Doki doki club

I don't get all the hype around this game. I've been playing it for like an hour or two and it seems like a pretty bog-standard VN. What the hell is meant to be so scary about this? The "creepy" words in the poem maker?
Natsuki is best girl tho, no contest.

It's supposed to be some 4th wall breaking standard shit.

One girl "deletes" the rest of them.

Good taste, keep playing.

Please name me more vns that do this.


The answers will come to you if you put a loaded gun in your mouth and pull the trigger reaaaal slowly.

its flavor of the month normie entry level VN

you need happy thoughts when playing the game

>gets asked a question about videogames
>can't answer that exact very simple question


if you wanted to come and spoil it for yourself op, just stop playing it.

You're a typical high school student with a childhood friend that wants you to join the literature club because she is actually despressed as fuck and can't explain why she feels bad all the time. But she will only tell you this right before she hangs herself on the day the school festival takes place.

After that the game will glitch a few times and monika, which you couldn't romance with your poems up to that point, appears more and more and forces you to choose her.
But before she breaks the forth wall and reads your steam name and deletes the other characters in the game folder, she makes yuri ( the girl most people have gone for) kill herself because she was a cutter all along. You have to wait a whole weekend tho and have to see her corpse kinda dry out. Natuski, a trap btw, is so disgusted that she just fucks off.

Then Monika who wanted you all to herself teleports you into a room and tells you she said it from the getgo and even on the steam page that you will spend time with her.

Then you can either delete her gamefile right there and then and she will acknowledge this or not. No matter what you do she will sing you a song and the game begins with monika missing.

So, now nobody has a reason to play anymore, fuck you guys.

You're doing some good work, son. Keep it up.

wouldn't that spoil them

wait how does that work

does the game redownload deleted files for subsequent playthroughs

>hurr durr I'm gonna get spoiled and ruin my fun

You deserve to be sad.

No it actually gives you an error message after showing you monikas final poem which thanks the literature club for existing and after that the game has to be reinstalled to work again.

nah, there's just a few files in one specific folder that can regenerate under certain in-game conditions
The game just remakes them on the next playthroughs

>a trap btw


Stop making up head cannon and accept it gayboy.

I personally know the man who made this "game"
Ask me anything

Which doki doki would you date and where would you take them?

Why haven't you killed him yet?

Weebs are impressionable retards, don't expect anything past mediocre-at-best levels when you see these type of things being praised.
Actually, since it's a VN, you should know pretty darn well it's just irredimable garbage and the only thing worse than it are the fags that like it.

how big is his dick?

A lot of my girl friends loved him, despite him being an edgy faggot. He's also a project M dev / related to Melee 20XX, so I can respect that.
Big, apparently.

Natsuki why don't you go look for coins under the vending machines?

How big do you think natsuki's dick is?

babbies first creepypasta meta-narrative experience

How long is this ""game""

4-5hours for you first playthrough.
I you're a fast reader then it might be 2-3.

Relatively short
I got the main ending in roughly 5 hours. You can easily finish it within a day

I've learned over time that if anyone calls something "babby's first X" it just means "this is the only good X and everything else is dog shit"

maybe. most of the time it signifies accessability, but in this case its just the viral marketing

So i understand that Yuri is a cutter and manic psychopath, and Sayori is a depressed suicidal girl, but what are Natsukis issues?


Her dad abuses her.

gender dysphoria and/or homosexuality

Daddy issues and being dork.

Also, everyone bullies her for flat chest, her manga hobbies and stupid looking face.

>stupid looking face

shut the fuck up before I delete you


Where do I find these clubs in real life

Be 16 and join a drama club

The closest you'll get would probably be either the journalism or drama club.

I once joined the school paper and all the members were girls. I even met a girl who was exactly like Yuri but had a hime cut. How I fucking wish I manned up back in highschool. Fuck this game for making me remember.

Jesus christ this is a deviantart tier bad drawing.

>wanted to get into a real VN after this
>look up options
>80% is kawaii uguu nee bullshit, ie the entirety of act 1 but taking itself seriously
>the good ones don't have a setting I find interesting
where the hell do I even ask for recommendations? the Sup Forums, /vg/ and /jp/ charts didn't tickle my fancy in the slightest yet at the same time I have no fucking clue what I want

The House in Fata Morgana

Just some normie pretentious shit that people give way too much credit.

a filty weeb and an ill tempred bitch.

