Dark Souls II

Why is this game so hated by Sup Forums? It has it's problems but it's still pretty fun

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It's shit and constantly has fags like you trying to defend it.

Sup Forums isn't a hivemind. Some of us actually do like the game

>le b team meme
DSII is superior to DSIIIIV in every ways except bosses, music and graphics.


Well this thread is going to blow up

Dark Souls 2 can't even get basic movement and jumping right.

So I got the vanquisher's seal and engraved gauntlets. any tips on how to make it better?


What did he mean by this?

I don't hate it but there's not denying is the worst game in the series. Also the whole bullshot trailers were not a good start.


Of the people who seem to hate, many only cite that the game's director was different from the rest of the series. It's a meaningless criticism.

Some other criticisms are slightly more valid, but only slightly. Soul memory is the contentious one. It fucking worked at stopping twinking, but people got all butthurt that it ruined the meta-PvP level brackets while failing to acknowledge that the level brackets were largely unnecessary, and there was no point in restricting a build to a certain level. There was plenty of PvP action at all levels, even at the highest soul memory tiers.

About the only major complaint I really agree with was the crappy world design. No more intricate, interlocking areas, and ridiculous things like going below sea level and winding up in a cave, above sea level.


It felt too experimental. They made some changes that turned the game eh.

I don't find it to be bad but it sure as hell doesn't have that oomph the other souls games have.

>It fucking worked at stopping twinking
I don't think it stopped twinking entirely but it did help. We wouldn't have to deal with Soul Memory if people didn't twink so fucking much. I don't get why thats even fun.

The game didn't force you to use circle to jump. That's already a huge step forward from DS1

Yeah and they fucked up the actual jump somewhere in the process. Sometimes your jumps are short as fuck making you fall to your death.

If a game isnt hated by Sup Forums its not relevant.

The world felt disjointed. I get that it's supposed to be that you're travelling across vast distances, but if you just walk through a corridor and then get to an area that's supposed to be a vast distance away, then the world will feel disjointed.

Modern Sup Forums has few worthwhile opinions. They watch youtube videos rather than playing games and they all saw one dude rage about the game and that's the Sup Forums blob decided to attach itself to. Truth be told, it's the best game in the series.

>best game in the series
Care to elaborate? I like the game but I wouldn't say it's the best personally

Ring of Blades +2
Flyn's ring

it's not fun at all. the game has garbage design and is a chore to play

>it's still pretty fun
That's my biggest problem with it though, absolutely nothing about it is fun for me.

The game is fucking garbage and DSII apologists are braindead contrarians.

Neither did the first two games.

You just have to learn how they work. Jumps are longer distance and the apex of your jump is actually not at the beginning of the animation.

They didn't have the retarded deadzone.

That's not what I mean. The jumps are sometimes visibly shorter, so called "baby jumps".

>Why is this game so hated by Sup Forums?

>Soul Memory
>Garbage Hitboxes
>Hilariously bad animations (the running animation on the Falconers for example)
>Abhorrent level design, the arbitrary Fragrant Branch statues plastered everywhere in SOTFS to artificially halt progress.
>Assets from the main game reused in DLC.
>Utterly fucked the entire invasion system by locking cracked red eye orbs behind an optional boss.

I could go on.


You'd still be lying to say they control well.

Also I'm pretty sure jumps don't just randomly change. You jump early to jump high, you jump late to jump far. There's a height curve where the player ascends into the air that depends on when you press it.

I don't have dlc :(

They control fine in the sense that they respect my controller, unlike DS2. The jumps do change, by denying this you reveal that you haven't actually played the game enough to give an opinion on it.

I've explained how the game handles jumping far more in depth than you ever did. It works differently than the other games.

That's not even how jumps work: youtube.com/watch?v=x7XWLRu75gE

clearly a shockwave

How do you explain this one though?

clearly you were actually standing in front of it

he obviously did not invest in ADP

The tongue clearly grabbed you.

I honestly prefer DS2 to 3, and think it's equal to 1 due to the DLC

DS1 crashes so fucking hard after the lord vessel that it isn't even funny

If ds1 is crashing for you then your computer is a toaster.

I think he farted in your face

fuck off with your Skyrim ENBs, that shit would make me go blind

you'd really hate scholar of the first sin then

hitboxes are convoluted in drangleic


J-Just invest 40 levels in ADP. T-That was totally your own fault!

what do you think his farts smell like? just curious haha

Not gud enough.

You DaS2drones are pathetic.

i completely forgot how fucking rage inducing that area was

Extremely high expectations after Dark Souls 1.

Dark Souls 2 has some breathtaking vistas.

Why'd they remove all the tail cutting weapons? Thought it was a nice touch

Who is this retard posting webms that aren't relevant anymore? it's fine to dislike Dark Souls 2, it's not a perfect game by any means, but why are you being so autistic about your hate for the game? This is reaching barneyfag levels of devotion, considering you're in every single thread ready to post about how much you hate Dark Souls 2.

>>Garbage Hitboxes
Here's your (You).

so butiful

What is this trying to prove again? Poor decision making has consequences?

>that deadzone crippled movement

I don't hate it, I think it's a fine game, it's just a bad Souls game and feels very weak especially as a sequel to Dark Souls.

>It's a good game just a bad ______
I'll bet you use 'Soulsborne' too.

