Can Kojima even come up with a single original character?

Can Kojima even come up with a single original character?

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>comparing bowie to king cuck

I never liked Bowie's music.

There. I said it

>snatcher - Harrison ford
>policenauts - Mel gibson
>metal gear - ?
>metal gear solid - David bowie
>solid 2 - David bowie
>solid 3 - David bowie
>solid 4 - David bowie
>solid 5 - Liam Neeson



Well someone has to have shit taste.

Don't worry user
Someones gotta have pleb taste, just unlucky it was you

>metal gear - ?
>metal gear solid - David bowie

Solid Snake is based off of Snake Plissken aka Kurt Russell.

is bowie gay? everytime I look at him I can feel it somehow


He's probably 12.

So contrarian, you'll fit right in

I'm like 90% sure he's bisexual.


Oh right. It's been a while.

He most likely was bi. Being a homo in the industry can be a death sentence.



Pretty sure he's dead

Doesn't matter, there's one thing he is without shadow of a doubt: dead.

If he's dead how did he release an album after Blackstar?


It is true tho. Bowie is overrated meme garbage musician.


Remember that tranny that claimed Bowie faked his death as part of the big Death Stranding is MGS6 ruse? good times

Here's your (You).


You need an iq of over 200 to understand this image.

>crying for the death of a rockstar
Go back to Sup Forums.

>david bowie
what? OP's pic compares him to the way Huey's character looks in V

david bowie has no other influence on MGS besides thematic stuff in V

Played it only because Bowie is in it.
The body possession bit was fun. Especially how you have to possess the in game model based off Bowie's wife to seduce a guard.

She has all the tracks in her apartment, and she is a whore. Sort of funny how the devs made Bowie and Iman agree to that.

I have good memories of this game, too bad a ha ha funny gaymen youtube channel ruined it for the whole world last year.

Low Bowie was best Bowie.



No in the first game Snake looks like Klye Reese from Terminator and BB looks like Sean Connery.

I didn't even know who he was until he died.

Station to Station and by extension, Low

To be fair it is kind of a piece of shit


No such thing. There are only varying degrees of inspiration. As long as you don't outright copy the talk of the town, you're alright.

Why you must still be underage

Posting a better version.

>the metal gears
Hearty kek, my man

>hot dude that controls skeleton army through tentacles
>hot naked dude that gave birth
they seem pretty original, despite the face capture

No, I'm from eastern europe.

muh sides

then you have shit taste, little boy

I liked his music but never gave it an actual listen, outside of the occasional song. It took Blackstar and his death to actually try it a bit more seriously.
Blackstar is a great album.

Everything is great except for the '83-'93 blackhole

Same thing, mentally at least.

Diamond Dogs, Low and Station to Station are my favorites. Never Let Me Down sounds like a literal ass farting out generic 80's pop. Tonight has some fun songs though like Loving the Alien, Blue Jean, I Keep Forgetting.

I'll give him another go.
I wonder if Kojima ever met Bowie.


This is now a Bowie thread:

how the fuck was bowie ugly and yet a 10/10?
Did he just get better looking with age or something?

not gaining weight/losing hair helps

What did kojima mean by this? Did Hideo know?

He salvaged the little look he had in the best way anyone could.


Dude has a perfectly shaped face
Also makeup

No, literally everything in his games are taking directly from movies he saw.

Does anyone have the bowie picture next to mantis? For research.

I will frame this pic one day.

>I'm an emotionally stunted potato without empathy
>I have no understanding of how art affects people emotionally
>I cannot fathom why anyone would feel anything over an artist or his art.

To be fair, go fuck yourself.

somebody post bowie shitposting

>guy whose entire career is plagiarizing movies, even movie poster art

No. When I was in school, plagiarism was looked down upon, now it's promoted as a sign of genius because of that hack Kojimmie. I hope he flushes Sony's money trying to woo and rub shoulders with B-listers like he did to Konami.

That's fine.

Neither do the people who give out Grammys what's your point?