Ever17 has always been a good starting point. You can also try Subahibi if you want something similar to DDLC

House in Fata Morgana
Kara no Shoujo
If you don't like any of those then you might not actually want to play VNs

Physically, or....

Fata Morgana is on Steam right? Is that version censored at all or should I go for it?

Good try, fag. Dan only hangs around in the official discord and that's not his avatar.


Sayori, wherever she wants.

Go for it, there's no H-scenes to censor anyway.

Nothing different on the steam version. So go for it. Might want to wait a day or two in case it is on sale for halloween.

God, what a load of pretentious bullshit

Thanks anons. What are some other good VNs to get off of Steam or PSN? I've already played Stein's;Gate. Is Chaos;Child any good?

This game really doesn't come across as pretentious though. The first half of the game plays out like a decent regular high school VN completely and the second half, while meta, is a lot of fun and plays itself out really nicely.

>Having sex with evil incarnate.

This bummed me out.

>No matter what you do she will sing you a song and the game begins with monika missing.

You forgot Sayuri inherits all of Monika's memories and kills herself all over again because reasons.

6" at minimum

Bigger than yours

>but in this case its just the viral marketing


Shit gets too real.

The dev was pretty obviously astroturfing the game here on the day it came out. From then on it went viral.

You forgot the part where you sit in the club for a few hours getting known to the girls but that's about it. It's very blunt in its delivery.

>The dev was pretty obviously astroturfing the game here on the day it came out
Sure user

There is one vn where a girl falls in love with you, not the mc, not the character, the actual you behind the screen. Then she murders everyone in the vn so you dont cheat with her

What school activities do you think the girls do outside of the club?

>dev obviously a Sup Forums guy
>continuous general on Sup Forums at launch with the download link in every OP
You obviously can't prove it but you don't need to wear a tinfoil to see how likely this scenario is


>cult classic vn has rabid fanbase


>cult classic
holy crap you're retarded

Sayori likes to hang around her room, Monika practices piano, Natsuki cooks, Yuri reads.

Even if the game did not end up having any of the supernatural/meta elements, it would have still hit me hard because of the life problems Yuri and Sayori were made to have. It is exaggerated, but comes across as so genuine in a lot of ways. The game does an excellent job of setting these characters up so that you care about them.

suck my dick dude

>cult classic
Overselling yourself a bit there, Dan.


Yeah, probably.

you get a pretty nice scene later on if you focus on Natsuki

Whats your poetic masterpiece?

I feel the same. Going through Act 1 it almost felt like someone took my thoughts and wrote them down near-verbatim in a video game script concerning Sayori. It's almost too uncomfortable to do another playthrough.

>Cult classic
>Only has been out a month

Can someone explain the appeal of VNs? They seem to be the same as walking simulators. No real gameplay at all and all story. How do people find this fun?

I like a good story, but my games actually need to have good gameplay to keep me interested, otherwise I might as well watch a movie or read a book.


An oddly large number of men seem to relate to Sayori.
Would you still love "her" if she was a trap?

stein's gate

>cult classics have to be old

>fate shit

You can do better

Idk, i just played ddlc and i liked it, but i'm not into this kind of games desu

It is in the name. It is a novel with visual and auditory elements to heighten the experience. It is similar to an audio book, but typically involves a little more user input. A lot of them feature alternative routes, or light gameplay elements so that level of additional interaction helps people engage in the narrative itself. What is not to get? It's great for people that enjoy books.

Kimi To Kanojo To Kanojo To Koi but you're a bit off with that summary.

>words need to be bound to definitions

Well its like a book but the art and music enhances the experience and draws you in further
its really not that hard to understand.

Indeed. The interactions with Sayori toward the end of Act 1 are the only time the protagonist actually feels like a character, and he really reflects your thoughts at that point. A close friend of mine was going through some awful things too and ended up essentially killing himself, so when I got to that portion with Sayori it was so overwhelming I almost could not handle it. The game really captured that feeling of helplessness perfectly. You can show sympathy and try to help, but it just doesn't get through.

DDLC hasn't been around long enough yet for one to really conclusively say that it has a "cult following." If the fandom hasn't died out in, say, 6 months, then you'd be a bit more justified in calling it a Cult Classic.