Why do people still play this game when overwatch exists?
Why do people still play this game when overwatch exists?
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Because overwatch makes tf2 look like fucking quake
because TF2 is better game
paladins is better too
Because it's free.
I like to play quick games and move on.
no anime eyes, look at heavys eyes, small as hell, this is a man's game
Free, fun, rewards you for playing, community isn't toxic assholes, better artstyle, character design and characters in general.
>playing overmeme blizzard trash
I play tf2.
I wank to Overwatch.
maps + game modes that are actually fun
optimal because overwatch writing is terrible
>community isn't toxic assholes
every community is toxic, that's why there's crime, drug use and corruption and mental illness from having to endure it, I'll give it to you though tf2 is on the less toxic side but there's definitely a good amount of toxicity if you involve yourself in the community long enough *and if people don't like you
I always thought it weird that people are now praising TF2 for its movement options when back then fans of older FPS games criticized TF2 for being too slow.
Because its better than Overwatch.
I just wish valve would actually put some effort into it other than making hats.
ya but it makes sense when you watch 15secs of overwatch and see how they all walk like soldier
Why do people play FPSs period
I know. It really shows the decline of guality.
That's like asking why people play Street Fighter when Smash Bros. exists.
Easier ≠ Better
Furfags and ponies.
Do you get banned from tf2 for "toxic behavior"?
In Overwatch you get punished because you got matched with shitty players
In TF2 you can single handedly carry your entire team to victory
Not yet.
in TF2 you can generally play what you want and still have a shot at winning. you'll still have fun at the very least.
you can't do that in Overwatch. the only fun i can find anymore is in FFA and mystery heroes. everything else is tedious.
Overwatch doesnt have personality
Well, people get banned in a Christian server
Tf2 has hats, costumes, funny characters, gore, and uber lootz.
Overwatch is TumblrFortress2.
Comunity servers
Pretty much this. It's really difficult to dodge all the bullshit ow can throw at you with these huge hitboxes. Plus autoaim can just be a middle finger in your face
Who cares
>really feel like playing soldier
>can't because nobody will play medic or engineer three games in a row
PLEASE BUFF CONCHEROR PLS, this is so fucking gay. I'm not allowed to rocket jump around
>buff the conch
You cannot be serious, if anything, it needs a nerf
I fucking LOVE just sitting in one spot waiting for medikits to respawn because nobody wants to play medic or engineer
sounds like a "you" problem
they dont even ban aimbotters in competitive
>equips best HP regen item in the game
>squats on health packs
>still complains about not having HP
What is Quake going to make it look like?
You're seven
Why do people still play either when battleborn exists?
Why would people play this game when games with 100 FOV exist?
Were you a mic spamming asshole or something? The only toxic part of TF2 is the raging micspam cunts and CoD kids who try way too hard. You can't even play casual overwatch without getting flak for off meta characters.
TF2 was never as good as OG Team Fortress. That's why people get together and play MegaTF every friday night.
for jing o you don't wanna know what the characters are like so you better not play the game
why would anyone play overwatch when paladins exists?
I don’t understand, who is still paying you Paladins shills?
we do it for free
medkit control was always a core aspect of team fortress games.
Really, it's actually insane that there is so many ways to heal yourself in Team Fortress 2 without a medkit
>FFA and mystery heroes
this is like 90% of what i play, the rest is qp
If today I open up the Battle.net at 2pm and there's not at least a sledgehammer nerf to Mercy's ressurect, I'm uninstalling completely and not coming back.
This is the last straw for me. I'm tired of waiting ages to get rewarded for skilled plays and not being outplayed by the enemy Mercy because she rezzed a tank and it killed me after a team wipe and we lose the match.
It sucks enough this community thinks Mercy's rework was good and she should be left where she's at. It sucks Junkrat was buffed for a month and has become a freelo character just like Mercy post rework.
It sucks Mercy is a must pick and outdoes any other support JUST because she lets them die instead of supporting her team.
I know they aren't going to do a mmr reset for comp after this either, which they should. There's so many boosted players ruining competitive because they got carried by only playing Mercy, trolls, throwers. This game is complete shit right now along with the esports scene and it's all Blizzard's fault for letting it go focusing on "muh toxicity" and not real issues in the game.
