The Rundown:
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NeoGAF Thread
Reminder that along with Neogaffers, redditors need to fuck off too.
What's new? What happened after the forums closed?
Better OP.
NeoGaf is a clusterfuck now. That site is gone. Dead. Buried.
it all stems from repressed sexuality. if they weren't such ugly beta males this thing would have never happened.
>yfw pedophiles and leftypol being btfo
A power vacuum has been opened up and now several different groups of former GAF posters are vying to replace it.
Apparently it's back up but they deleted the off topic section?
Now where I redirect people who disagree with me? Reddit? That's old news.
Oldfag since 2007 here, Sup Forumsis the best board on the site and anyone who disagrees is a pozzed cuck nigger. Sup Forums is shit and its mods are scum.
Kill neogaf and all that crawls from it.
>thought neogaf dying would impove Sup Forums
>it actually made it worse
reddit? You mean that t_d place? I hope it gets closed. Such nasty people.
NeoGaf is up again but it's a sad zombie.
>tfw newfag at rpgcodex welcomes neofags.
>gets btfo.
Don't they have a new discord or something?
If anyone thinks this is about Sup Forums or that neogaf posters should have a place on Sup Forums just keep in mind their past behavior on this board before their website imploded:
>why am I here? Because the board is faster plus I like shitposting. Neogaf is more like what Sup Forums used to be than what Sup Forums is now
Not even Gamefaqs wants them. Not even LOWTAX wants them:
>All this nu-Sup Forums and leftypol asshurt
This post has gone through so many layers of bait I'm not really sure who it's targeting.
>thought neogaf dying would impove Sup Forums
Well, you aren't a very bright person.
So is Neogaf actually dead or are they just changing their moderation team?
T. r/TheDonald redditor
Where did you think they would go.
/qa/ here
congrats Sup Forums on the victory
Celebrate. you deserve it.
I wanna stand behind when she is naked and puking
lol, have a screenshot? Anyone trying to act welcoming on RPGCodex would likely get torn to shreds if not banned
>followed by all of 5 lines of text
it was reddit tier
So when these faggot mods like Troid and Abib are on their little powertrips and pretending they can actually change Sup Forums, how fucking assblasted do they get when Hiromoot wakes up from his jew naps, posts a sticky that says "Nah fuck them, this stuff all goes." and then just leaves the boards in utter chaos? Do these pathetic retards think they can win the long game?
Pretty shit bait if you know its bait three words in
Well and ur a faget
Userbase has been gutted it wont matter.
>Evilore does the one thing that ensures every last SJW leaves his site
>they all get their accounts nuked and crawl off to a new safe space forum that will be dead in a year from leftist infighting
>political and social discussion now banned
>only videogames
i'd get an account myself if they still didn't require a fucking paid email
It's back but it's cucked beyond belief.
As in no more OT shit, so all the loony users are rabid or trying to play it safe
These threads behave the exact way generals do on Sup Forums i don't see how they are video game relevant at all.
I’m sorry for your loss guys.
I lurk Neogaf mostly for the sales thread, like the weekly Media Create threads.
Now, we won’t know what’s the NPD result for September.
Why would anyone think this. GAF didn't die because of it's community or because of dumb extraneous reasons Sup Forums and everyone else like to believe it did; it died because people finally had enough of Evilore's shit.
Is not bait tho. Redditors first came here looking for another TORtanic and then GooberGirble happened... and then the election.
Honestly if they just apply a range ban we would be gucci
It would have been fine if the mods hadn't horribly mishandled the situation.
>/qa/ as his homeboard
I don't even, this is more complex to me than /s4s/
Nearly the entire userbase turned against evilore
It's dead Jim
Changing their team but most of the users are leaving so it might as well be dead.
I'm glad this site is gone, its negative influence over the gaming industry in recent years cannot be understated.
It's technically still open, but many posters abandoned it, so it's questionable whether it'll still be relevant going forward.
they are keeping it up,the ex mods are trying to build another site
neofag has its rep destroyed,its fanbase is in civil war and divided between those with morals and those who are ok with pedos
the influence they once had is pretty much gone,no dev will touch them now
Thank God. Time to see if the GT Sports thread is still active. I need someplace to discuss video games.
You're in luck! Resetera is also going to require a paid email!
