Been forever since we last had a Starsector thread. Who do you side with and why is it not the Hegemony/spoiler]

Been forever since we last had a Starsector thread. Who do you side with and why is it not the Hegemony/spoiler]

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I think I'm too stupid for this game, I'm always fucking something up

It takes some getting used to but its nothing too complicated. The worst thing is just managing your armor/hp/flux.

Also the new industry changes look retarded as long as every station/planet can only have one supplier per goods.

Are there some new and cool updates in this game ? I have not played this game for 1-2 years


I´m too far into the mod rabbit hole to use vanilla anymore. it´s not even that the ships themselves are bad, but past certain point you need some memeship as your main to get out of it as much as you can

Oh wow, indeed it has. Rip /ssg/.

What did you guys think of the latest blogpost on outposts? To be honest I'm not too excited, I like the game for the combat and I'm not sure what that will provide on that regard.

Could any fleet you´ve build up kill it? be honest
what did the blog post say?
to my understanding /ssg/ may return if some mod gets a big upgrade right?

It will come back on the next update for sure. The only big mod left to be ported is Approlight and while I love it, many here aren't fond of it's over the top nature.

This one:

Absolutely not. I never went too big with my fleet because the logistics costs always triggered me.

What was the last update, surveying and salvaging? If that doesnt sound familiar then yes.

How the fuck do I get good money early game? All the pirate enemies my small group can handle barely have loot.

You don't get money by the loot, you do it be the kill bounty. Go to systems that have a pirate bounty going on and kill there. A few kills should yield enough money for a decent destroyer and a freighter. From there you can just continue racking up and even start taking named bounties.

Is 0.8.1 still the latest version?


To add to this user, another nice way to earn some decent chunks of cash is to take those pirate bounties and save up for a fuel tanker and fuel, then start taking object scanning missions. They pay out decently for simply being a "Fly to the place and click the thing" mission, but the real money ive found doing that are all the other outposts you find while searching for your mission objective.
The auto defenses have a good chance of dropping gamma cores which have a base price of 10k each, and the outposts sometimes shit out planet data you can sell for a pretty penny. This has gotten me 200k within my 1st hour of play just flying back and forth avoiding storm nebulas

Onslaught is my waifu!

Setting up your own industries and trade routes when?


The ability to play pvp or cooperative pve would give the community a boost, otherwise there´s just so many posts you can make about wanking your waifu ship

>STILL no Tiandong

What the fuck?

There was a coop mod on the works just before .8 came out but it's been radio silence since. I wish Alex considers it after 1.0 comes out, it would do wonders for this game.

Holy shit, really? I don't really like the mod but I thought it'd have come out by now.

You should be able to mod the game to your liking.

If you go into config files you can alter the amount of fuel spent when traveling in hyperspace. That way fuel consumption can still be an issue without having to barely scrape by every time you venture outside the inner systems.

I kind of lost interest when they banned the one mod threads from the forum because "muh nazis" despite the only reference to nazism was the fact the faction was fascist. As if to say, there's no fascism in the future or even if there is we're not mature enough to handle the commentary by a faction being fascist.

I’d imagine pvp in this would be hilariously minmaxed. Every fleet would provably be Gryphons, Paragons and Carrriers.

I just want coop, but if PVP gets in they should do teams and limit ships/loadouts.

He was unbanned but had to change some images and descriptions.
Luckily i saved the pre-censor version of the mod via google cache and ported over the relevant stuff in the newer versions.
Also talked with the guy, said that if /ssg/ ever returns he can go and try to unofficially release a uncensored version

She T H I C C

The way the game is made doesn't allow true multiplayer.
Best they got was the AI tournaments

Was that thing ever intended to be defeated with fleets outside of that mod? I don't even think a fleet of Appro-Light boss ships could finish it off unless the mod author gave them a buff.

I'd like multiplayer but with Alex's stance I would only see it happen in a sequel.

Steam Release when?

Perfectly playable if you remove phase and time manipulation, both additions I can live without for a potential coop campaign.

A user on /ssg/ managed to defeat it via some OP missiles from another, defunct mod.
the Federation or whatever

He would have to rework the game from scratch

> asymmetrical ship designs
when will the madness end?

Probably version 1.0 or when the dev believes its ready, he isn't up for Steam early access from what I remember.

8 more years then?

>implying asymmetry isn't A E S THE T I C

Bullshit he would, there is even a proof of concept mod around.

Ahh, I forgot the name of this game, but have had this webm for awhile.

That was slightly different, it used the same copy of the game and somehow highjacked one of the AI ships, plus the steering controls were shared (one using mouse, the other keyboard) and a slew of other stuff.

Technically it IS possible but netcode is hard stuff and would require a bunch of extra stuff, plus there is still the problem of phase cloak and the time thingy on the scarab

At least, Ludd forbid he decides an expansion after release and push the sequel another few years.

So this game is big on mods? Is there any must have mod that improves the game so much that you'd be a fool to play without it?

Just take a look at the mod forum

Last update made the campaign map part of the game far more expansive so it's actually worth playing vanilla now.

Generally people pile a bunch of mods in so there is an absurd number of ships.

nothing can beat the convenience of Sindrian Diktat though, just one star system that has a market that isn't to hard to get to level 10, that's some sweet money right there

>Technically it IS possible but netcode is hard stuff and would require a bunch of extra stuff,

Sure, I agree there, and I think it could happen. But,
>would have to rework the game from scratch
is fucking blatantly false.

The mod involved with his ban and thread getting locked is a cunt. When he amended the rules after and would not take feedback for his decision was awful.

>When he amended the rules after and would not take feedback for his decision was awful.
I'm not sure i'm properly parsing this sentence

Also yeah I havn't seen this thread in a while.

And just when I remembered something few hours before. Anyone remember the super harpoon loadout for the onslaught? Back in 0.7( or in 0.7.1, can't remember precisely), when you looked at the onslaught's preset loadout template menu there were two 'standard' loadouts. One was a normal one, with simple MK9 autocannons and vulcans and such. Bit the second one put harpoon pods on every slot. Yes. Pods. Even on ballistic mounts. Even on small ones. It had over twenty harpoon pods and could penetrate a paragon in the sim easily, as the harpoon swarm just rammed straight into fortress shield and overloading it easily. With out skills mind you.

Also another thing. In eos exodus(?), you know, the luddic church system with the baetis moon planet market thing place? There was this weird fleet hidden in the orbiting ring of the gas giant in the system. The strange thing is it was not affiliated to anything. And byt that I mean it wasn't even the independent faction, it was just 'neautral' in the dialog, iirc. It always had on onslaught. It still baffles me to this day since it appears to serve no apparent purpose since destroying it doesn't do anything noticible nor does attempting to converse with transponders on.

To be fair, from destroyers and up if you have proper PD it's not so scary. Frigates though, yeah. A gryphon with tornado hornets and two missile hullmods shuts down frigs easily, but that doesn't count dedicated PD frigs.

Odyssey is a perfectly functional ship, fite me

It's plenty enjoyable wwith base game. However it's contents increase exponentially with each mod you add. Assuming you have an adequate machine to handle the increased system requirement it will demand that is.

>Luckily i saved the pre-censor version of the mod via google cache and ported over the relevant stuff in the newer versions.

Would you mind sharing that?

In a couple decades

I unfortunately can't. Not on this computer and it's going to be pretty late when i have access to it. Plus i don't have a dropbox or anything of the sort

>all these typos
Damn I should sleep.

Surely it won't take that long?

I think he means "Amending the rules due to this incident, as well as ignoring any criticism of the amendments, was a poor decision."