Hating motion controls

Why do so many "pc gamers" hate motion controls? A mouse is basically a motion controller.

How are Vive controls?

And it's shit for most things.

Buttons are great, stop reinventing the wheel and just make good games already.

Why do people hate farts? They're basically air

This is like saying cola is like water just because its a liquid

Motions controls built a bad rep with the move, kinect and wii. Only a handful of games ever made natural use of them and jesus christ I miss on rail shooters with light gun peripherals.

I don't know OP, Precision an accuracy maybe.
I'm getting tired of these brainlet threads, giving 3rd worlders access to the internet was a bad idea.

>A mouse is basically a motion controller

It's 90% water though.

A device that you control with motion to play games with is a motion controller

Then so are gamepads since you are motioning with your thumbs and fingers

So an xbox controller is a motion controller because you use motion to move the buttons and sticks.

gamepads dont convert your motions to ingame motions, a mouse does.
This is why people prefer to play shooter games with a mouse because they have more precision, they have full control of the motions in game.

>gamepads dont convert your motions to ingame motions

>gamepads dont convert your motions to ingame motions
Of course they do. That's literally their purpose.

if you move your right jostick left and keep it there, you keep turning left while youre not making the actual motion going left in any way, with a mouse you need to keep _moving_ it to the left otherwise it doesnt keep turning to the left

It converts real life motion into ingame motion. That's what it does, that's what it's designed to do. Limiting a definition so that it suits your argument is pathetic.

>if you move your right jostick left and keep it there, you keep turning left while youre not making the actual motion going left in any way
Keep reading this over until you realize you're a complete autistic retard.

you keep moving when ur not moving anything

>haha i was just pretending to be stupid all along!
Good one.

Does it hurt to be this autistic?
If you want to play this game. You can play an RTS with border scrolling and have ingame movement without moving the mouse.
You can have a game in which the character follows the cursor when the button is held down.
There, your argument is shit and can be applied to anything. If all you care about is being right, then you can bend any definition to suit your argument. Most people just don't do that.

Just because some games doesnt use a mouse doesnt mean it isnt a motion controller

I clicked on this thread expecting buttblasted morons crying about how this isn't true or that gamepads are also "motion controls" because you have to move them.

I got what I expected.

OP is right tho, a mouse is a motion controller