The new assassin's creed protagonist is called Layla Hassan.
The new assassin's creed protagonist is called Layla Hassan
If that's true that's badass, nothing can replace Desmond as far as an interesting arc goes, but they can at least try
>"le assassin"
doesn't get any more lenny than that...
She looks like a character I've seen in something else but I can't place it.
His name is Egyp T. N. Kang
dying light
Oh I see.
Literally nothing wrong with delicious brown
I really don't understand how anyone can glorify the concept of an assassin past the age of 16. Historically almost every assassination was a cowardly act that created far greater problems than it solved, and was typically done by some lame faggot who couldn't even jog across the room let alone shank 20 people in rapid succession.
Assassins are for women and betas, real men don't use such pathetic tactics.
Nice try, Templar.
>arab larping as egyptian
i laff
She's barely even a character. She shows up like 3 times and never does anything. Her brother was way better and pretty much the only character in that game I cared about.
who cares about the present in assassins creed game would be better with out the animus shit
I don't get this meme, he looks pretty north african (berber, tuareg) to me.
I see you have no real argument to the contrary. Like most betas, you rely more on being a petty bitch. Are you sure you aren't a woman?
Templars pls go
>The new assassin's creed protagonist is called Layla Hassan.
> (OP)
>If that's true that's badass, nothing can replace Desmond as far as an interesting arc goes, but they can at least try
> (OP)
>Literally nothing wrong with delicious brown
New assassins creed? I think you mean, wE WuZ kAnGz: ShAnKz EdItIoN
>ubisoft refusing to let the animus dogshit go despite it being universally hated
only explanation is its the idea of one of the higher ups and since its "his idea" its obviously genius
Why do they still bother with the modern day shit?
So what, they should just go up and challenge them to dual in broad daylight or something?
>the templars are the good guys
I think it's often more interesting than the past. I'm a sucker for "ancient magical conspiracies" that are still going on in the present.
anamus shit should've stopped with desmond. last game I played was black flag and it was fucking grand except the real world shit that forces you out of the game
>Literally just saying information about the game
>Is probably just a fanboy could be a shill maybe
>The objective truth.
>arabs are Egyptian
>mudslimes are Egyptian
kek. literally we wuz tier.
>Could be a shill
I rarely go about calling someone a shill, but that is 100% shill. You just don't write things like that in here.
What do you think Egyptians were then?
It's his VA. He sounds like he's Straight Outta Compton.
the game is set before the arab invasions, so obviously not arab nor muslim. greeks wuz kangz back then.
I'm pretty sure I heard he was supposed to be a Nubian.
I agree. Putting the player in the shoes of the person in the animus was a little silly. I'd quit that job in an instant.
Or just a neofaggot refugee. Those guys suck corporate cock like they are actual shareholders when they are not
ayy wassamatta you layla
Apparently he's from Siwa, which is in the far west near Libya and would explain the Berber look.
No? Greeks were only present in lower Egypt in the Hellenistic period. In most of Egyptian history it was mostly comprised of a mix of native Nile people and immigrants from Mesopotamia and the middle east.
Adam Sandler?
Hm? Egypt has always been a melting pot of cultures, yes. But the game is set in the Ptolemaic era so obviously the greeks wuz da kangz. Y'know what I'm saying?
Egypt has an excuse for having stronk woomyn as leading character.
That's revelations desmond
he looks like he's up for some bowling
Only upper class. Vast majority were ethnic Egyptian.
I don't disagree with that. What I'm saying is that the Greek didn't supplant the entire population of Egypt or something like that. Neither did the later Muslim invaders. Is it really that much of a stretch to believe a modern muslim could be an ancestor of an ancient Egyptian?
I bet white people think they were the Egyptians
Explain the mummies they found with blond and red hair then
>Everyone of every race is WE WUZ Egyptians
So you can do this again
>ethnic Egyptian
HAHAHA, very funny. You mean culturally egyptian, even many of the fucking greeks were culturally egyptian.
>What I'm saying is that the Greek didn't supplant the entire population of Egypt or something like that.