Piece of shit patch. I'll just fucking go play Destiny after this if nothing changes. There's no easymode there.
I spelled rez wrong it's resurrect FUCK
What happened to Mercy, I know the made her resurrect an actual ability, but what else?
>aim at enemy model standing still
>doesnt hit
>aim to his left clearly off his model
I play TF2 and Overwatch. I burn on ow more easily, Zenyatta is that games saving grace for me. Once I got his Cultist skin I played around for a few games and stopped. Basically only playing during events now. I'm level 720ish so I guess I got my money's worth. In TF3 I've racked up 9k over the years. I still don't get the big deal over fanboys, both nuValve and ActiBlizzard can go fuck themselves. It's just shitposting for easy (yous) right?
>Why do people still play this game when overwatch exists?
I can say whatever i want in chat and maybe get kicked from the server rather then banned from the whole game. Also i really like CTF and Overwatches CTF is fucking garbage.
>why do people play a f2p game when a $60 clone of it exists
*thonking intensifies*
this, i always have fun no matter what in tf2, especially having twice if not triple the amount on a team compared to overwatch.
you can be suckin shit and no one will bat an eye, but you will have fun doing it
>I just wish valve would actually put some effort into it other than making hats.
>literally just had an actual update
this nigga gets it. playing a game because of waifus is the ultimate virgin move.
Every (sub)class that I like in TF2 exists only in a neutered form in Overwatch
In fact everything in the game, even the writing in-game and in the supplementary material, feels pretty neutered and bland.
TF2 is fun
>"fast" classes in overwatch are only like 10%faster than everyone else
>ability cooldown bullshit (TF2 unfortunately has this to a much lesser extent)
No thanks
Not him but we were promised changes to casual/comp, a new community server browser of some sort, and the update was delayed a day but the servers shut the bed anyway. I get that the TF2 is like 5 programmers while the rest are more art/sound kinda shit but you'd think they'd expect the massive influx of people after 461 without any major updates.
Why do people live in houses when shacks exist?
Because one is a MOBA and one is a class-based FPS. People playing TF2 probably don't like first person MOBAs.
>dozens of possible loadouts
>every round is a bloodbath
>can do some serious teamwork in it but its optional
>easy modding
hah. like the half of the core players would be banned in a month or so
this guy gets it. every round is fucking crazy. and also having some sort of customization goes a long way.
when i played the community was vocal and was always having giggles and fun. not sure how it is now. about to start playing again today
we got new maps, and whole bunch of shit they want us to buy.
Some of the ingame domination lines would get you banned in overwatch
>0,005 cents added in your account
Name a game that feels more made-in-commitee than overwatch.
The work made it so when she ults her rez cool down is refreshed and the cool down goes from 30 to 10 but with a recent nerf her ult now does none of the above mentioned
why do people play tf2 or overwatch
TF2's characters are infinitely more entertaining than Overwatch's
Overwatch requires a spyware operating system to run. TF2 can be played on Linux.
Expect a fucking shitshow of Pyros. Looks like Valve didn't learn from the other Class updates, it's basically open season for Engineers
t. friendly heavy
I can’t. Overwatch’s cast seems like it was made by a board of people who were told to “make enough characters that someone’s bound to like at least one of them”.
>Playing anything else when Battleborn is f2p now
>old descriptions on hats
>class bios
Does any game possibly compete with the writing?
As much as I like the fanart, Overwatch's characters are pretty goddamn bland. The only interesting one to me is Reaper and that's soley due to how ridiculously edgelord he is.
At least with all the Mercs they have their own unique personalities, plus it helps that they're all kind of assholes. I could never imagine Overwatch having domination lines like in TF2.
>OW gets domination lines
>people get banned for toxicity by dominating someone
Don't give Jeff Kaplan any ideas.
The Jarate has more personality than everyone in Overwatch
>scout shamwow domination line
You can't get banned from TF2 period. Worst thing is a VaC ban but even then you can still play on community servers where it isn't enabled, and that's only if you're proved to be hacking.
Because not all people are crippling defunct brainlet normies
>tfw soldier's lines against demo would be considered transphobic if TF2 came out today
Equip your half Zat and man up maggot!
in terms of actual gameplay changes this would hardly be considered a minor gameplay patch in dota
if half the effort put into balancing that game was put into tf2 it would always be fresh