There's a dinstinct lack of video games where I can play as a cute little girl

There's a dinstinct lack of video games where I can play as a cute little girl.
I've been hearing about this "Recettear" and "A Hat in Time" recently. Are they any good?

I can only name 11 out of 18 little girls and I've only fapped to 8. Am I a casual?

Big time
But OP Ape Escape 3 also exists with 4k emulation to boot

I've fapped to 17 out of 18. Can't name all of em.

I'm not even a lolicon and I can name all of them
Step up fags

Recettear is so good

Don't know 4th of top row.

here's the quintessential little girl games.

Kate from Sekai Seifuku

desu girl is a little girl?


>know them all
>fapped to all but 2 because of the quality of their r34

Recettear is great.

You can main pic related in TvC and MvC2

>Magical Pop'n
This is already legit.

Hate to rain on your adorable parade, but you don't play as a little girl in Witch and the Hundred Knight, do you? Unless they've changed the whole system and set up this time, you're still Hundred Knight.
Nice to see an apparently updated list though.

How the fuck do the Canker sisters count? They're literal trailer trash.

Splatoon 2!

Marie is cute in a trashy way.

Recettear is fucking awesome

>someone actually made a list about this shit

Weebs, not even once.

Leave normalfag.

Fuck off

Is there one of these for vidya lolis?

Where is Ika Musume

For the record, Mandy alone could fuck all of them up.

Riddle me this and then I'll leave.

Do you want to actually be the little girl or do you want to fuck the little girl?

Why not both?

I wish I could fuck a little girl as a little girl.

>Survival Kids
That game is beyond its time. This meme exists for many reasons, but this is the first time legitimate survival games were fucking amazing.

I can respect that.

I want to marry then fuck the little girl yes
Sadly that's illegal... Maybe one day I'll find a little girl who really loves me, oh well

not sure why I didn't consider that angle before now.

Recettear is a fun shop management/dungeon crawler. It's great.
A Hat in Time is a platformer reminiscent of Mario Sunshine-sans-FLUDD. It's short and occasionally buggy, but otherwise one of the best controller platformers around.

So yeah, get both.

Just imagine the possibilities.

oh yes, I will. a whole new world has appeared before me today.


Pedophiles should be burned at the stake.

I know this is a little girl thread but I legit want a game using this theme.

Etna is not a little girl. But yeah, a Hat in Time is kinda buggy, but not in ways that affect the gameplay 99% of the time, and besides that it's an awesome ass game.

You can't be a pedophile if you are the little girl, user.

Kill yourself neofag
Etna is lolibaba

Swordcraft Story is on there twice and it's missing A Hat in Time.

Sword Craft Story is worth being on there twice. I still hope the series gets a remaster someday since that's probably the only chance we'll ever see the 3rd localized, though the fan translation still seems to be limping along last I checked.

I'll fix it later and replace one of them with a Hat in Time.

If you're going to fix it, please group htoL#NiQ, Rose in the Castle, and Yomawari together. Also, add in Yomawari Midnight Shadows -- its sequel released today.

>I've been hearing about this "Recettear" and "A Hat in Time" recently. Are they any good?
>cant even sell vending machines out of vending machines in recettear anymore

Alright, got any art you want for it on there?

This one will probably be best.
You get to play as two (2) little girls trying to avoid getting horribly, horribly ripped to pieces by monsters,



Got a "free" pile of steam money, is hat in time actually any good? I love platformers but yooka laylee only lasted a weekend before 100%

What about happiest little girl game?

Sounds like a fun time.
Also do you guys think i should replace Splatoon with Splatoon 2? Or just say Splatoon series?

What game?

>mfw playing its sequel right now
Walking through the dark town
Hear train tracks in the background and a weird industrial metal "chugging" sound
Nope the fuck out of the direction I was heading and go down an alley
Silence overtakes everything soon enough
Ear-piercing shriek breaks the silence and whatever is shrieking is coming straight at me
Within a few seconds it's here
Right where I was standing moments before lands an unrecognizable lump
It was a suicide jumper
It starts groaning and gurgling soon after, then starts moving towards me while crying
Run away and nearly die to a giant dog with one eye

Some of the spookiest shit. The sound design in this game is fantastic.

Demonophobia. It's about a happy little girl who visits a magical land of dreams and makes a lot of new friends!

Allright now post the lewd ones

Thanks.I'm gonna submit this to the FBI

Jeez user they have a lot of important work to do! Are you trying to distract all agents from their jobs for the next few months?

>only 8
I've fapped to all of them and know all their names except the slut with the purple eyes on top because her anime sucks

A bunch of them are western shit not real lolis so that's forgivable.

Red eyes*
That's what I get for looking at the thumbnail

>there are people that fap to piggy fat Mitsuba

>no Jinora or Lilo

You forgot about me! b... baka!!

You take that back.
You take that back right now. Pear shaped lolis with tummies made for rubbing are best.

The beat girl on that list is western

Oh right you go way way to the right

>wanting to rub your dick on her flat yet plump chest as you tease her about her kiddie panties while she desperately tries to keep her dominant act up

I want to fuck the shit outta Mashiro though. Should have put a daughter like Ushio at that end

whoa, where'd this boner come from?

Stop that!



Go away.

What's the most entry-level loli, Sup Forums? My vote goes to either Etna, or Konata.
Though, it might look different these days.


Kanna from Dragon Maid.

I was actually thinking about her, but I'm not sure if she's for sexual.

I can only name the top and bottom row. Only Sakura and Rin were excessively fapped to.

Hat Girl

Shinobu from Monogatari series.


Literally Card Captor Sakura desu

Post the first loli you played as.
Post the first loli you fapped to.
Post the first loli you fell in love with.


Maria Renard

>Fapping to Roll

not my fault she's so delicious.

I bet you chubby chasers would even go as far as convince her to suck her dick with that piggy mouth of hers, telling her that it's a new way of dieting, only to explode all over her face, looking with satisfaction at your cum dribbling down her chin all over her pudgy belly rolls

>Post the first loli you played as.
Not sure desu, maybe American Mc Gee Alice
>Post the first loli you fapped to.
>Post the first loli you fell in love with.


>convince her to suck her dick
Wait a minute..

Who let this weenie in?

Considering how she straight up says she wanted to fuck another loli it's probably safe to say she is.

Oh my.

>she straight up says she wanted to fuck another loli
You what now?

She straight up says she wanted to fuck saikawa user. There's no ambiguity there.

Gwen is the best girl on that list prove me wrong


