Leave it to me, plip.
Leave it to me, plip
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Disgaea died after 4.
what makes you say that?
I want to lick the thighs of a disgaea loli
me too.
She's thicc.
Disgaea 5's story, hearing some whiny faggot bitch about his dead girlfriend every fucking chapter while some generic bimbo tries to get his dick, and almost all of the other characters just get put into the background most of the time, two of which never got any more development because they got shut down whenever they said one line.
Say what you want about D3, but at least people remember the characters for more than just "bunny cunny xd"
It was really badly written
original team behind d1-d4 moved on, which is why dd2 and d5 are soulless abominations. can't really fault them too much, it's obviously they tried their best to imitate them
And...what about the actual game part? You feel like commenting on that maybe? Or nah? You're just gonna focus on the generic anime parts?
Disgaea 5 have the best gameplay
The story is just ok
Nobody can argue this
I didn't mind the story in 5 as much, but it definitely lacked the charm of some of the other games.
Overall I liked it better than 4's story though Valvatorez is still leagues ahead of Killia.
And that ok story is the best on in several games. 3, 4, and D2 were all unbearable cancer.
Shut your dumb whore mouth
This is some next level of shit taste, next you're going to say that Adell is the best MC
>Disgaea story was good at any point
This is where your nostalgia is making you spout nonsense.
This series never had any depth to begin with. Even the comedy was always shit and primarily relied on hammering the same joke multiple times hoping it eventually becomes funny.
DD2 sure, but 5 is far from soulless. Just cause you didn't like it doesn't mean it's fucking soulless.
Adell is 10/10 DLC material, at least. You can't not love his shared DLC skits with Rozalin.
This bitch was sexy, but I couldn't find a use for her.
>Disgaea 5 have the best gameplay
D5's mechanics were busted from the ground up, you've never really played any of the other games if you think it was good.
I can't think of a single change or addition they made that was really all around positive. When before every mechanic and system had its place now they are either completely worthless or overpoweringly broken.
They reused the DD2 engine again which despite being more modern than the old one is very poorly thought out. It has a lot of worthless transitions that slow the game down dramatically and the menus are just all around much less streamlined, when before you could blow through the menus really as quickly as you wanted now it's like they purposely slow you down so you can "appreciate" all the pretty UI and art they've put in. It's a waste of time.
>I want to ____ that bunny's ____
She's the most overpowered unit in the entire game, though. In normal form she's a great support unit, but it's her overload that breaks the game. Massive damage to the whole map (better than Comet Disaster and great for farming in post game), can support attack the whole map, plus she powerful new skills in that form.
Usalia is useful because she peaks early, but if you actually grind and optimize even a tiny bit she becomes borderline worthless absurdly quickly. I wouldn't call that overpowered.
If you want overpowered you have units like the Sage and Adell/Killia.
Those thights are made for mating press.
>not pyon
Why is that prinny os FAT
I assume she shares her curry with it like a good master.
The first half anyway, the first half of 4's story is amazing, then it comes crashing down.
Anyway is there any info on a 6 or additional Steam ports?
I fucking love those chapter intermission drawings.
What I don't understand is the dislike for Killia, I personally loved the shift in MC tone, before him everyone was loud, excited and extroverted. Meanwhile Killia, is of few words, stoic and deadpan, I loved the change. In fact his deadpan made a few of his lines unintentionally funny.
what is the best disgaea to play
hard mode: emulatable or on vita
4 on Vita, Is my personal best.
I wasn't a huge fan of Killia in the early game but in the mid and late game I liked him a lot more.
Play them in order, you'll appreciate each games improvements a lot more. If you start with 4 wanting to go back and try 1 will be almost impossible.
i loved Disgaea 3, jap school theme was awesome, songs were catchy, Beryl was cute, Mao was funny in his insanity.
I have no idea why people hate that one.
It was very memorable
Only thing i want more is new Makai Kingdom with Disgaea mechanics
I felt his gourmet tendencies helped make him not 100% brooding MC type character, especially since they part of his introduction.
Yeah I liked that too. For me the MC list would be.
There were tons of small things to like about 5's story, like how everyone knew Christo was an angel from the very beginning. I found that endearing.
>not liking Mao
why so pleb
Your probably talking to someone who doesnt own a switch or a ps4, wait for the inevitable pc release and Sup Forums will suddenly love it
He's a copy pasted laharl except more lame.
>mad scientist
>copy pasted Laharl
Did you not play 3 or are you pretending to be stupid to defend your character?
>did you play 3
i want to ask you the same question
Yes. For the entire story except near the ending his lines, personality and struggles are Laharl 2.0
Also it's a sign of low iq to answer a question with a question
>Also it's a sign of low iq to answer a question with a question
yes, i am so inferior to your superior IQ.
Well as long as you know I can't fault you for that. It was made clear awhile ago though.
I know they're really similar but I can't help but like Mao more than Laharl. I found the mad scientist thing infinitely more endearing than being afraid of big tiddies, which got real old real fast.
I played 1 before 3, too.
>tfw set up 4 prinnies with the skill to give 25% overload and to revive in the base panel once per map
>tfw overcharge on all units on the map on turn 1
>tfw start every floor with usalia damage buff + map wide attack
>tfw DLC char who lets you use Kilia's abilities 2 times in the first turn
D5 was trash tbqh
So I got Disgaea 5 a few weeks ago. Its my first one, and I cant help but feel like Im doing it horribly wrong.
Im in episode 8. I have a roster of 50 characters that are all between level 40 and 50. I hire one of every type of monster and character. My playtime is over 70 hours.
I honestly don't remember anyone from D3 except Mao and Beryl and it was actually the first Disgaea game I played. The characters were not memorable.
Most people stick to a small team not much higher than the deploy limit. It's also exponentially faster to level up the farther you get in Disgaea, so you're "wasting" a lot of time leveling up so much at this point, but if you're having fun and making progress there's no real wrong way.
Why are loli so smug?
Not all generics and monsters are created equal, there are quite a few units that just aren't very good in general. The rabbits are cool, but they're not that useful, wrestlers are just a gimmick class and not really worth using. Use whatever you want, but I'd downsize your team just a bit, your main characters are actually typically enough to carry you through the game.
If you have fun playing that way nothing wrong with it.
I'd say most people that have played a Disgaea before will have long since figured out how to break this one and be pretty much done with the postgame already 70h in, but it's not like getting more time out of a game is a bad thing
>This fucking Succubus attack
>I honestly don't remember anyone from D3 except Mao and Beryl
D3 was the Last disgaea I played, and I had to force myself through it. The humor was bad, the story wasn't even enjoyable and it started the dlc bullshit.
>Mao was like a mad scientist flavored version of post game Laharl.
>Beryl was just there so the game had a little girl cast member
>Almaz was probably the only decent character of D3, he was a better attempt at a "human" in the netherworld than Adel.
>Sapphire, Champo and Beryl's 2 goons were forgettable
>Master big star was a shitty Vyers minus the nuance, purpose, and fun. except they tried to psyche everyone out by making him post game battle only. The fuck does this guy even exist?
Its like they went down a checklist of things the first disgaea had and halfassed everyone of them.
>Emotionless Moe Lolis
Why do these exist?
Fuck you and your "If you kill her you will be like her".
??? Why are you swearing?