2 deep 4 you
2 deep 4 you
Wasn't she a traitor in PW? Why would Snake give a damn about her?
to deep in her—
More like it was too deep for her
That's the joke
you're the joke
were you actually touched by this retarded scene?
haha get it? it's because the bomb is deep in her vagina
it's so fucking deep
No fucking idea desu. She shouldn't even really be alive after the end of PW.
>Thanks to Kojimbo we have audio of Nana acting as a girl getting raped
The absolute madman
Tfw SkullFace was into NTR
He looks like a madman in every photo of him ever taken.
not sure buf i think she was brainwashed by cipher
Kojimbo looks like a funny dude to hang out with.
Dunno why nu-Sup Forums hates him so much.
>women have more inventory slots than men
He looks like he's going to peg your asshole the second you look away. I wonder if he smashed joost.
he looks like a stereotypical 1940s bespectacled slit eyes jap caricature, that's why
1. She seen the current appearance of Cipher
2. She still knew secrets related to their base and operations
This happened before they knew the truth about Huey.
Because he's like an autistic kid in a crowded mall, if you don't hold his hand, he'll find a way to leave the mall and end up across the street.
No one but edgy kids shittalk on kojima
We don't know the truth yet.
TRUTH mission and tapes are 100% fakes. Take that Paz and Zero tape for example. In PW Paz is scared as fuck by Zero, yet in the tapes Zero is presented as the most kind person in the MGS universe, welcoming her with tea and biscuits.
People learned nothing from MGS2.
sup caramel
Source: Sup Forums
It's like the first time he's seen a graphics card.
>people still believe the 5 chapters post
why do you keep posting the same thread
I am edgy and i love kojimbus, shut up ponyfag