Has a leak ever made you buy a game Sup Forums?

Has a leak ever made you buy a game Sup Forums?

Odyssey leaks pushed me over the edge

Did the complete opposite for me, I'm still hype but it has disappointed me and killed a lot of it. quite annoyed at the level design/how bland some of the worlds are.

Leaks only ever pushed me away from games.

can i play this on my mobile phone?

Most of Sup Forums is turned off against this game and now see how shit it is thanks to the leaks. You're not alone.

Yeah, made me more excited about the game too.
That, it’s really worth the money to buy it.

no reality will ever live up to hopes and dreams so no, a leak usually won't push someone to buy a game

I havn't seen any leaks other then peach and I don't plan on seeing any until I beat it. Im outta here before someone spoils it for me

I bought all the new Mario amiibo. 60$ for the game and 100$ for 5 amiibo.

I love this delusion a few people keep spouting

Don't act like you wouldn't have bought it anyways, if you actually own a switch it's one of the only games you can buy don't pretend it was like some tough decision

its pokebarneyfag

The more the game leaks, the more disappointed in the switch I get, if that was even possible.
It has the same washed out graphical issues that BOTW has. Why even do that? There is no benefit and it is a buffer filter they could remove to add color where it belongs.

>mfw saved me 300 dollar
Thank brainlet but now I'm waiting for emulator

You can't fucking tell me this isn't a pretty good sunset in display: there's even a rainbow. You are full of dick and bullshit

I actually bought a switch after the stream dingus

yeah, his samefagging is obvious as fuck, don't even know why he tries

Yeah it looks really fun. Wasn't interested in it before but now is eying the bundle

All I needed to see was the 64 costume and I was sold.


I pre-ordered Odyssey in January, the leak hasn't changed anything for me.

This and Xenoblade made me buy a Switch. Been a PC/Sonyfag since PS1, about time I guess

Because Switch games are developed with mobile mode first in mind. More demanding graphics lead to more battery consumption, which they can't have on the system's flagship title.

Why the bottom has a stronger aesthetic on the weaker machine?

Able to make up for deficiencies in triangle pushing and post-processing with crisper cartoony style that's not as demanding and is much cleaner and efficient visually.

I rarely buy games on release. If it's a pc game it will be buggy and if it is just a pc port from console it will be buggy like hell in most cases, so waiting for patches is mandatory anyway. If it's a console game the price will drop 50% in just a few months anyway so it's just a waste of money to buy it on release, well except if it is a Nintendo game since Nintendo is just as greedy or even more than Rockstar (I mean at least Rockstar isn't charging you full price for titles of the last generation like GTA V for Xbox 360 or PS3 but Nintendo still wants 60 bucks for games like Xenoblade Chronicles on Wii U).

For a jumping collectathon? Hell no


bottom pic also feels empty

top game has 15 time the budget and a 10th of the game content

> Not buying a mario game because the world graphics aren't the best in the industry
Who the fuck are you people

I'm mostly annoyed by how Mario games continue to have absolutely zero consistency or logic in the worlds.

Not just in "why are there random moving blocks everywhere" but "why is this enemy here" "why can you breathe on the moon"


>consistency or logic

Its a world with where mushrooms double your size, some of them are little talking midgets and fucking everything has little beady eyes. The series is closer to a drug-fueled fever dream than anything logical.

>Most of Sup Forums
Yeah, like a million people would care this much about hatimg a fucking Mario game.

Fuck off with your fucking God complex. You don't speak for me faggot, so stop trying to force a hivemind.

>muh realism
Fine I guess. Realism can be related to the people who like seeing things that make a realistic impression.
I always loved and still do love abstract things in video games. Gives you a sense of wonder, you know? It's like looking at a visual concept of your imagination which is endless and can have twisted aspects like in a fairytale or something.

>caring about this in a Mario game

The reason these games are popular is because they focus on gameplay and charm. They are also designed to be for everyone, but aimed at children. They take a gameplay concept, say "hey this is fun," and then build the world around that. It ain't gotta make sense.

>Caring about consistency in Mario games

Last time I cared about it, Mario brainlets called me autist. I guess it's a bad thing to want a franchise to remain non-pilfered by random clashing things, like Skyrim dragons for the sake of shock value that'll somehow now be considered canon. The concept is nice, but what the fuck even with the art style.