh recently.

Also Japan is fucked up, low birth rate, half of young adults are virgins.

Conviction rate of 99%, they only go after the biggest case, which mean that you've more chance to get away with murder and rape than any other countries.

Stop sucking Japan's dick you fucking cuck

>Sup Forums now considers DoA sjw because it has a black in it.

>Sup Forums doesn't play video games
>mods are actually cracking down on non-vidya
>have to retread the same five sjw in vidya topics over in over again

Give it a few days for the neofag shitposting to die down.

Tits even it out

>each thread is new and made to discuss a certain topic

Sup Forums:
>threads designed solely to bait fools into mass replies are literally copy-pasted every other day

I'm starting to wonder if the wrong forum died first.

>He actually thinks the issue is "OMG THERE'S A NIGGER IN THIS GAME"
That's literally the case you fucking faggot. We'd talk about the character instead of their race if it wasn't.

>got 10 Sup Forums thread already
>makes yet another one

Just go back to your containment cell.

You mean Sup Forumstard invading us temporarily?

They're delusional, their own board is already changing thanks to reddit

if you're so triggered, Sup Forumsfag, just don't buy it.
don't need 30 of these obnoxious threads a day tbqh


>tfw Resident Evil was a SJW game all along

I can't believe how sjw SEGA used to be.

The issue isn't all the niggers suddenly cropping up in video games it's WHY they're suddenly cropping up, dummie. Do you really think Sup Forums spent its time discussing X black character in Y game in the mid 2000's? No we fucking didn't.

It's kinda funny that you whine about thin skinned people in your OP, but you Sup Forums people are just as thin skinned.

Not sure why it bothers you to see a brown person in a game so much, maybe just get thicker skin.


A woman AND a black guy? Fucking SJWs have gone too far!

Except those Jap games are mostly hentai porn games, they don't insert it like political ideology or statrment, and promote, normalize them in normal games.

I've played lots of Jap games for over 20 years, the only the so-called "lgbt characters" in main stream games I recall are the one from Nier and Poison from SF. And Poison isn't even defined as "shemale" anymore in later SF universe.

Then discuss the issue and not the fucking race of the characters. It's white people doing this shit so make the thread about them.

Christ you people are stupid as fuck.

It's fine OP, if Mass Effect: Andromeda has proved anything, it's that there's no market for SJW games. The same shit is happening at Marvel comics, though they're getting propped up by Disney.

That's retarded.

That's what OP is attempting to do you fucking dumbass. The sudden flood of black characters in a symptom of the underlying issues, many of which OP highlighted.

>The issue is that they're fukkin black!
Even Crapcom did it user

No. They put them in not because they want propagating their political/social ideology such as forced diversity. Use your head for moment, user.

man i hate tekken so sjw they even made raven a girl

When I think of cultural marxism I think of San Francisco covered in shit and semen.

Because it hasn't been invaded by Sup Forums yet at this time.

He is not trying to do that because he wouldn't add the
>shoehorning niggers
in his argument, instead he would've said devs trying to get brownie points by adding black characters yet they make them shit.

The problem is not the niggers but the afro garbage they put in games thinking strong leftist black women will buy their games
They think the #BLM activists spend all day playing Ubisoft games while working for Soros at night

>The issue is that they're fukkin black!

No it isn't you fucking sperg.

Catherine has a tranny character. Shadow Hearts has a gay character. Dragon's Dogma allows the main character to be gay. Persona 2 had a gay character. Metal Gear Solid has gay and bisexual characters. And that's just off the top of my head.

Those two things both mean the same thing. One is just a "friendlier" version.

I don't mind it to be honest. Better than having Ubisoft marketing team making 30 threads about AC

Sup Forumsacks need to leave

Sup Forumsfags think they own the site and get mad when you tell them to shut the fuck up about politics

They accuse you of being a leftist/redditor/whatever but don't realize that they're the ones who have killed Sup Forums and Sup Forums hasn't been assfucked by Sup Forums across all boards until the election.

Much like the redditors did with rage comics in 2011, the Sup Forumsfags have also re-purposed old Sup Forums memes and used them for their own shit that it was completely unrelated to before, proving that Sup Forums is a board of outsiders and is not part of the site whatsoever.

RIP Pepe
RIP Wojack
RIP Momiji

Not to mention, Sup Forums has always been a group of outsiders. Most Sup Forumscucks do NOT originate from Sup Forums and came from another site. Even in the days of /new/, the vast majority of them were fags from stormfront. Now, the vast majority are migrants from /r/The_Donald and alt-right and/or neo-nazi sites that got shut down.

The quality of Sup Forums would significantly improve if Sup Forums was just deleted. They would shit all over every board for a few months, but would eventually fuck off with proper moderation and the site would go back to the hilarious, OC-producing anime community it once was.

Hiro, please hear me out.

