Fallout : New Vegas

Fallout : New Vegas
Elder Scrolls: Oblivion
Bioshock 1

These are my favorites. Based on this data, can you suggest me more games to play?

Pic related?

No. I don't share your shit taste

system shock 2

Russian roulette

You mean being a generic "gamer"

The first one is better.

>NV railroading into good guy
Last I remember you got and ending for killing everone, because NV has no essential characters...

Prey 2017

pick one.

>FBI agent
>good guy
pick one


Pick none.

seems like the guys at GameStop have been giving you the recs you want, why come here?

I meant Prey (2017) by the way

lol railroading into being a good guy. That's funny.
3 has no choice but to be a good guy, but NV gives you the option of being good, neutral or evil to the politics of the region.
Having no essential characters is a good thing because you have player agency and freedom. You can do what you want in New Vegas.
Want to wipe out the Legion? Go ahead.
Want to wipe out every NCR settlement/base/outpost?
Go ahead.
Want to murder the entire Mojave and rule an empty Vegas? Go ahead.
There are no choices like this in 3 or 4. Play better RPGs, dog.
I recommend Baldurs Gate 2.

Deus Ex, the original one


I agree.

KotOR series.
NWN 2.


Soggy biscuit

What is the Agent Hitler thing from?

Danger Five season 2.


>Fallout: New Vegas
Just as shit as any other 3D fallout
Literally the worst elder scrolls game
>Bioshock 1
God tier visuals, but besides that a very mediocre game

Bruh, Oblivion is easily the pinnacle of Elder Scrolls.



Clearly attempted to play an FBI nigger and then got railroaded.

oblivion is the worst, because it doesnt have the mechanics and world of morrowind, and its abysmally ugly compared to skyrim
elder scrolls peaked with daggerfall

Alpha Protocol

Suicide. There is no other cure to your shit taste.

>Jerry sympathizer

Yeah Bioshock 2, the superior Bioshock game in every way besides le twist.

Following on to this, if you want to not have completely shit taste
>Fallout 1/2
although some people dont like 2
best TES game
>system shock 2
it's a much better ""game"", but it is pretty fucking ugly. but i really cant think of anything that even matches bioshocks beautiful setting

Not at all the game is amazing


>>>>>> is that way friend

deus eggs

In 3 you did have to side with the good guys yeah, but you did also get to backstab them a couple times.

>Blow up Megaton
>Mutilate and eat Three Dog
>Poison the waterhole
>Blow up the Citadel
>Mutilate and eat Paladin Lyons

start with good ones

Seconding this, holy fuck Prey is so good.

2006 or die

>do good
>everyone hates you
>do evil
>everyone praises you

2016 election


Wolfenstein:Killing nazis is fun
Cant wait.

How about gb2 reddit you fucking faggot

I think Danger 5

noone can actually be this reddit right? right?

is there a reason they didn't use the same actor for pierre from season 1?

>"evil" playthrough

pick one