One week passed and it still on top sellers on steam.
I agree. PB shilling should be made illegal.
It is just pure shilling at this point. We must stop the shills somehow.
Holy shit the english translation is abysmal. I'm really sorry for you guys who play in english as there are entire dialogue trees that change and some information that get lost in translation.
I don't know who did the translation but I really really hope that there is a possibility for a fan translation, even if the spoken dialogue wouldn't fit with it.
Examples from the Intro:
The factions and their abilities are never named in the intro!
The whole dialog where you meet Duras the first time is completely different and sounds a lot worse in English.
They completely changed the dialog and did not just translate it.
I agree. I remember when I was with some other normal people and we saw this user's pic related . I mean, it is the most obvious shillposting ever made.
I know, the game sucks as a whole.
I think that these threads gets made by the same group of 5-10 die hard fanboys who are in their 30s
OK, we get it. The game came out. You can stop advertising it here very waking minute now.
No, it's not "jank" - it's shit.
>b-but you didn't play it
Oh but I did. I experience this "janky" combat alright. It's shit and I refunded it faster than the speed of light. One does not need to play it to be able to discern this as what it is. True, unadulterated shit. If my dog poops in the hallway I don't have to taste this mess to know it's shit. Get my drift? It's obvious.
>it's comfy
Die please. Le comfy meme. What next?
>it's made by 30 people
That's no excuse. Undertale and Hollow Knight were made by 1 person each. They're among the best games of the decade. If you're not up to the task, choose a smaller scale. You cannot create a Skyrim with only 30 people, please just don't try anyways, the result will be a hilarious mess, see Elex.
This leaves us with 5 anons who justify their purchase by spamming these threads as nauseum and the Sup Forums hive mind jumps onto the bandwagon in order to troll. Trolls trolling trolls about how this game is so "jankingly lovely".
Stop, you're embarrassing yourselves.
Elex is what i wish Fallout 4 was
>a ragtag group of ~30 people make the best classic hardcore rpg in years
Really activates my crippled endorphine gland
Germans love to buy janky rpgs
Holy shit, just found this in a middle of nowhere.
I-it's not like i needed to break the game any further when i already have black holes.
I wouldn't go that far.
After a dozen hours or so, I unironically think it's their best game after the first two Gothics. I really hope they polish the shit parts and bugs for the sequel, it could be amazing.
>have that unique shotgun that does 91 damage from the duke's place and think I'm invincible with enough kiting
>meet a cyclops
Holy fucking hell.
It should still go down in a few shots, unless energy weapons have some retarded unlisted bonus that other ranged weapons don't have.
Now that Elex is released, when will EU pay for Neocron 3?
Just beat the game after 29 hours
Lvl 44 at the end after doing all quests and sidequests
Could've probably spend another 30 hours exploring everything on the map but i'm too old for that shit
I think they do, with the Mortal Beam I do quite a bit of damage to him and it's only 106 damage. Maybe there's some sort of threshold involved or maybe they ignore part of an enemy's armor. I barely do enough damage for it to be visible with the shotgun.
how do i get to ignadon?
i activated the teleported in adessa but it still seems to be locked out on the map
hows this shit run on toasters I know there is other toaster user's here
>but i'm too old for that shit
>5-10 guys in their 40s
The memes were true.
I have a 1GB, old ass 6670 and it keeps a steady 30 on medium-low. I do use a mod to remove the fog from the game though, it's on the Nexus.
>All these references to an Infinite Heavens Corporation
Let me guess, Calaan is actually just some pre-impact celebrity or CEO whatever?
What's wrong with Falk
people have shit taste
this is news??
That gun actually has the Mutant Killer perk listed.
17 btw, but triple digit iq btw
Welp I might give it a whirl then, I need to uninstall something then like new South Park
It's a rocketship
Oh yeah, that actually makes a lot of sense.
go and stay go underaged
That's a FaceApp modified picture.
True, but pubg seems to be doing a bit worse nowadays thankfully.
So Arvid was basically Elon Musk?
What kind of gameplay does this game have? It's a shooter, right? So is it a looting game like Destiny or an RPG like Mass Effect 1 or what?
Pretty much, yeah. The logs in the berserker hotel also reminded me of Gattaca with all the tests done to choose only the top people for it.
still way more fun than a literal piece of shit game like Elex but nice try fishing for salt user
>a super advanced nation of psionics capable of producing energy weapons and modify their brains to shoot black holes are worshipping this
it has no idea what the fuck it is, thats why it sucks
Is it available on Linux? If so what's the specs required
how quickly does it regenerate
I still don't know what the fuck the Hybrid wanted to do.
Not really quickly, but if you're able to take down a group of enemies, it will regen a good chunk of psi before you meet the others.
that's still pretty broken
One year ban son
Sometimes you get lucky and it regens immediately. Obviously a bug.
