Passive cooling

>Passive cooling
>almost as good as GTX 950
>cost 60 dollars
Tell me 1 reason why you need a better GPU than GT 1030
>b-but I can't play Ubisoft games at ultra
Not an argument

Other urls found in this thread:

Because I like gaming

I cant play bethesda games on ultra

Because a 1050 costs $20 more and is twice as powerful.

because those are made for office workers and stock brokers who only need it for extra displays or people with a HTPC they don't game on

because I usually like not to game at 800x600 low details bruh. this isn't a poor man's sub.

Nigger that isnt a gaming card. Fuck out of here

What's the market for this card? HTPC's and people who only play old games?

Can't play EA games at Ultra

This, OP is an idiot.

Because it's a piece of shit.

I have a 1050 Ti

>walking into a store with money in hand and leaving with this in your bag

this card is probably the best one you can buy brand new and for cheap, but expect REAL GAMURS complaining because you can't hit 4k 144fps in a budget card

It can play Witch in 60fps at 720fps

Nothing wrong with the GT 1030, it has modern hardware decoders and plays games

>corporate stable model

Nigger, out of all budget tier videocards this has the worst price-perfomance ratio. If you're buying this - you're fucking stupid, period.

its mostly not a card for gaming, you could probably play LoL, DOTA2 or CSGO but more likely would be someone who wants to use multiple monitors or maybe connecting a HTPC to a 4k tv since a lot of IGPU's can't do 4k

still on both ends of the spectrum the lowest end and highest end of computer hardware is always a real shit value and always will be


Is this a 5 year old mid range card?

>poorfag trying to justify his purchase
It's OK to be low on cash, man.
Just don't run around pretending that you're superior because of it.
It's performs on the same level as a GTX 750 TI, so its a 5 year old low-mid card.

Besides no one can play 60fps games with a 1060
YOu need at least a 1070ti to play in max at 60fps

More like poopeesoft

You are delusional if you think gtx 1050ti will play games any better
You'll need to lower the resolution and/or settings to achieve 60fps


What world do you retards live?
>Dude only 20bucks more
>plays only 10~15% better
So you actually play games at 45~50fps? Isn't better to lock at 30fps or lower everything to achieve 60fps?
what's the point of buying a 1050ti if you'll never achieve 60fps at 1080p?

>passive cooling
>a plus
I have no reaction image which tells you how much of a fucking idiot you are.

maybe on 1080p
maybe on 800x600.

but of course, mobashitters cant really pick and choose.

Wait for Nvidia Volta GV107 GTX 2050 Ti

GTX 1060/GTX 980 level of performance for 75W or less TDP, 1080P 60FPS gaming

More like Lamesoft haha got em

What games can GTX 1060 do 1080p60fps? It can't Witcher 3 unless you drop to medium/low
At ultra settings it goes to 50fps a lot during battle


>All these goyim justifying their 300 dollar video cards that will play unoptmized western games
>they will have to upgrade in less than 2 years because DUDE HAIR WORKS VERSION 2.0

>almost as good as GTX 950
but it isn't, it's not even as good as 750 Ti

The only cards worth buying from Nvidia are the 1070 and 1080ti

>GTX 2050 Ti
>GTX 1060/GTX 980 level of performance
very unlikely it's gonna get a such a huge performance jump, 30-50% boost from 1050 Ti at best

>almost as good as GTX 950
That's the reason

Speak for yourself and read the thread. Shitting on a terrible scam card does not equate to whatever the heckin heck youre implying. Nice image dumbass, real slick trying to pull polfags onto your side to hide the fact that you might just be poor and bitter.

And for the record, I bought the card for the experience I needed, which is modded fallout4 at 1440p.

Apologies for btfoing you too hard. I need this.

I'm on a 4gb 770gtx and can still play everything pretty much.

>Not an argument

It's an argument, actually.

You are the typical 16 year old european: you can only scream and call me ''dumb'' but can't provide 1 single argument

Your arguments in this thread
1) Poor
2) DUDE BUY 1070TI!

Read the first three words of the post you replied to.

Again, I already apologized for btfoing you. So dont expect anything more.


as an htpc card its quite good.
handles 4k content like a champ
>would not play vidya with however.

Give me 1 argument for owning a GTX 1060 over GT 1030 and if your argument is decent, I'll be fair and analyze, I'll admit you BTFO me

Serious question: When will it be a good time to upgrade again?

Miners are making the prices of cards right now absurd and I feel like I can afford to wait a little while longer.
Think next summer will be any good?


That's why I make threads like this but the jewishvidia force keeps telling the poor peasants how bad they are for refusing to buy the superior GTX 1070ti experience
These retards will be making threads next year about upgrading their GPUs
>B-but dude I sold my used card so it's totally worth it dude!

>being this poor

It's okay user, you don't need to justify yourself for being a poor-ass basement dweller.

I dont have one, but I have a feeling I am right. So you have to admit that I btfo you.

>unironically buying an nvidia card under x50

>dude lmao just wait for Vega
>literally 1070 but hotter and consumes more power
AMD always wins baby



>needing anything other than a 970
Honestly makes me laugh

>he bought a Maxlel card

Oh god

Im gonna puke

>>b-but I can't play Ubisoft games at ultra
You can't play any games on higher than medium.

