How do Sup Forums stop or atleast pacify the Twitch menace?
How do Sup Forums stop or atleast pacify the Twitch menace?
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What menace
youtube red
Its a website people have the option to visit. Of course Sup Forums is going to get triggered. The same happened with Sup Forums and loot crates.
>woah I have the ability to buy things if I want
i think twitch is relatively harmless for now.
What menace?
I really used to enjoy watching Twitch streams but there's just too much shit to wade through anymore for it to be enjoyable to me.
They're currently airing 4Kids YuGiOh. You tell me that's not damaging.
They also run a minute of ads every 2 minutes
Only already retarded kids would watch that
Isn't that what the follow feature is for?
but twitch is actually cool
ads into credits into ads again
>How do we stop people from watching things they enjoy
Fuck off.
All twitch/streamer/eceleb bullshit should be BANNED from Sup Forums as it never gives you any video game discussion.
Loot boxes have been slowly invading different games, so why not also start invading streaming services? In a promotion for Halloween, Twitch is bringing out some special, limited emotes that can potentially be unlocked via a loot box. Nothing screams pseudo-gambling to me like live streaming.
Time, that simple. Fair use laws will get addressed and the gaming side will die overnight, or Twitch overhead will finally buckle and revenue changes will hit. YouTube had a solid 5 years of being the top platform before things went to shit. Twitches time is coming
There's no escaping lootboxes is there? Soon Echo and Google home devices will offer "loot bundles" with special deals that you have to hear about every morning.
>put on comfy twitch stream
>choose non crazy quality options so less likely to fuck up
>lay down on chair 5 metres away
>within 10 minutes
>lag, buffering
>Network Error
>get up and go to youtube
>choose anything and put it on HD
>wake up 8 hours later
>still playing
>twitch is so fucking scummy they're using set gacha, which was literally made illegal in Japan 5 years ago
Some real scummy fucks over there
All twitch does is help advertise games and kill memes faster
With both of those things in mind, twitch is good
twitch is owned by (((Jeff Bezos))) now and they have been desperate to maximize profit.
You need to go back.
isnt this how american television works?
not even joking here but i know that there is a huge difference between american TV and European.
where in europe you get 30 minutes of TV interrupted by 5 minutes of ads, America does it more like 10 minutes of TV interrupted by maybe 2 minutes of ads.
i might be wrong here, but thats how i thought it worked.
Twitch is "advertising" games as much as WWE is advertising bodybuilding.
Twitch is fun when you fuck with people on song request / discord
TriHard Cx
Theres plenty of games that got carried off of streamer influence
>not getting buff like your hero and Americas saviour Johnathan Cenarius
its a good ad.
Use an adblocker?
They put the show on hold during the ads smartass
cmonBruh :point_right: watchu say
who here watches clint stevens
fpbp, you guys are a bunch of babies crying for censorship and safespaces
YandereDev does, instead of working on his shitty game
European sounds less practical since 5 minutes is enough to make yourself busy with boiling a kettle and make yourself tea, whereas with 2m long ad run you're risking of missing an important bit when the show starts (and, i presume, the shows themselves are designed to have several mini-cliffhangers every 10 minutes to make a viewer excited to see what's next right after the ad, so they won't miss it)
fuck xenoda
Here you can't run ads on kids show
i do
sup xenoda
Don't post here again
I hope his CIA ass gets BTFO by Japan
How do you guys find out where he drops so fast?
I always get fucked by the stream delay
I want to marry STPeach
He's usually one of the first jumpers, we also know what he looks like, once you know hes out you go after him.
what it do ladies ehehehehehehe
You can't
>no Blackula TriHard
they don't know where the money is
>$2.50 to earn a 1/6 chance to receive a temporary emote
What a world we live in.
Most of us don't get to have fun and dumb people are numerous enough to sustain the business model. I don't like gambling seeping into gaming. Keep it in the casino where we expect it to be.
Twitch is pretty dead to be honest. Top channels usually only have 10k viewers. Youtube seems to pull more viewers.
Twitch has too many stupid rules for it's own good,
when fucking youtube is more flexible you know you are doing it wrong
Twitch has the funding model of the future more or less.
Ads are dropping in price and have been for years, it wouldn't surprise me if twitch outlived youtube.
I find streamers that stop to thank to every sub annoying, so I hope that dies at some point. It affects the overall quality of the stream significantly.
You're a fucking retard, alot of channels pull 30k+ and Twitch is making bank with their amazon prime link ups, streamers are also getting an insane boost in revenue.
use an extension like Twitch 5, you faggot child
they literally do not stream content while running ads, you can't view something that's not sent to you, no matter how many extensions you install
>how do we stop people doing things I don't like
Why is Sup Forums filled with a bunch of authoritarian assholes who think they know what's better for other people?
thats how america raised them
you aight?
