Filename thread
Filename thread
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>Fully modeled molecules.jpg
They called the fucking fire department to get a guy out of a pool?
more like Elex-Tutorial
looks like a skateboard park. Probably slippery from the rain.
It's a skating rink
This is unironically how all E3 reveal trailers are for every game.
They prepare one demo section of the game just to make all systems play together and work together and the rest of the game while functional to some degree looks and feels unfinished if it were to be played.
I guess ordinary people do not own rope these days.
Still looks doable unless he's afraid of getting his jeans dirty
>How to sneak candy into an american movie theatre.jpg
>Probably slippery from the rain.
Even still, the top is at eye level. You just need to build up some momentum and then throw yourself over the lip. I'm a fatass and I could get up there.
china is a mistake
This triggers me much more than it should
if manlets became blacksmiths they probably could get a six figure income and all that jazz
Not this shit again.
why user, why
At least don't let it fall on it's head, Jesus Christ...
My brother's a firefighter. I should send this to trigger him.
his jeans are already wet at the shins and the butt so he has likely tried already, which is why the fire department is there.
pretty sure its already dead.
It dropped on the fucking pavement! I don't believe you!
i mean, you already suffered 9 months... what's a little effort to give it a humane birth
I can't stop laughing at this .gif man, it shouldn't even be this funny.
>and that baby...was albert einstein
my old man was a firefighter and the amount of dumb shit they encountered was unbielevable, both among the general populace and the firefighting force
this gif hurts me
babies have fallen on pavement from much higher and been fine
>Morrowind hitboxes
You're right. I still have difficulty to believe that he couldn't get out on his own though, especially when there are other people nearby.
Like for example?
Babies are soft. The internals don't get scrambled from a 2 feet drop. Certainly wont break anything either. It was fine anyway as the original post put it.
It was a girl.
user... I think your helicopter is retarded.
Number two could have more chips in it, simply because most chips bags have like 50% of their insides be nothing but air, but this may not.
Unlikely, but possible.
>I could totally do it guys I am better than average you know
spot the gaf refugee
>I sexually identify as an attack helicopter
>t. pavement
"Vertical slice"
It's not air, it's a required preservative gas to prevent the chips from fading
You're trying a bit too hard, user. Also I'm saying that this should be doable for the average person (and no, being a fatass is not the average)
is that actually the guy they based kuze's face off of? Because it really fucking looks like him.
The dude is useless, I could've cartwheeled out of there.
holy shit
Why the fuck doesn't she just lift herself up... She doesn't seem to be fat and the wall isn't even taller than her.
>raises right foot but steps on land with left foot
>expecting women to think logically
Yeah or they just make the chips heavier..
she probably doesn't want to be bitten by the rat while she's trying to climb out
Fight or flight is a hell of a drug
palms too sweaty
knees weak
arms spaghetti
the rat's coming in for another attack already
Women can't do pull ups.
Shouldn't pools and skateparks have stairs? I think pools are supposed to have them or a ladder according to regulations, but I'm not sure.
>It's treason then.webm
That's pretty scary.
They're called pools or bowls.
this scene really bothers me because there's nowhere for the boat to go. It would have hit the bottom or at least the dock.
>t. millenial
>The Slap - Part 3 by J. J. Abrams
Poor bird
>Why the fuck doesn't she just lift herself up.
nah he steps on the raised side plank with his right foot then the left foot lands on the actual pier
molecules are a wave, and thus have no model to model
I love the little snako dance he does at the end. CUTE!
Do they always dress in full inferno gear even if they're just getting a kitty out of tree?
it was't a big boat to begin with
More like Mario 64
Skate parks don't, pools usually do.Most of the time it's just a ladder or a shallow end though.
what the fuck
my old man worked in harbour firefighters, so they did a lot of stuff related to ships. once they had one of the fighters do an inspection or something in aa tanker, aand the dude was pissed drunk and fell down from the catwalk into the bottom of the tank, he was in full hazmat suit because vapours, and when they picked him up the suit didn't break but aa lot of his boness did, so it was like carrying a 90kg bean bag
they had a dude that slept with an open window no matter what, and once they came back after a fire and he was covered in snow falling through the window, slowly turning blue, suprisingly he was allright
had a call to a dude that was an explosive nut and was making grenades or something, but forgot to put in a fuse, so he tried to drill a hole in the casing, and when he drilled through it exploded from the heated drill bit, the whole room was a mess but the guy didn't have any injuries on him except for a concussion because the explosion pushed the drillonto his forehead and knocked him right the fuck out