He killed millions

He killed millions...

Other urls found in this thread:


He's a raper but 6 gorillion of his people died you should check your privilege op


wow hes hot

Let me invite you into my shower


he thinks you're hot, too

Shit is that his portrait in Shadowrun?

To save billions

She'd probably fall in love with me.

she probably wanted it...

(she's bi)

He looks like an elf. You know what we do to elfs right?

how many selfies do you think he had to take to get one where the lighting is just right and he doesn't look like a total fucking goober

weinstein raped boys too?

" I'm a transgender bisexual woman (with a lesbian partner) so I want to put to rest any fears about the diversity of the staff we're assembling. "

I finally get it , it's a contest to be unique, to have the most out there identity to then brag about it. It's the 2017 equivalent of getting a nose piercing or a dumb tattoo

(She’s bi)



this changes literally everything i understand completely

So can we talk about it this time or will 80% of the thread be people accusing Sup Forums of random shit?

>I just slapped her ass, to assume dominance you know?
what did he mean by this?



what did they mean by this

what's there to talk about? it's still a shithole, just one with no influence anymore and barely anyone willing to post there.

Just report the meta bitchfest shit and/or redirect them to

based pedogaf amirite?

Leave Toby alone

Then fucking do so instead of baiting Sup Forums accusations you monumental retard.

for free


So was there another reason why all the mods jumped ship so fucking fast?

I mean it feels like they knew even more shit could go down or something.


I really want the outcome to include removal of rogue mods/jannies.

Like I am all for neogaf dying. But this is only relevant because we have a good reason to talk about mod actions. And how none of their activity is logged, no motives given.

Delete my post you dumb nigger.

Reminder that Evilore was offered 5 million to sell the site, and later claimed he was offered 10 million dollars too

Just remember: at least you're not Tyler Malka.

no. they were just all so up their own asses they had to save e-face and leave. they couldn't be associated with someone who allegedly saw a woman naked without her written consent. this sounds sarcastic, but it's not.

Protip: If you're the kind of faggot that doesn't understand Sup Forums is a right-leaning anti-leftist board and starts autistically screeching "muh pol" over any post made by a privileged White FUCKING male (99% of Sup Forums's userbase) you are unwanted neofaggot subhuman trash and should get the FUCK out of Sup Forums.

Whining about Sup Forums should be a 30 day ban ON SIGHT. Eliminate the GAFugee scourge at its source.

>mods after Hiroshima


Evilore wont say anything about it other than they left, also they started the #metoo thing and it backfired, might be related somehow.

>he made a statement
lmao how pathetic

Reminder to welcome the newcomers with loli.

>even 'hope u got ten bux' lowtax didn't want the refugees

>Does the Vita really need games?
never gets old


I give up, you fucking shitlords. What does it take huh? We're on here for nearly a year trying to influence you bunch of dick heads and NOTHING works. My contract is up soon and I just have to fucking know. Seriously, we're in it for millions upon millions of dollars, and jack shit out of you. We took down McCain and Romney, we own reddit like a dog on a leash. But here, HERE, you can literally watch the opinion swing towards starting point between shift changes. How the fuck does this shit hole have that kind of power? We've influenced foreign governments and entire races of people to do our fucking bidding, but YOU have to be the ones to fuck it all up. And no matter what we try an how much we try to blend in, we’re picked out like our heads are on fire! What THE FUCK IS IT ABOUT THIS PLACE. Even after we got the owner to sell and even after we replaced the mods, short of total shutdown we have had zero successes. And is not even a stalemate, we can't even CONTAIN you shitheads as you puke your filth all over the internet. I've tried reason, threats, duplicate posting, spamming, bait and switching, every single psyop technique we've fucking GOT for online use. We hold sway on nearly every single English speaking fucking board with more than a hundred active users and this MIASMA of human refuse has stood up to us better than nuclear foreign powers. WHY WONT YOU JUST DO WHAT WE TELL YOU TO DO YOU FUCKING SCUM.


i hear nugaf is looking for mods

His statement was one of the cringiest fucking things I have ever read.

Jesus christ. He really is a beta retard on a power and ego trip after stumbling into a one hit wonder.

hmm....their first lead was his phone, but where they actually little kids pictures or loli shit?