Because Sup Forums is full of underage people that cant make diferences between reason and passion.
They need to grow and stop banter

>somehow looked worse than demon's souls
>boring and forgettable locations
>even more boring and more forgettable bosses
>no lore/story until the last 10% of the game
>soul memory and poise "experiments"
>ruined invasions
>etc. etc.
It was babies first souls for a lot of pc fags, so they defend it like crazy.

It looks worse than most PS2 games.

>dying, forgotten land
You are an idiot

its miles ahead of DaS3

I'm guessing expectations were too high after Dark Souls I and Dark Souls II couldn't live up to them. It's still not a bad game. It's flawed and buggy, but so was DS I.

>i suck and struggled with one of the toughest areas of the game designed for coop so the game is bad

underage undertale-playing nu-Sup Forums, everyone.

>It's still not a bad game.
You're right, it's an abysmal game.

He didn't even struggle, he decided he was going to just run past a bunch of enemies instead of clear them out first.

Not the same guy, but in my opinion: DaS / Bloodborne are objectively the best games in the franchise, especially as far as a "first playthrough" is concerned, but DaS2 has by far the most replay value to me, as its the only one with reasonably good PvP, the world is huge and really lets you play it in any order you want, there is by far the greatest variety of builds/playstyles in the series and powerstance is great fun, there is a metric fuckton of items/equipment to collect, and the DLCs are the best in the series. It's flawed for sure but there's enough to bring you back to play again, whereas the other entries just don't have enough variety to merit too many playthroughs

I just can't bring myself to play SoTFS
It isn't about graphic or gameplay, I just don't feel like it. Maybe it's because it lacks the atmosphere of the first game which I've finished four times and probably will do it again in the near future

SOTFS is a lot closer to the original's vibe than the arcade-like abomination that is DaS3

That's just From being From. DaS2 fixed many problems and updated the engine, but at the end of the day incompetence is going to bring it down in other areas.

Haven't played the third one yet
I thought it was pretty close to the original, well at least lore-wise

it's only close to the original lore-wise because they pay lame lip service to the older games in a gimmicky way.

i'm exaggerating a bit, ive played through DaS3 twice, but das2 is just plain better despite its flaws

He actually got to the gate in time, but nonsensical hitboxes denied this valid attempt.

I find DaS2 has replay value too but what draws me back is the game retains it's difficulty on replay in much the same way DeS did but DaS1 didn't. DaS1 relies too much on "beginners traps", when you know what's around the corner the game is really easy. I think the O&S and Manus fights are the only parts of the game that really demand any sort of skill from the player. I know everyone jerks off over Artorias but I don't really think that's that hard a fight.

i agree with that also, though that's just a general improvement that started with the DaS1 DLC like you point out. DaS1 is easy as fuck because enemys are relatively slow compared to later entries, and their tracking is horrible, which meant reacting to enemy patterns was piss easy and often didn't even require rolling. combine that with the fact that shields trivialized 90% of DaS1 and you have a really easy game + bosses.

in contrast DaS1 DLC and onward really became more of a "reflexive" type game where you had to time your rolls, dodges, hits etc.


I'm going havel mode tho

It's simply that the gate is open when it's completely open, and it's closed when it closes to a certain point. It's just how it works. It wouldn't be a problem if the guy who made the webm didn't act like a retard.

>often didn't even require rolling
There's not a single boss or enemy in the series that can't be defeated without rolling.

Not really. The Dark Souls combat alone makes it better than many other games in the same genre. Lords of the Fallen is an abysmal game. DS II would only be an abysmal game if you had only played 10/10 games.

what mod is this ?
it looks to good to be ds2

The mod where you level Adaptability.

That's highly dependent on your luck with the AI. There are many, many attacks in the game that are a big deal for a shield and a non-issue for a roll and none for which the reverse is true.

You can't clear them out first.

>Starts having flashbacks of a certain blue motherfucker bodying me over and over again while screeching like an autist

Legit the only time i felt like i was playing a DaS game.

But people consistently beat these games in no roll runs, if bosses like Orphan and Friede can be consistently done without rolling then I don't think luck has much to do with it.

>Pull Lever
>Kill enemies
>Go back and pull lever since there's absolutely nothing stopping you from doing so
>Proceed unimpeded

Wait a second, I just loaded up the game myself and you can't pull the lever again. What the fuck?

Am I doing fashion souls right?

Yeah, you're supposed to run past them.


it's a forgotten land in the sense that they forgot to light anything

Dark Souls 2
>actually tried to be a different game that uses the core concepts from its predecessor while striving to break new ground
>doesn't always succeed, and clearly suffers from being rushed toward the end of development (y'know, kinda exactly like DS1)
>panned by Sup Forums because of a handful of nitpicks and autism about soul memory (a system that actually worked really well)

Dark Souls 3
>take everything that they know for certain worked in DS1 and BB, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V
>make entire world and story a lazy cash-in on DS1 nostalgia
>dump assets that were scrapped during BB development
>make levels linear and accessible to gamers of all ages
>considered the best entry in the series by Sup Forums

Sup Forums is full of casuals with no taste.

>Dark Souls 1 comes to PC
>Game becomes super accessible
>Despite this, people still don't buy it and watch playthroughs
>Dark Souls 2 comes out
>These same people actually buy the game
>It is wildly different from Dark Souls
>This makes the Let's Play Watching Mouth breathers very angry but they have few valid reasons (See 'Muh b team')
They also decided to hold the series to a godly standard so when the game got downgrades, which should be expected at this point, everyone lost their shit like it was the first time it's ever happened in the industry

There's a grill underneath the armor user.