I literally own this card unironically
My rig is low profile, and I also need a true single slot card
I play everything I need in 1080p, med to high
if I want to play high/ultra, i just go down to 720p
I know, it is not optimal, but for the 50e I paid, and literally no noise, it is a really good value for me

>but user 1050 yadayada
1050 is not true single slot, so it doesn't fit my box, sadly

I know this card is not the best value in terms of performance, but the true value of this card is size and noise

Asus, GB or EVGA?
I'm leaning EVGA because muh customer support, but it's also the most expensive.

got mine gigabyte aorus 1080 ti and literally can't complain

>playing witcher 3 unlocked frame rate
why people do this?

I had some bad coil whine on a GB 970, but that was probably a one off thing.

Not playing at eyecancer resolution and eyecancer framerate?

Fucking dumb nigger, I have a 144hz monitor and I like my games to look good and run at high framerates.
>b-but 24fps 720p is all you need
Maybe all your poorfag ass needs.

To play at 60fps using a GTX you sure play Overwatch and moba garbage.
>at high frame rates
then you also play at 900p

In English please.

Having a card that's at least somewhat future proofed.
I bought a card 4yrs ago and the only upgrade I could possibly make to that card right now is to a higher res/higher frame rate monitor

yeah i heard that some cards could get coil whine but i guess i have been lucky then

Why would I need that shit if my Pentium already has graphics?

My 760 could run games 60fps 1080p all the way to this year until it finally broke, so I bought 1060 and it'll probably last me as long as it did. As long as you don't care about 4k or other memes like that there is no need to spend frivolous amounts on GPUs.

Hello? Yes this user. No habla ingles?

I don't play any of those shitty games. I have a Vega 64 because my monitor is FreeSync, really happy with it so far. I don't know how someone could stand to be a framelet and resolutionlet.

1440p 144hz is amazing. It's a premium experience not reserved for poorfags.

>you can play games but only at low settings and 30FPS
So it's a worthless piece of shit then, better build something a lot better with used parts cuz this junk is on its last legs

>playing on 1080p
Even consoles can do better.

You think GTX 1060 is future proof? This is a myth
Only 1080ti is future proof. If you want to get into PC meme you either buy a 1080ti or buy some 100 dollar card like amd 550

Just dont turn on anti aliasing for solitaire and youre in the clear.

I'm happy with my 32'' 1440p 60Hz monitor.

>1440p 144hz is amazing. It's a premium experience not reserved for poorfags.
That's exactly why I always said steam was a mistake. It brings brazilians and europeans to the gaming community and this is something which we always tried to avoid

>Sup Forums talking about technology
always good for a laugh


I have an amd r9 290.
I haven't hit a game I can't play on ultra yet.

You can even play GTAV.

I saw this thread a while ago, and I can't understand the motivation behind the hate
It is like 1050/1060 owners need to justify their purchase shitting on the 1030
you can get a 1030 for 40-60$ and you can definitely play a lot of games
ofc, you will not be able to play 120fps 4k AAA titles, but 720p/1080p in medium to high at 40-60fps is plausible

Yeah, at what, 20fps?
>implying I'm not an idort ;^)

I was happy with 60hz too, until I got a 144hz monitor.
If you have the money, you won't regret it.

Except a higher resolution and refresh rate improves LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE EXPERIENCE with the PC.
More screen space to do stuff, better refresh rate is much easier on the eyes. My monitor is ultrawide and it has so much space I can multitask better than I could on my previous dual monitor setup. For you know, work stuff, not just games.

But you're just another bitter unemployed manchild trying to justify his poorfag 720p 30fps experience.

No, they actually still can not.

When will i have a reason to upgrade from my r9 290?


it's starting to feel like i will still have this card in 2040 ffs

send help plz

People who don't play vidya an use the PC for work without having to rely on the shitty onboard graphics.

>mfw I've been using a gt 210 for 5 years now and it has never given me a single issue, while my top tier Radeon card shat itself in just 3 months and was $400 down the drain.
>mfw the humble passive cooling card can handle multiple monitors and even some vidya no problem

What's the 560Ti of this GPU gen?

I wanted to upgrade once I want to play a game that I can't play properly.
DaS3 and W3 worked well enough but DOOM perfomance is lackluster and it's dying anyways.

gtx 750 ti is still a better card, if you find it for cheap
anyway the 1030 is well enough

1060 6GB owner here and can run everything 1080p 60+ fps on ultra/whatever maxxed settings without problems.

Don't pretend like you're smart when you bought a gpu for Fallout 4

1050 ti or 1060 ti, depending on where you live

>tfw still got a 780 Ti and 3770
They've served me well over the years.

>tfw 660ti has been fine for years now and the only games it can't run well are AAA trash
Thing even ran nier automata at 900p60fps with some config tweaks.

You need to aim for that premium experience user!
Enjoying life is for the elite ^^

970 is literally the circumcision of video cards

> Radeon card shat itself in just 3 months and was $400 down the drain

if that story were true you'd have used the warranty

>as good as GTX 950
Why are you lying on the Internet?

I watched 3 videos of Witcher 3 it drops back to 50fps at ultra even with hairworks disabled