NeoGaf Thread


Other urls found in this thread:


Have they been infected?

>OP derails his own thread
fuck this board

>being an unironic leftist

so this is the power of the nintendo fanbase...

Are they dead yet?


Neogaf is truly a mental illness.



Oh great another lowkey Sup Forums thread. it's a typical racist, antisemitic, left-bashing Sup Forums circlejerk. they live in the most hateful, shitposting echo chamber on this website, and they get supremely buttblasted anytime their buzzwords leak out and another board tells them to fuck off back to containment.

post more

>being classcucked

why the milk

>I am a proud citizen of AMERICA

So what is Neogaf like now that it's back up? Is it a bunch of users telling mods to ban them? Or people trying to talk about anything but Evilore and then getting derailed? Or both?

what does this have to do with videogames?



Stopped reading there.

this triggers the poltard

>being poor

I have much of a problem with the Jews at the top as you do don't worry senpai.

>mods BTFO by Hiroshima
post your victory animation


I dont think neogaffers know they are lolicon fanatics themselves, they cant even see the stupidity of their statements
any sane man loves big tits ,birthin hips, long hair and a qt face
its sad to see more and more vidya make their women uglier

>actually discussing Neofag
This is a Sup Forums colony thread.

>this is the average Sup Forumstard
lmao I could beat these manchildren up easy, no wonder they only spew shit from behind their computer screen

inb4 Sup Forumsshits smell up another thread

I don't get it

Imagine coming to one of the most notoriously racist websites on the internet and complaining about racism.

>Implogging you aren't gonna refund them all

Spin your computer chair right this instant and wew yourself lad.

So what does this thread prove? That all these Sup Forums false flaggers are neogaffers? The true outraged forced by Neogaf is hilarious. They could hide the threads, not respond, but in the end they just show that they are the worst posters on this board.



I thought the mods were being cunts for not allowing neofag threads but on second thought I'd be more than happy for them to go away again

At least we didn't have to pretend the discussion was even slightly videogame related when the threads were on Sup Forums

>Call of Duty: We Wuz too
damn, boy, creative



>the STATE of NeoGAF

>average Sup Forumstard
Oh you sweet summer child

Are we going to have a glorious war between ResetEra and NeoGAF?

did somebody say lolis?

>Playing cod

You need to be 18 to post here.

if you love niggers so much why don't you move to africa faggot



>there will never be sauce

You know it.



Cut a bit close to the bone laddy?



you can view the forums without an account, you know. i just took a peek, the place basically looks exactly like Sup Forums but without the Sup Forumslacks. sounds tempting, but i prefer my anonymity.

posting more before I get v&

This post really shows how easily Sup Forumsfags are to bait. Fucking idiots.

Бoли мa кopeмa мoмци, кo дa пpaя?

>allowed to talk ABOUT NEOGAF
>talk about Sup Forums instead


how the FUCK did i miss this???



Why are we even in this thread, just make a new one.
>fatass v fatass
Do it
A bit of both really, got people banned for insulting evil lore in the sticky thread, but most of it now is becoming video games while some people are begging for OT to come back + ResetERA shilling.

pedos unite

Yes? The non-whites who went to meetups and le real life leejun crap only did so because they would get beat up in public if they were actually white for being nazis or whatever, whereas them being non-whites just makes people see them as "those poor misguided minorities who need my help". Can you imagine the fat fuck white manchildren having the confidence to go out and potentially have to defend themselves if someone confronted them?

Reminder that a neofag mod who regularly called anyone who liked Loli's pedophiles, was found to have a shit load of child porn on his possession a while back, and neofag tried to deny ever really knowing him.

>guidelines on spotting a neofag.

Jontron can now rest in peace. He has been vindicated.

i feel honored for the pasta, Sup Forumsski.


Why, what are you senpai?

>Why are we even in this thread, just make a new one.
Our feefees don't get hurt on the internet to find the need for safespace like OP and neofags.

Was perma banned today for using the word SJW while defending evilore by evilore himself lmao

Dude doesn't stand a chance. Wants to stay extreme leftwing while everyone that is, already kicked him to the curb as a sexist and rapist.

They will both die as forums.

Пий eднa кoкa кoлa и ce изcepи кaтo кoн.



I legit haven't found anyone be it press, dev or eceleb who is upset about this

Sup Forums too obsessed about Sup Forums
Come into this thread to cry about it.
Whine for hours instead of fucking off to talk about video games.
Cry about an admin having control of his staff too.
If mods are going to nuke this specific NeoGAF thread for off topicness, do it now then, OP is shitposty as fuck spammer.

пичкa ти лeлинa бpe, ayтиcт

Posting massive anime TTs without me?

For shame.

Jontron is a washed up former video game critic that has to make lol random videos about fucking things like flex tape just to keep money coming in.

>Guy does barely anything to the girl, but by their own definitions of rape he is now a rapist
>Tries to defend himself by telling everyone the girl is crazy, but their rules tell them they're not supposed to question women accusing men of rape
>All this happening to the head of one of the biggest liberal shitholes on the internet
Jesus christ.

can somebody show a photo with a face of user that's not ugly as sin

Upset about what, Jontron or NeoGAF.

Sup Forums VS Sup Forums

I guess both sides are cancer :^)

>Evilore, owner of neogaf, meets girl
>They get drunk
>Girl showers because drunk
>Evilore wants sum fuk
>girl rejects
>writes about it on social media after
>gaf users now disgusted and protest
>mods step down
>gaf is down
>8/c stickies a thread
>Sup Forums mods ban happening threads
>reason is offtopic
>other offtopic threads never deleted though
>mods get BTFO by moot
>now 1 thread at a time
>all sites laugh at neogaf and say fuck off to refugees

at least post gist so it doesn't get asked everythread

Fuck white people

Let's see

>Posting on neofag
>Defending evilore

Both of these are very grave charges. Do you have anything to say in your defense?

Hi neoGAF

Bcъщнocт тoчнo тoвa нaпpaвих, нo oщe мa бoли. Moжe дa нe cъм изкapaл вcичкoтo.
Eбaл cъм им лютитe caндвичи нa kfc.

Quick! Post famous Sup Forumsacks!

Yeah sure.

Sup Forums needs to leave

Sup Forumsfags think they own the site and get mad when you tell them to shut the fuck up about politics

They accuse you of being a leftist/redditor/whatever but don't realize that they're the ones who have killed Sup Forums and Sup Forums hasn't been assfucked by Sup Forums across all boards until the election.

Much like the redditors did with rage comics in 2011, the Sup Forumsfags have also re-purposed old Sup Forums memes and used them for their own shit that it was completely unrelated to before, proving that Sup Forums is a board of outsiders and is not part of the site whatsoever.

RIP Pepe
RIP Wojack
RIP Momiji

Not to mention, Sup Forums has always been a group of outsiders. Most Sup Forumscucks do NOT originate from Sup Forums and came from another site. Even in the days of /new/, the vast majority of them were fags from stormfront. Now, the vast majority are migrants from /r/The_Donald and alt-right and/or neo-nazi sites that got shut down.

The quality of Sup Forums would significantly improve if Sup Forums was just deleted. They would shit all over every board for a few months, but would eventually fuck off with proper moderation and the site would go back to the hilarious, OC-producing anime community it once was.

Hiro, please hear me out.


I am liberal.

you forgot the part in between showertime rejection and her #metoo, where she dumped her boyfriend and had a bunch of sex with evilore

don't mind me just dabbing

The two zingers for 5 bucks deal?