Dat's definitely what I said. Stop moving goalposts I was trying to be courteous but you're testing my patience.
are you pitching a new meme?
So it's a muslim woman playing some kind of kang man in Egypt?
That's like...4-10 checkboxes in one go.
>HAHAHA, very funny. You mean culturally egyptian, even many of the fucking greeks were culturally egyptian.
clicked on the wrong (You), here have the (You) instead
When will we get an Assassins Creed about this guy
Funny, i always tought Hassan was a first name.
Legitimate question, why are you guys saying MUHFORCEDDIVERSITY when Desmond himself is a mongrel that is the product of race mixing across 3 different continents?
probably because jewbisoft likes to pretend ''white ppl'' didn't exist in egypt during the ptolemaic period. Back then we had whites, blacks and everything in between living in egypt. Although the majority of em were more of a mix.
Could have made it interesting and make a Coptic character, since they are the closest to the real Egyptians since they haven't been as much "arabised" like the other ones, but it would clash with the whole Assasins thing.
I know you're memeing but all the gameplay has shown a lot of white people
Mmmm where did I saw this character before.........?
'''''white'''''' people
>Although the majority of em were more of a mix
The majority were Egyptians, neither "white" nor "black" or a mix. They were a distinct ethnic group
Yeah, there are.
Actual black Africans were not treated well in ancient Egypt.
Sun bleached hair happens even in modern times.
Source? From what I understand, Nubians had good relations with Egyptians and they influenced each other culturally a lot.
back during Cleopatra time? not mudslimes nor niggers
Larger tribes that had access to tiger skins and elephant tusks traded materials in ancient Egypt, but some tribes were targeted for slavery.
I meant Lion skins, not sure why the hell I typed that.
A reminder that the oldest ancient man was found in Bulgaria so from africa theory is only supported by cuck scientists and WE WUZ niggas.
Here's a potrait of a regular egyptian dude during the period
user, Muslims didn't exist at this time.
That fossil was not a member of Homo Sapiens Sapiens and so does not invalidate out of Africa theory.
Why is it that the people whose panties are most in a twist about race in this game are also the most clueless about history?
Culturally? Abso-fucking-lutely they were all Egyptian, but back then the concept of race didn't really exist like it does now. I'm using a contemporary definition to describe people from almost 3k years ago. Which I think is adequate, it's not like the ancient Egyptians have the ability to complain.
Source? What makes you believe this one portrate is representative of all Egyptians?
But the assassins were based on kebabs.
I didn't say that. There was certainly a good amount of variation in the population. By the late period of egypt it was part of the mummy tradition to paint what the person looked like in life on the cask.
Cleopatra was likely 75% Macedonian greek, though 50% is also possible.
WE WUZ nigga detected.
But white people WERE the egyptians. Just like black people are Americans. Funny how that goes, isn't it?
Those are upper class, vast majority was still ethnically native Egyptian.
Similar to the non-arabs in Jordan, they would look like christian copts. They all share similar bloodlines before Egypt was swept up in arab expansion
Why SJW literally so creativeless?
I mean, okay, they want to make game about non-european protag in Antiquity, then why not make game about parthians or germans?
The hominids found in Greece and Bulgeria suggest that hominids split of from other great apes much earlier than previously thought and that they came from Europe. However, that encompasses all human species. This does not conflict with the theory that MODERN humans came from East Africa
People have been begging for an Egypt AC since AC2.
>MODERN humans came from East Africa
modern humans are cucks and Im not one of you. Kill yourself homo.
It's Bulgaria
Thanks for the correction.
They could raise an army if their cause isn't complete bullshit.
Assassins were muslim senpai
>shaun will never be a protagonist
>more Abstergo animus modern day shit
Who the fuck likes these parts? I am genuinely curious. Black Flag's modern segments were egregious walking sim garbage.
I think the conspiracytard assassins vs templars war over all history is pretty funny myself
I like modern parts in 1-3. Black flag is my favourite AC game but modern segments sucked in that one