Super Mario Odyssey

>Super Mario Odyssey
>The legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>Splatoon 2
>Shin Megami Tensei V
>Portable versions of AAA games

What are you waiting for? buy a Nintendo Switch right now if you don't own one yet.

Waiting for this

Megaten isn't coming out before 2019, and one game is not a good enough reason to buy a console.

it worked for Sony

Ehhh, no

>le PS4 has one game meme

Fuck off. There is hordes of good games on PS4.

Only interested in mario and zelda atm. Portable AAA doesnt mean anything since I can just play them in better quality on steam.

>Splatoon 2

You're kidding right?
Botw and Odyssey are good I give you that, I could buy a Switch for those two, no need to pention some games for autists.

Calm down. I'm assuming he meant one EXCLUSIVE, by which he is correct. It's a shame that Nioh got ported to PC, knocking the number from 2 down to 1.

Should I get Mario Rabbids or Fire Emblem Warriors?

Neither are very good. If ur already gonna buy Oddsey. Save up for xenoblade 2

It's grossly overpriced and has a ton of hidden costs (extra controller, extra storage) + for the price they're asking it offers less than its competitors.

I will wait for price drops.

>has a ton of hidden costs (extra controller, extra storage)


>I'm assuming he meant one EXCLUSIVE, by which he is correct
No, he's not?

Grey or Neon?

> buy a Nintendo Switch right now if you don't own one yet.

You gotta be joking me with that extra controller shit dude. Come on. I guess another piece of RAM for your PC is a hidden cost too huh? Or maybe a new controller for the PS4 is a hidden cost too? Is the TV you gotta pay for a hidden cost too?

Jesus christ, kill yourself. I don't even like Switch that much, and I own one. Yeah it is a bit over priced, and the games definitely aren't worth the 60 dollars they usually ask for, but come on dude.

>what are you waiting for
A quality console with quality games OP

Need VC of NES, GB, SNES, and GBA first along with Metroid, Metroid 2, Super, and Fusion being the first games on VC. From there Nintendo needs to announce 2D Metroid 5 for the Switch.

But the PS2 has 3 Megaten games instead of 1.

No :)

>emulator will run 100% better than Switch

Another guy here. Buying an extra controller if you want to play with your friends or a new controller when your old one stopped working is not a hidden cost. Buying a normal controller along with the console because the standard one is a gimmicky shit pretty much is.

Yup, the Joycons are really uncomfortable for anyone with large hands or for longer sessions. The complete lack of internal storage means either forking over for some larger cards or dealing with a ton of carts on my person.

I've been out of loop on Switch. Are there any earthshattering releases I should look out for? I already played Zelda on WiiU. I played or am not interested in any of the big ports so far announced like Doom. At this point I'd be buying the console just to play splatoon and Mario. Xenoblade I might play, but I'm grasping at straws here.

Of the 3 consoles, the Switch has the shittiest default controller.

have one, but need to get paid first to buy some games. I really want to get the Xenoblade 2 pro controller tho

I'm waiting for Pokémon Switch obviously.

BOTW was on Wii U, my friend.

But that's not what happens? You buy the base switch (not even a console bundle) and you get: the switch, the dock, the controllers, controller straps, the HDMI and power cable, and the controller shell to hold the joycons if you want to use it as a controller. It isn't the charging controller shell which I admit is a bit of an oversight, but you aren't forced to buy anything else.

You do need to get a bigger mem card if your gonna go all digital, but that just makes sense. You'd have to do the same thing for PS4 or Xbone or PC; buy bigger memory as you need it. I hardly see that as a "hidden cost". And buying a 2nd controller is the same as any console, most consoles and even console bundles don't come with a 2nd controller so you're forced to pay for it either way.

nice, its a really good game, enjoy it

>tfw save up for switch and some games
>switch is also finally in Stock regularly, without scalpers fucking it all up instantly in the morning
>get into legal trouble
>have to pay lawyer a bunch of money and no switch money left
It's not fair.

What about a real fucking controller (Pro)? Do you also get it when you buy Switch?

Also, forgot to add, just because you might think the controller shell or joycons themselves are shitty (I personally think they're fine, wouldn't call them great or anything, but they're fine, and I have large hands myself) doesn't mean you don't get a controller. No one is making you buy a pro-controller or whatever its called except you because you're a ginormous baby who can't play with the default.

Why even bother naming Mario and Zelda? Every Nintendo console has those, if you've played one, you've played them all.

actually I was



>if you've played one, you've played them all.
Is there an easier way to spot a Ps2 child? This phrase and the empty term "rehash"

Please, tell me how the experience of playing Mario 64 isn't 97% replicated in every 3D Mario.

You can say the same thing about any game with a sequel dude.

>How is halo 2 any different than halo?
>How is dawn of war 3 any different than 2?
>How is uncharted 4 any different than 2 or 3?

