"Before we go, here's one last thing we wanted to share with you..."

"Before we go, here's one last thing we wanted to share with you..."

*Switchâ„¢ noise*


"We're bringing Animal Crossing. . . Happy Home Designer to Nintendo Switch system(trademark)"

>Nintendo explicitly states that there will be no news regarding the Switch or anything that isn't the mobile title
>people get hyped anyways
when will you people stop doing this to yourselves

How many hours until this happens?


Why do they hate us so much bros?

Honestly, it's pretty likely.



Let me harvest your delicious hope while I still can, because you are in for disappointment

the thing is they said the direct won't be about the switch or 3ds AC, and it won't be
however it never said about a small teaser which is what people might hype about

companies do this shit b4, it is a focus on something else most of the duration but u can do a small teaser about a different thing at the end


We are very happy to announce a new sequel..... to Animal Crossing.... Amiibo Festival.

hope != hype

all the need to do to appease me is say at the very end "oh yeah, and stay tuned for news about animal crossing on the switch"
i just need 100% confirmation it's in the works

A reveal similar to Metroid Prime 4 would be great

Why did you abandon her Sup Forums?

The town trusted you.

She trusted you.

im playing right now though, giving her headpats because she's such a good, hardworking pup.

Because she wouldn't allow me to build a fucking police station until a villager randomly suggested it.
I still don't have a police station in my town. I just wanted a comfy Koban.

When is the stream?

>not being hype for an AC app even if we dont get switch news.
You guys are faggots.

13 hours
>tfw 4am for Brits
fuck you too, Nintendo

Because Miitomo and Super Mario Run totally weren't dumpster fires right user

Miitomo is just a boring app, Super Mario Run shouldn't have been a paid app. Neither of them had major issues really.

nice reddit reaction gif, upboated :)