Speaking of bugs, the Redeemer always unloads itself when I holster it. Annoying as fuck.
Is Nasty a virgin?
>People on Sup Forums are now using emojis unironically
Nope Windows only. Well, it was so close to being a good game
I tried it a couple days ago and it felt too slow to be of use. I just find a bed to restore mana and use my melee weapon for less than 2-3 mob encounters. I use the +10 dex +1 animal exp amulet instead for requirements and of course more exp.
12 hours, just left berserkers to the dome city
level 10.
The thing is, Elex is a game about exploration. You clear and encounter and usually there's some breathing room until the next one, while you're exploring and collecting stuff. This thing totally saves you a potion or two when there's no bed around and animal exp gives such a pitifully small number increase (what it is, 5%?) you will never see a really good gains from it.
This is the best fucking shit.
I'm going home and will ACTUALLY PLAY VIDEO GAMES
>literal piece of shit
That's pubg alright.
The Evil Within 2 is fucking garbage.
it had marketing budget of 5 elex development budgets
I'm going to pirate it then shills, I didn't like how shit Gothic 3 felt
>even comparing a large multi-player game to a shitty single player experience
sorry has everyone here degenerated to the point they can only compare things by metric of popularity?
there are no bla...oh right the second boss, god the game is way too forgetable
You are not going to like it, it feels similar to gothic 3
>everyone here degenerated
>says MP games are better
yup, it seems thing are "degenerated" here
I might give me 2 or 3 casts of the spell in between encounters which is really low and if my bar is empty, I'd rather just chug an energy pot. Places with GOOD loot typically have a bed since they are ruins. Random ass hills on out in the woods or whatever just have herbs I give 0 fucks about since Golden Whispers GLOW yellow, I see those easily. From playing other PB games, you tend to notice the spots of interest to head to.
no it doesn't, gothic 3 had no story, this one got some story and even branching quests, sort of
They didn't even take the time to get the game to not crash constantly. The aiming feels like they mapped the mouse controls directly to the joystick, it's literally impossible to line up shots on consoles half the time.
There was 0 QA. Shinji Mikami is dead and Bethesda propped his body up as a puppet.
It's surprisingly a good game.
are you even listening? that's not what i said at all, why are you trying to talk for other people? is it because you forgot how to look at and consider other opinions?
I saw this in the thread. 2-3 numbers were crossed. Fucking shillscreecher should die in agony.
In UK, ELEX is sold less than older games, even ds2
Explain it
Don't know what to say, britbongs have shit taste in vidya?
Do the +1 pickpocketing and +1 lockpicking necklaces cap out at 1/3? Like if I put one point into the skill and wear the necklace, will it be 1/3 or 2/3?
it's not really easy to aim on pc either, even if you aim right there is a chance every 3rd shot it will count as a miss
UK is full of niggers and muslimes and all chavs like FIFA.
>Undertale and Hollow Knight were made by 1 person each. They're among the best games of the decade.
It adds. I have 2 lockpick + neck and can open level 3 chests.
Top sellers in UK are: fifa, minecraft, cod ww2
No need to explain.
Do you need to learn alternative firing modes for rifles separately or there's some hotkey for this?
you better explain how UK, with it's 60m people(even japan has 140m) and barely functioning economy, if not for money washers, still relevant to anyone?
>that sentence structure
Hi kraut.
>who are in their 30s
And you said this shit a few days ago. Same wording.
Austically coming to shitpost daily in a thread for a game you don't like and have no obligation to is extremely pathetic.
You are an utterly pathetic person for giving this so much of your time and attention despite not even playing it.
They need to release a patch ASAP
Well lads I'm finished after 30 hours, best Western RPG I've played in years. Also RIP Ray, you turned out to be a pretty cool guy in the end.
>some enemies are dropping elex for elex potions when you max the trophy skill
>a small stroll around gives an enormous shitload of money via trophies as well
>saving my shitty version and not this based user's edit
strength at least must add to damage, melee is not working properly that's for sure
I shouldn't hit 5xp rat 20 times for it to die
26 hours, lvl 18 cleric legate
taking my sweet time with this game
>this pic
Yeah, literally my best investment. I'm glad I went cleric and got int anyway so getting animal trophy was a no brainer. Needing the money for elex pots + like more than 30k for the best armor is a ton of money. I need to loot those sweet animals. I refuse to exploit to get infinite money from vendors.
He didn't die though?
I like the other version.
lmao cuck within 2 shills on suicide watch
>go to top sellers
>rocket league
At place 23 is ELEX
I can see the argument for stats only meeting requirements but shit like the HP skill that says it adds more HP every level but DOES NOTHING but adds a flat 10 HP right away is downright stupid. Also the +% PSI on my PSI spells does... nothing? Because PSI damage is flat and only increases with the skill you can buy.