JRPGs might be trash but they offer the best waifus.

>The issue is that they're in video games while being fukkin black!


Thanks for reminding me I need to filter you I almost forgot.

No one side is blaming the race of the characters for being shit and the other is blaming the devs for not making a good character no matter the race.

Black girls are objectively better than white ones, even in japan where there is probably 2 blacks they still manage to add at least one black per game.

filtered :^)

t. cuck

You're just being completely unreasonable. Stop posting.

>GladiumTonitrua !!zcFZLXRSEqn

Isn't one of Magus' lieutenants in Chrono Trigger a tranny?

Sup Forums isn't a forum you fucking newfag. Fuck off to Reddit.

To be fair Sup Forums never invades, you get political bullshit in your hobby, then you start to go the opposite way as a reaction because this is fucking Sup Forums and being contrarian is your life blood, then you found yourself browsing Sup Forums and bringing it back with you on your native boards because you're now taintend.

Japs usually make the character first then just make them whatever race they feel like. Majority of the west just makes a race then forgets to write the character if you know what I mean.

>RIP Momiji
What in the fuck are you talking about?

Go back to neofag

There is apparently 100K blacks among 1-2 millions of foreigners

>play pic related to escape my nagging wife
>main character just nags the whole time

I'm being unreasonable? I'm not the one that thinks the only shitty west characters are the black ones.

That was basically Gamergate.

Sup Forums I want you to understand why we hate you.
We dont hate you because what you say is "offensive". Remember where the fuck you are, we are each about 1 click away from watching women with 12 inch cocks fucking each other. And at one point this site even had guro and loli boards. Oh my god you said nigger! This totally shocks my unenlightened sheeple mind.

No, we hate you because you are the new furfags. You see, the problem with furfags, wasnt that they jerked off to furry shit, it was that they were so fucking obnoxious about it. Everything had to be made furry. Every forum avatar had to be a fursona. They had to constantly broadcast the fact that they were furfags to everyone, and when this was met with derision, they doubled down on their effort. They labeled the rational reaction to their faggotry "fursecution" and actively set out to be the biggest faggots they could possibly be to combat it.

Stormniggers are exactly the same. I have yet to see a single thread on this board that doesnt regularly have off topic derails about niggers or jews. Always with craftyjew.jpg and A Wyatt Mann cartoons. It doesnt matter how off topic it is, Sup Forums users cant help but broadcast the fact that they are stormniggers.

What do nigger gun stats have to do with this thread? I mean, really what does it add to the conversation about the video game? Jack shit. All it does is send out a big loud signal to everyone in the thread that LOOK AT ME! I AM SO RACIST! YOU SHOULD BE OFFENDED!

TL;DR Stormfags are just the same as furfags only their "fursecution" is called "political correctness".

>Nip game stories
>Less cringe worthy

I'm a faggot weeb and even I know that's dead wrong

No, but playing as the african american man isn't any better.


Yes you are being unreasonable.

The point is that if their skin color changed, you wouldn't be so triggered about it

People can't talk about politics in real life, on facebook or twitter
Sup Forums is their last hope to express themselves without being labeled as nazis by your family
On facebook any slight appreciation of conservative politics will get you weird looks by co-workers
Sad but true.

I think Sup Forums has matured enough where we don't have to talk about video games anymore.


>dude lay epic copypasta with tripcode off xD
Holy fuck you showed me.

>I just want those damn niggers deported to africa but my family and friends keeps calling me a nazi, damn sjws

oh, I'm sorry, IMAGE BOARD.

When posts like this appear I don't believe I am.

>permanently banned if you don't militantly support the far-left hivemind

Nah, the correct one died

>Still doesn't understand the issue, still thinks it's about skin colour

I'm out, you can't be reasoned with.

Hi Sup Forums. Nobody cares.

Again, they put them in not because they want to normalize them and push their political degenerated agendas such as "muh sexual revolution", "mug lgbt rights", "muh diversity" narrative...etc, like modern Biocuck. At least I don't feel that way at all. Keep whining faggot.

I'm mostly generalizing based on what I see here. Sup Forums ideology is almost exclusively a form of 'revenge', the majority of you people are kissless virgins by admission and the number is likely higher given your propensity for lying. It's quite easy to see what your problems are. You were born a middle class white male and yet you didn't succeed, so when the fatties came along telling you to check your privilege you couldn't see what this privilege is, to you, you are the most oppressed person in the world, an adult virgin that never seized any opportunities.
I assume you're just going to reply with >projecting

>it's another Sup Forums is triggered episode

t. Reddit Refugee
Fuck off faggot

What's the issue?

You mean the game industry hadn't been invaded by feminist SJW social media virtue signallers

So every episode, as in, their their show in general?

>Keep whining faggot.

You're the fucking faggot whining about SJWs and niggers in your video games.

what game?