Civ 5

How are we tonight boys, how have your games been

is 6 worth getting


Gonna preface this by saying I got civ V for free when I preordered xcom enemy unknown (I don't preorder anymore don't hurt me senpai) and have not played it for a while nor have I played any of the expansions. I think civ VI vanilla is much more enjoyable than civ V vanilla. Even as someone who had never played civ before V felt underdeveloped and looked ugly af. VI has a solid art direction (aside from some of the rulers. . .) And adds some mechanics that I really like. The way religion works is interesting and enjoyable, the element of city planning that the new districts added places an increased importance on city placement and of course what you do with the tiles in your city. My only complaints are the ai is kind of full retard and I find cultural victory and tourism kind of confusing but I haven't really looked into how it works so that's probably just my bad.

Should I buy Civ V with expansions or Civ VI?

>Even as someone who had never played civ before V felt underdeveloped and looked ugly af.
In general every single release of Civ since IV is one step forward two steps back. For example I would say Vanilla Civ V > Vanilla Civ IV but not Vanilla Civ V > Civ IV with expansions. When Brave New World came out only then would I say Civ V with expansions > Civ IV with expansions.

Basically my point is to wait for Civ VI to get expansions.

>Playing Civ V or VI
>When Endless Legend exist

Civ VI doesn't have any big expansions yet but it probably has more potential than civ V once the expansions drop. For now though Civ V with expansions > vanilla civ VI I think. Keep in mind that if you get V with the expansions you'll need to learn a shit ton of mechanics at once whereas getting VI now and the expansions as they come out you can ease into it.

pls dont give me science or diplomatic victory


Playing any 4X when grand strategy exists

>Playing strategy games when moba exist

I heard good things about it. Maybe I'll give it a try someday.

5 is better, I honestly don't get why 6 is so bad, maybe it's the consumable workers, maybe it's the horrible districts mechanic, either way it feels bad to play. 5 is better for just about everything apart from maybe the new policy system 6 introduced.

Oh yeah, one big part was the movement, say if your warrior has 2 movement points and he needed to get on top of a mountain 2 tiles away, the space between his tile and the mountain tile is a planes tile.

In civ 5 that warrior can spend 2 movement points to move from his original spot, past the planes tile and on top of that mountain in 1 turn.

But in Civ 6 he cant spend the rest of his movement points to climb up that hill, he has to wait another turn to get up there.

That's also huge part of why the game fucking sucks to play, especially during a military battle with another civ.


VI is the best civ game at release
V is much better with all expansions

wait for expansions for VI before you get it

eh got incas last time rerolling

yeah but on the other hand you can make an army in VI in the early game without it crippling your long term expansion and production, cant do that in V

Is the civ 5 vox populi mod worth getting? Does it improve the game much?

whose the most chad civ


What is best civ for large empire and conquering every other civ in the world?

Usually I play as Rome for the production bonus for buildings in other cities which already exist in the capitol.

Are there any decent mods for V? Any you can recommend? I've been playing vanilla with all the DLCs, got it for like 10 bucks last year and I've had some great fun with it, just wondering if mods add anything cool to it.

>is 6 worth getting
Yes, the base game is better than Civ5's base game. It will probably be better after the first expansion, which is pretty good for Civ since Civ is usually only good after the 2nd expansion.

If I were a betting man, I'd bet that the Civ6 expansion will be within a year, because recently -50% off coupons were distributed from the sky for Civ6 this past month. They're trying to sell as many copies of the game as fast as possible, probably so there'd be a larger market for an expansion.

Grand strats are for babies who can't handle randomized maps. If you can't make your decisionmaking on the fly based on unknown circumstances, you're basically a toddler.

>Look I can war with Venice and build wonders!
>No consequences!
I bet you see happiness as a bad mechanic

r rr rrrrrr rOOOOOLINN

He didn't say wonders, he said long term expansion and production, which means a library and mines. Stop being retarded


I have played it for like a hundred hours, it's good and imo completely eclipses the original game and the likes of Endless Legend.