>"Hey boss, we need a pair of a brother and sister to be our protagonists"
>"Say no more"
"Hey boss, we need a pair of a brother and sister to be our protagonists"
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i dont get it
I guess it's about them having generic faces
Why do the people on these "average people mashup" pics always look beautiful when it's obvious that most people don't look like that?
It's an average nigger. An average of a set does not have to be part of that set. Consider the following: 2, 4, and 137, the average of those three numbers is not any of those three numbers.
>"Hey boss,we need to make a game about ancient egypt for the liberal american audience"
>"Say no more senpai"
its because this average face has smoothed out features (since it a congregate of so many others, stuff like weird noses dont come up) and high symmetry.
on average theres a high correlation between facial Symmetry and perceived beauty.
Well, when you ignore the hairstyles and glasses, there are really only a handful "ugly" people in your image
I wonder how Egyptians are taking those sub saharian negroid tribe descendent pretending to be the kings of hteir history instead of a mere nuisance that kept being enlsaved, loset wars, or traded Ivory for bowl of food.
Sorry, we have to please our black masters now, who cares about true egyptians.
I know an Egyptian guy who says Egypt is more European than Arab, lots of people from the Middle East I know act like this, one Iranian guy I know told me before that Persians are white and Hitler thought they were the master race and they're the true aryans.
This just shows that people is stupid wherever you go
There's a bunch of blur hiding all the facial detail and the female's face is heavily symmetrical which is a very attractive feature to all.
Literally no one but assblasted Sup Forumstards care, it's just a video game
We wuz is just a meme made to mock black people, you won't see anyone making those claims outside of social media garbage that can't understand satire.
Hello gafugee
Because most people aren't fully ugly. They'll have a weak jaw, or a large nose, or a weird forehead, but when you remove those unattractive parts they still have a couple attractive features. Thus when you start mashing people together the outlying ugly traits get removed while the normal looking ones start becoming more and more prevalent.
So what game uses this face?
So you defend the argument of that iranian saying that sand niggers are aryans huh? Guess we should let them all enter our homes and fuck our children, they are our brothers after all.
No, the same way I wouldn't let a German you fucking imbecile.
My Egyptian friend, who's the perfect audience for this shit since he only plays Fifa and the latest EA/Ubisoft scam, literally doesn't give a shit.
It's just you guys getting triggered like SJWs.
Why do you differentiate between sandniggers and germans user, you just said they are the same people, in fact Hitler himself must've been autria-arabian.
Yeah I agree, these foreigners are retarded and shouldn't be allowed in Canada. Only Anglos are white
He didn't say sand niggers are, he said Persians are. He thought Arabs are retarded animals, all sand niggers hate each other, I knew an Afghan who said Arabs brains aren't as developed that's why they're so violent and they're ugly because they're less human.
read the posts you're replying to you fucking retard
Me on the second row from the right second down
Cleopatra was a bird?