>tfw not a tittyh streamer
>tfw dont have easy mode
>sucks AIDS infested dicks in shit encrusted public bathroom stall
>go to a restaurant to eat some Chinese food
>guy behind the counter says chinese food is shit and forces me to buy mexican food
This is what you sound like
>I find streamers that stop to thank to every sub annoying
yea its a stupid, it further makes people feel entitled.
And yet people tend to make more money on Twitch.
I feel like I'm turning into a normie. I'm watching Twitch more, using Twitter, uploading videos to YouTube, and using my phone for basic things instead of the computer. As far as vidya goes, I'm still just playing those like I always did on PC, but everything else in my life is being normied, and it just started happening this year.
I'm sort of blaming it on the fact that the way I used to run my internet life is getting shittier. Windows just keeps getting shittier and more bloated because it's trying to be mobile, while ironically Android is becoming more and more minimal and lets you get things done quicker. It's easier to just scroll through websites like PC Gamer via Twitter than actually just going to the website.
I don't know. I'll never be a mobile gamer or stop coming to Sup Forums for discussion, though, I'm sure.
>Shows how he literally has no idea what a person does, nevermind what they've been through
>Tries to use this to belittle someone else
Good strategy.
>kills and dismembers a little boy after sodomizing him
>IRL titty streamers getting all kinds of donations for doing literally nothing
You don't, and by claiming I've done something that I haven't you're only proving that you don't. Thanks, I guess?
I would rather watch a black screen than ads
The real problem is that streamers are under a lot of pressure to do it because it increases their income a lot.
It wouldn't surprise me if it doubles or triples their income.
It's very rare to find people don't do it or don't let it interrupt them playing and they're usually small.
I feel like you're not getting what I'm saying
vinny is the only one i watch that doesnt do it
I'm not the same guy you were arguing before with, I just fucking hate ads
Sadly it like triples sub counts to do so. I know I've stopped watching a few people once they got big, not for hipster reasons, but because I got sick of every. fucking. sentence. Being interrupted 3+ times before being finished to thank subs.
Some streamers do it better. A lot of them will let some subs build up, then thank them all at once at a reasonable break in the game. i.e. Trump ignores all new subs and donations during a match, and when the match is over he takes the time to thank everyone who subbed during. How he does it is a little dumb, the whole writing names on a whiteboard thing, but at least it doesn't interrupt the gameplay, his thought process, or his ability to finish a fucking sentence.
I'm not the guy the other dude was arguing with either
>jerks off into his own mouth in public, flings shit at bystanders
maybe we can get the head of Twitch to sexually assault a woman and have the site shut down.
Just stay here in your safe space OP
I would also like to take this time on this anonymous image board to point out that I am not anyone else involved in this conversation.
You can't because you're weak. Have you ever watched someone on Twitch? Yes? You're already the problem. It was always an all or nothing problem. I don't watch anybody play anything. Ever. That's the only way. But you and your whole shit generation won't do that. You'll excuse this one or that one because they're "based" or "our guy" or whatever.
So you don't win and you can't stop it. If anyone bothers to reply to me it will be in defense of streamers in some way.
That would just get him replaced. Twitch is owned by Amazon.
Tyler does this too when playing singleplayer games.
All of the ones I watch submitted to the trend but halfass it.
Except Anzleon/Arvius, a smalltime civ streamer who isn't trying to go prostreamer.
The way to solve it or reduce it is to introduce subscriptions for longer periods. This way attention hungry people can have their monthly glory and other people can support whoever they want without contributing to the spam.
I only watch streams where I can learn something
how do we shut down Amazon?
maybe we could tell North Korea that Amazon's drones are for more than just delivering fleshlights
>watching lirik
>people constantly complaining about him "missing" their subs
like what the fuck??
the worst case is dr Disrespect, it makes his stream very close to unwatchable, but it could be me getting tired of his shtick
get trump mad at bezos, since they already have beef
>Make thread about discussing ways to destroy the cancer that is twitch and its juvenile userbase
>These same underage faggots use my thread to talk about their favorite streamers
Always with the fucking food metaphors
but trump already streams on twitch
What did you expect out of nu-Sup Forums?
people donate to have him read their name. thats the only thing they care about.
you don't need to do anything, the entire system will eventually crumble on it self. people are going to stop watching, sudden viewer counts are going to drop across the board, twitch will implement something new (loot boxes, a store. amazon prime free sub. twitch affiliates) once they run out of idea's they'll just call it quits and let the site run its course till the next big fad comes in. youtube lets plays have slowed down and continue to do so, twitch will as well.
>streamer makes a a 100k a month in subs/sponsors
>people still donate hundreds