Has a video game ever made you cry Sup Forums?

Has a video game ever made you cry Sup Forums?

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Mother 3.

Monster Girl Quest

Walking Dead season 1 "Keep that hair short" and all that.

MGS4 and Persona 5

This is good, isn't it?

The music is what mainly got to me

Yeah...Yoshi's Island endgame music


That scene got me but before that the very beginning of the Shadow Moses chapter had me in tears. Something about the whole situation in the story up to that point, the harsh snow storm, flashbacks, and The Best Is Yet To Come playing just got to my nostalgia.

Pls no bully

I must have been only 9 or 10 years old, but I shed tears when you heal Darmanai, the Goron hero in Majora's Mask, by playing the Song of Healing. This is the scene.


The whole game had a deeply melancholy effect on me. Perhaps that was simply the straw that broke the horse's back rather than a singular cause in and of itself. The underlying and ever-present threat of the town's destruction, the sad music, the unhappy stories of the people who, even when you help them, go back to their former state after the third day passes, were all constantly depressing elements weighing down my mind as I played.

Even though I knew about Aeris, I still cried.
Gears of War 3, Dom's Death
FFXV "You guys are the best"
MGS4 This is Good, isn't it?
MGSV Shining Lights, Even in Death, when you get to the basement and all those men salute you
There are more, but I'll just post these for now until I think of more.

Healing the man cursed by the gibdo gets me.


Asura's Wrath's DLC

Yeah that got me too. Plus the song they sing.

The ending of the Talos Principle made me a bit melancholy, but that's all.


I am a big pussy, these are some:
Witcher 3
Nier Automata
Yakuza 0
Abzu and Journey
The Last Guardian
any Kingdom Hearts
Elite Beat Agents (unexpected but true)
Hotel Dusk
Persona 3 and 5
Ghost Trick

Can't remember more atm.

When you fight Brad and instead of attacking you he tries to heal you.

>when eliwood ccalls you a true frien at the end of FE7
>not even sad or emotional in the slightest exept i have no friends


> nah that's just a spin-off game they won't kill off a well known

That and the fact that up onto this point the story was mostly light hearted really caught me off guard.

Pokemon mystery dungeon

>TFW user posts best intro

What the fuck did you even cry about in P5? P3 I get but 5 doesn't even have that bittersweet goodbye ending P4 had. Don't get me wrong I love it but there's just really nothing there to get emotional about.

>Why do, my words.
>Always lose their meaning.
>What I feel, what I say.
>There's such a rift between them.
Laura is my new favourite musician/composer/singer.

The first time I had a monster die in Monster Rancher

I hope Grovyle is OK.

I've never cried, but this is the closest I've come to it. If this doesn't at least give you watery eyes you're dead inside.

>you will never save him

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice

Especially music in Sea of Corpses.

Persona 3 and 4, MGS 1, 2, 3 and especially 4, pokemon mystery dungeon, undertale, legend of zelda wind waker.
>mfw seeing an old battered snake returning to shadow moses at the end of his life and remembering things long lost and forgotten meanwhile the best is yet to come of all songs is playing in the distance
Now that I think about it, that's the same feeling I had playing wind waker.
I swear to god the MGS series has so many tear jerkers and I always fall for them like a tasteless pleb.

>When the acoustic guitar starts while Snake and Liquid beat the shit out of eachother on top of Outer Haven

I was pretty much just repeating "No, please stop. Don't do this." from until I figured out what the doc was doing right up until I saw River again.
It was a beautiful game, for sure. Glad I got to experience it.
I'm really excited to play through Rakuen now, and it's shaping up to be wonderful judging by the first few parts. I can already see some faucet opening flags.

I want to find that version of the old snake theme and I cannot find it anywhere.

Drawn to Life: the Next Chapter. Yea it was a babby game for babbies but the ending gets me everytime.

The end of the walking dead season one was the only game that had me in full on tears, the ending of Umineko as well if VNs count.