It's such a weak and stupid argument dude. Some people like playing Mario, that's just how it is. I'll freely admit that most Zelda games are very similarly structured in terms of game/story/setting, but I still find them to be some of my most favorite games. They're fun, doing dungeons is fun, the characters are fun to talk to, the side quests can be fun, etc.

Some niggas just want to play Mario, is that so bad? Playing Mario Odyssey is going to be a different experience to Mario 64 just by the nature of it being a different game with different levels and mechanics. Christ, why do you need this explained to you?

best sister

There's a reason no one complains about those. Mario already had 38744878 games sharing the same concepts, while those only had 5 at best. You can bet your ass that if in 20 years they're still making Uncharted with Nathan as a protagonist falling off trains while shooting generic bad guys I'd be complaining as well.

I wanna put forth a disclaimer here and say that I like all the 3D Mario games, but sure. The latter 3D games are inferior to varying degrees.

-Sunshine retained the movement mechanics of 64 but the level count was cut in half, blue coins were added as a tedious collectible, long jump was removed in favor of the FLUDD gimmick that the game was balanced around, Yoshi makes his first real 3D debut, the entire game runs its beach resort theme from start to finish with no dynamic changes to level themes or scenery

-Galaxy 1 and 2 feature much shittier movement than either of the former two 3D games by a longshot but make up for it with gratuitous cosmic atmosphere, art direction that was unique to the Mario series at the time, and gravity-based gameplay along with mechanics that would change the entire planet you're on at times. In addition to this the Galaxy games featured more powerups than either 64 or Sunshine dreamed of having and many have functions specific to the levels of those games, remaining exclusive to them and give the Galaxy games lasting replayability and gameplay that they can boast

-3D World takes away the "star hunt" formula of the previous 3D games, which had formerly been narrowed down and made more concise by Galaxy, and instead attempts to translate the 2D Mario gameplay schema with linear level progression into a 3D space. Classic power-ups return, 3D Mario is properly co-op for the first time, hidden items, collectibles and even unseen gameplay mechanics run rampant, and although the game lacks the openness or distinct themes of the 3D games that came before it still manages to be a solid Mario romp that blends 2D and 3D in a unique and interesting way that hadn't been seen before (barring 3D Land which was far more half-assed and shitty because of it)

Mario 64 has only really had a few true sequels though. Sunshine, Galaxy 1 and 2, and if it's to be believed (I haven't kept up with the leaks or played it myself yet) now Odyssey.

Mario as a whole definitely has a shit load of rehash games, like the side scroller games that have like 30 games alone, all the mario karts, etc. I would call those rehashing and 90% the same experience every time; but I wouldn't call Odyssey the same thing. Is Sunshine the same as 64? No. Is Galaxy the same as 64/Sunshine? No, not really. They have the same core concept of 3D platformer, but they aren't the same as NSMB is to NSMBU

Main complaint of BOTW is that it is not an OOT rehash so you're wrong

Odyssey has a focus on possession which is not found in any other 3D mario

You're so wrong. Each mario has a different main gameplay gimmick and physics. Play galaxy and tell me it's replicated in mario 64

Do you fucks even play the games you whine about?

Nioh for a while
Yakuza 0
Uncharted 4
Persona 5
Last Guardian
Gravity Rush 2
That's every good game, honestly. A few of those are also still on PS3. Some would even argue that a few of those aren't good. Why do people like you keep saying there's HORDES of good games on the PS4 like its the PS2 or something?

I own a PS4 and I enjoy owning it, but you have to acknowledge how the few good games are weighed down by the trash.

Fuck no the 3D marios are wildly different, so much that the whining is that it is not another 64 (3D world) and sunshine to an extent due to FLUDD.

Out of those only one interests me and it isn't even out. Why should I buy it now?

But you forget to list the reasons for why to buy one

>the few good games are weighed down by the trash
I didn't know you were forced to buy the trash games and couldn't ignore them.

i'll buy one for smt V but it doesn't seem to be coming anytime soon

>10 hour game
>Tech Demo
>Not anywhere near being out yet
>They'd do me a favor dropping the portable aspect and cutting the price. I don't play games outside.

I'll buy it when Pokémon, Metroid and other neat stuff is out on it at a lower price on the revised switch they're going to make like 1 or 2 years from now.

Not my argument
Where are the hordes of good games coming out when the Switch library has already caught up 7 months after release?

Im not buying that fucking tablet

>be american
>go to europe
>all switches are $340 without a game
>amazon/ebay are the same if not worse priced
>cant have anything shipped from the states because the sellers only ship domestic

People have a variety of reasons to not buy it when you desire (if at all) OP, fuck off.

>le ebin gimmick xD!!

There is also The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim for Nintendo Swtich so i see why wouldnt one get it.

why do ilegal shit

Rabbids is seriously fun, try it.

I mean botw is a port, but unless you have a Wii U (you don't have one) and bought the game for that system (no you didn't) it doesn't matter. It's still a new Zelda game and it's available for the Switch

Rob one then. You're already in trouble anyway.