NeoGaf is like a zombie, no brain and decadent corpse
Going by some of the recent bannings he hasn't learned anything
2007 is the year Sup Forums's userbase exploded. The 07/08 crop are proto-newfags.
t. also 2007 user
Reminder to Neofags lurking and posting that you're not welcome here and you should commit sudoku
>neogaf will become decent
>Sup Forums will go to shit
oh god
>Evilore going full Icycalm
Holy fucking shit
Even lowtax doesn't want them? That speaks volumes
I love Passionlip
2007 was 10 years ago
>mods finally show up out of the blue and place a ban on something a whole bunch of people didn't even know about
>other shitposting goes on unnoticed
>mods back down and allow a containment thread
>being surprised that it's filled with shit
Wew dude
Evilore will cling to it until he dies and try to keep it alive but the damage is already done at this point. Gaf is mainly for libtards and no libtard wants to be associated with a website whose admin is considered a rapist.
>implying loli shit is any better than cp
Never change Sup Forums
>neogaf just reopened
>people are already getting banned left and right
lmao absolutely nothing has changed
Evilore is still a virtue signaling hypocrite so if you actually think GAF is even more of a place worth visiting now than it was back then you're in for a rude awakening. This event solidified GAF as one huge fucking monument to that keebler elf's ego, especially now that moderation is anonymous.
I thought with all the unpaid taxes he'd be desperate for that 10bux
This also kills the Sarkeesians with no proper backup support.
Maybe we'll get pretty females in Western games again
It's up but it's deader than our origami board.
Aren't they also performing a minority check on you when you register now too?
>implying newfaggotry is determined by tenure and not vintage
>between those with morals and those who are ok with pedos
Except the ex mods are actually pedos and banned people who called them out on it. They're just two sides of the same shitty coin, neofaggots never had morality to begin with.
>>neogaf thread
>>only a fraction of the posts are about neogaf
>>most are just sticky-tier ebin shitposting and Sup Forums circlejerking
Why are mods deleting tons of posts? Nothing in this was that crazy
Mods, you're only going to create more paranoia when you try to curate shit like this. Its gas on a fire.
Evilore barely did anything to that woman, but the community is full of so many numales that they chimped out of it so they could virtue signal. 100% the community killed it.
You can always tell who the NeoFAGs are because they use shit like "goobers" and not niGGers.
Go back to neog- wait
Imagine having this ugly elf stand naked behind you in the shower after puking your guts out. Poor roastie.
Remind me how bad NeoGAF is over the years?
What's a minority chek?
Exactly. He said no more politics but the ones making threads about how the site will be an alt-right haven now (it won't) aren't getting banned and others downplaying it are.
Neogaf is back up and allowing posts my man
>drawings are people
The state of neoFag
>NeoGAF is back
>you are all still kissless virgins
Wait lm a faggy gaffer because l want the reddit out? wew lad
When are you getting back to your sub?
really, how can we identify Neocucks? is there a modus operandi common to their people?
This is why neogaf was shit
The identity politics crap is nothing in comparison
it makes me happy to see the cucks are the first victims of the victim culture they cultivated for so long
Jesus Christ
>allowing posts
everyone is getting banned
Add this to the pastebin
Heres a better summation of everything thats happened, Evilores response, and his track record of the other sexual assault, while also pulling out the "bitch was a psycho and she just wants revenge" while also getting testimony from the women.
Making sure you aint a straight-white-able bodied-male
>Is this going to be cool to post here now?
someone please find the answer I'm genuinely curious about the current moderation
>Have to go talk about VIDEO GAMES there and off the guy who they should hate by their reasoning
Is that even a home?
Oldfag is a generational label, not how long you've been here.
Oldfag are 04-06 roughly, 06-08 is the new fag era. Then came the summer, nu/neo, and whatever they are calling now. Redditor?
I want NeoGAF mods to leave
That guy was a geniune victim of their witch hunts. I'll compile a list of all their victims soon enough. It's not just a handful.
He did nothing wrong
So what did Evilore do other than get into the shower with the girl and grab the other girls' ass? When did he turn into the "listen and believe" social justice types?
Why is this considered a big story? Who gives a shit?
>reddit = t_d
While obviously t_d posters are shitty they aren't representative of Reddit as a whole, given that they are corralled into their little hugbox and generally not accepted.
There's no shortage of Reddit immigrants that wish to misrepresent the demographics however so that posters here will be more sympathetic to the true Reddit political agenda and accept those people.
evilore literally did nothing wrong
>reading about murder in the book is actual murder
We should sign up and claim the damn board. Looks like a fucking free for all right now over there. Like one mod for a thousand threads.