The brad fight in Lisa the joyful got me close. Ending E of Nier automata made me really emotional but I didn't get close to crying for some reason.

Yes. As a kid who barely spoke any english, playing vidya with my parents that also didn't speak that much english, we didn't get the hints about needing to save the mudokons in abe's odyssey, until it was too late.

We had saved a lot, but just a little below 50/99. My mother is still upset over it.

MGS 3 when EVA left after we fucked

Here you go bud, can only ever find it in like the compilation videos though

Shit timestamp doesn't on Sup Forums, but yeah it's the last song on there

That's it. That's exactly what I wanted. Old Snake's theme was melancholic enough but this just makes it far more powerful. God damn that last fight hit me in so many ways.

Hotline Miami 2.

Leaving this world isn't as scary as it sounds.


Call of Duty:Infinite Warfare
Legend of Grimrock 2


I think I cried with 95% of the games I played

It was not fairnhe had such a short life. ;_;

Same here my dude. Little guy just to have family and jump rope.

Just got chills remembering that. Say what you want about 4, it had it's moments

"It's hot in here"
'You see it too ? For me it's always like this'

Red Dead Redemption and Mother 3.

Valkyria Chronicles Isara Gunther got shot and died :/

>Has a video game ever made you cry Sup Forums?


Nah, but I'll post something sad.

Fuckkkkkkkk this
>Those whimpers
Fuckin' Naughty Dog


Chidori's last few lines when Living With Determination kicks in never fail to get me all teary eyed and choking up.

The Last of Us

Still gotta get a PS4 for TLoU2. Heard it got delayed though.

>crying about a charather you knew for 10 minutes

To be fair that opening sequence was pretty well done. It was pretty easy to relate...

Empathy bro

No form of media has ever made me cry. Last time I cried I was a teenager.

dean ruby is a good guy stop being mean to her

This thread is proof that neofaggots are all over this place

this however is bait

i was actually quite disturbed by how hard is dev trying to force me to be sad

>Russian loads up TLoU
>Plays opening sequence
>"Girl is dead, dude. Get over it."

What do you call it when a game purposely tries to make you feel? There's a term but I always forget it.

The song only made it worse.

>The Nobody hates himself!
>The Nobody begins to cry!

No but I came close during Undertale

>Despite everything, it's still you.

This game did

The ending of phoenix wright 3.

Best writing I've seen in a game desu

I don't really have much love for telltale games and I've never even looked at Boderlands outside of like three hours in the first one but this was legitimately one of the best games in its year and easily the best telltale game. How the fuck did they do it?


What game is it?

These plus Persona 3 and MGS3

No I was thinking more along the lines of tearjerkerking or the vidya equivalent of 'Oscar Bait'.


Mother 3. The flashback near the end with Flint and Hinawa talking with the cribs in the background.
"What do you want them to be like when they're older?"
"Kind, like you."

And the part in Undertale where the monsters are all popping up as you walk through the underground. "Aren't you excited? You're going to be free."

Emotionally manipulative

>You were everything to me and all i ever did was kill you
>I’m so sorry
>I’m sorry

TWD s1 is still the only game that made me sad as fuck

Never, I am not a shallow fag.

The ending to KH1 made me kind of sad but I didn't cry, other than that nothing really.


Sure a game can make you sad and affected. But cry? Maybe a girl would. But men? Nah. That would be homo for sure.

Are you guys serious?
I thought it was way sader when the robot got left behind.

no need to bait bump, thread's doing fine

Shut up
Stop judging me

Not cried but he was wonderful.

Drakengard 3
Nier:a tomato

In the last of us when Joel's daughter dies
Normally I don't give a fuck about that kind of thing but his reaction seemed so genuine

inb4 the Sup Forums epic ruseman squad parroting the same movie joke again

the first ending in nier 1 was beautiful. Ashes of Dreams was too much for me


The entire Quintet library

>No...Don't leave me...
It didn't make me cry, but man it made me feel something.