I do have one and have beaten the game. Even if I didn't have one I could still just emulate it easily.

this is like if the Wii and PSP were combined into a single god-like device. love my switch

>Yakuza 0
>Uncharted 4
>Persona 5
>Last Guardian
>Gravity Rush 2
all shit
t. ps4 pro owner

>buy a Nintendo Switch right now if you don't own one yet.
you're breaking global rule 11.

Horizon Zero Dawn

That's one of the trash ones

Why does Nintendo keep releasing underpowered consoles?

FF15 is pretty neat. And I haven't played again in a while but they've been adding stuff since then so I recommend that also

It's really not, but of course Sup Forums always had shit opinions.
Not even giving a fuck about console fags, wish everyone got a chance to play this game.
It's got it's issues, but it's a solid game I'd take over all the carbon copies now a days.

FFXV is on Xbox and will be on PC

It's literally the only console that gives you a 2 player co-op straight from the box, and you somehow fucking twist this into "you need to buy another controller" - fucking how? You haven't even held the system, I bet.

top: 0/10 gameplay with a soulless, retarded open world map with a worthless embarrassing story

bottom: 10/10 gameplay with interesting, unique, and gameplay focused worlds with a mostly absent story that allows the game to be designed around gameplay

How is US Mario 2 the same as Mario 1? How is Mario 3 the same as Mario for Wii? How is Mario for Wii U the same as Galaxy? How is 3D World the same as 64?

In this specific case its because it's a portable gaming console, and you can't exactly use a 100 watt GPU on it.
But the system can deliver quite a lot better than Mario Odyssey if you aim at 30 FPS as the game on your picture does.

To be very precise, the Switch sits exactly on the middle of the Xbox 360 and Xbox one in terms of power, which is quite impressive as fuck for a 2 watt piece of switch.

See I thought $300 was grossly overpriced myself.

But I bought my Lenovo tablet for $200 and it can't even play Vidya. So if I'm willing to spend $375 on drugs, and $200 on something that can't even play games, then I can justify $300 for something I'll play all the time.

Only game I care for is SMTV
I'd wait for a price drop or new model before I get a switch when V releases in 2020
Nice first year release though, I mean compared to the entire 8th gen and Nintendo with the WiiU, this seems promising for once.

>he thinks Mario Odyssey maps arent bland as fuck

>Save up for xenoblade 2
>he has to "save up" $60
Underageb& pls go

I have one and its shit
was atleast hoping for some virtual console and a monster hunter game by now but nope, fuck nintendo

I have already outgrown manchildren Nintendieshit like Mario + Zelda and I don't like wagglin' shit like ARMS + 1 2 Switch so the only reason for me to get a Switch is MH.

But MHXX is a lazy G-Rank cashgrab port and MHW will be coming to PC so I don't see the appeal of this handheld yet atm.

they're not you useless gay faggot
I love historical aesthetic myself (I was a history major) but the way assassins creed games butcher these god tier settings with literally inexcusably bad missions, gameplay, and story piss me off so much
>I was hoping for unannounced projects to be released 7 months into the consoles life
t. brainlet

>I have already outgrown manchildren Nintendieshit like Mario + Zelda
no you haven't, you play monster hunter

I grew out of kids games at 10 years old I wouldn't want to be one of those weird people still playing games for children at 30 years old it's just sad

>I grew out of kids games
lol no you didn't.


The Joycon are perfectly fine in my monster hands, and big SD cards are like $15 and that's Canadian money, to boot.

I'm sorry that we wuz assassins doesn't have 6000 collectibles.

>I love historical aesthetic myself (I was a history major) but the way assassins creed games butcher these god tier settings with literally inexcusably bad missions, gameplay, and story piss me off so much

good for you that there is a tourist mode coming where you can just look at the stuff without any enemies or missions in sight

sounds worth a pirate. no gameplay is better than terrible gameplay

Teletubbies is targetted towards babbies and toddlers but adults can watch it as well. It's just that most adults have already outgrown Teletubbies and no longer find it appealing.

The same goes to Nintendies games. They are toddler friendly, that's why they are dumb fun, bright and colourful, but shallow, and most adult gamers prefer something with more depths and challenging.


>they are dumb fun,
>but shallow
>most adult gamers prefer something with more depths and challenging.
but GTA, Assassins Creed, FIFA, COD, Battlefield, Far Cry, etc. all have less challenging gameplay and less complex level design than 3d Mario games

thats usually what i do in every open world game.

look at all the stuff, walk/drive through the world etc. without doing missions

What did PS4/xbone have in their first years?

literally nothing. there wasn't a single console exclusive game worth purchasing until Bloodborne in 2015 (16 months after the console launches) and there has been nothing since (2 years and 7 months)

I would only get XC2 and SMT
That alone isn't enough to justify buying a Switch for me

They had uhhhh..... The Last of Us Remastered.