I haven't played this game in 10 years and I know for a fact that this game holds up very well

I haven't played this game in 10 years and I know for a fact that this game holds up very well

Are you trying to convince us or yourself?

The sequel for it is coming out in 2 weeks

why should we care? thats none of our business

I don't know about that. Everyone's movement is horrendously clunky and it really shows.

Sonic Forces is going to be great

the sequel came out in 2006

Sequel to that, then.


You mean 2004.

I haven't met you in real life and I know for a fact that you're a faggot.

I replayed it after 10 years and never has my nostalgia shattered harder. Even the sonic levels disappointed.

nah Heroes actually tried to be closer to the originals. Give 06 a Chao Garden and a name change and it's SA3

At least the OST is still fucking fantastic.

Good one

Why do people criticize this game nowadays? It's like every Youtuber that reviews this game gives it a lot of criticism

JimmyWhetzel, ProJared, and others give it a lot of flack

Because it fucking sucks.

I will always have a warm spot for it, but it really isn't a good game.

What makes it a bad game? I haven't played it in 10 years and I remember it being great and I was sure that holds up

Shoddy controls, terrible camera, awkward level design.

Pretty much the only good parts are the things focused around the Chao Garden, and if you aren't into that then there really ain't much for you.

While I appreciate the variety, it feels like they made three mediocre games, instead of one good one.

Sonic and Shadow levels are still fine. The chao garden makes repeat playthroughs more enjoyable thanks to collecting animals and vials during the levels to make your chao stronger. Mech and treasure stages are kinda shit though.

>Sonic and Shadow levels are still fine

Only the first few. The later levels are retarded.

People overhype its flaws. Stuff like the camera only really becomes an issue if you're going for all the emblems since you have to learn the levels so well.

>game gets hailed as the best Sonic game for years
>people finally play it again and realize it sucks
honestly I'm glad it happened. 3&K was always better and the Adventure titles were sloppy as hell. I've been saying this for years and got nothing but "FUK YOU SA2 IS THE BEST GAME EVAR". It's fine if people still like it but it's incredibly flawed.

>People overhype its flaws.

Probably because actual good games in its genre don't do the things it does.

People overhype SA2 because for a lot of them it was their first Sonic game. 3&K will forever be the best one.

I enjoyed it for what it was.
First playthrough was fun.
Chao garden was god tier (really one of the only reasons I kept playing after the first playthrough)
Some fun was had looking for shit

>Going further
When you start really getting into the game, you really realize that the game has huge flaws
Camera issues, glitches, and things just not working.
I instantly had a lot less fun with the game after I decided to get all of the emblems

That last fucking level was ass and probably the worst level in the game. You know. The one where you have to play each segment as different characters.

speed stages maybe but everything else, no.