>Mod censors topic AND willingly involves Sup Forums
>Board goes apeshit demanding to be able to discuss topic
>Hundreds of threads get shitposted, porn gets dumped, mod feeling are hurt

>Hiro steps in and allows a containment thread
>Containment thread works as intended
>Turns out there's literally nothing to discuss
>Thread eventually dies out

Are the mods retarded or was this some intentional attention whoring?

wow they really showed you


Man, with Neogaf dead, where will I get comedy gold like this now?

Sup Forums needs to leave

Sup Forumsfags think they own the site and get mad when you tell them to shut the fuck up about politics

They accuse you of being a leftist/redditor/whatever but don't realize that they're the ones who have killed Sup Forums and Sup Forums hasn't been assfucked by Sup Forums across all boards until the election.

Much like the redditors did with rage comics in 2011, the Sup Forumsfags have also re-purposed old Sup Forums memes and used them for their own shit that it was completely unrelated to before, proving that Sup Forums is a board of outsiders and is not part of the site whatsoever.

RIP Pepe
RIP Wojack
RIP Momiji

Not to mention, Sup Forums has always been a group of outsiders. Most Sup Forumscucks do NOT originate from Sup Forums and came from another site. Even in the days of /new/, the vast majority of them were fags from stormfront. Now, the vast majority are migrants from /r/The_Donald and alt-right and/or neo-nazi sites that got shut down.

The quality of Sup Forums would significantly improve if Sup Forums was just deleted. They would shit all over every board for a few months, but would eventually fuck off with proper moderation and the site would go back to the hilarious, OC-producing anime community it once was.

Hiro, please hear me out.

Go and apply then.

>girl fetishists

Is Tyler /ourguy/ now? I can't wait to get a look at his list of conquests.



>heart pupils
The best.

hah, gay!

I... wh... What's the connection between the images?

i'm not the pedo here.

the slut is most likely lying and twisting half truths in her favor. I don't care about her i care that she destroyed this dumb nigger's cult breeding ground.

broken record, but i agree that there is nothing to discuss. but god damn is it funny how the site imploded.

From the way the article reads, it's likely they were non-nude pictures of models. That counts as CP in court.


I can't wait for this goldmine to get off the ground.

What the fuck does the deluge of little icons on the bottom mean?

I don't like Sup Forums but I hate you even more. Fuck off tripcunt.


betty gud

The guy who got busted for CP is amir0x

And we just gotta wait for this ride to grind to a halt.

Amirox is Goldberg. Former NeoGaf Mod

uhhh, I've gotta go... wash my cat

people can reply to a post with discord emojis

Sup Forums energy is being diverted into the removal of certain Sup Forums mods

other than that, laugh at the situation

RIP ResetEra

What spurred the mods to redirect everything to Sup Forums? i don't recall an influx of spam threads on Sup Forums by Sup Forums.

Are the mods NeoGAF fags? because only NeoGAF actually treats Sup Forums as some sort of existential threat.

What are those funny looking upvotes?


I don't even know where to begin. All the reaction pics in my folder would work in this context, and yet, none quite conveys all the feelings this single image makes me feel.

I agree with filter

This loli knows what she wants.

Fucking Pedo

how's this?

Loli != pedo, you uncultured imbecile

>Retarded tripfag
>Right to an opinion
Pick only one.


It would be hilarious if he is jewish too, is he?

Dollars to doughnuts that the mods are upsetti that they got outed as Neogaffers which would explain a lot.

Maybe this one is more your speed you fucking faggot

>I assure you personally, I AM the most fucked up person in the room

this should be interesting. What website is this?

I want to lick her eyeballs!

Whether or not they are neogaf doesnt matter, people just have a bone to pick with the mods because they act on their own.

It's why they are rogue mods. They remove what they dont like, not based on any rules. "Muh culture" to mimick people who say otherwise.

not to defend NeoFAG guy but, fuckin seriously, he awkwardly tried to make a "bold move" on a girl he misinterpreted signals from. She says "I gave no indication" but we have no real way of knowing. It honestly sounds like it could have been a really embarrassing misunderstanding. Yes she had a Bf but, when has that stopped people before. It absolutely ruins his credibility though but thats what people like him get for trying to be holier than thou.

He's hardly on the same plane of existence as Weinstien.

quick, post lolis